The bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan has long been characterized by mutual respect, historical ties, and strategic cooperation,
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Indian Mapping – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Indian Mapping Examination, a crucial component of the Geography optional paper
Q28. With reference to the Indian judiciary, consider the following statements:Any retired judge of the Supreme Court of India can be called back to sit
Lakes and waterfalls are captivating natural features that adorn landscapes worldwide, enchanting both the eye and the soul with their beauty and tranquility.
Q27. Which one of the following best defines the term ‘State’?
a) A community of persons permanently occupying a definite territory independent of external
National River Interlinking Project – UPSC Indian Geography Notes
The River Interlinking Project is a comprehensive initiative to proficiently oversee India’s water resources. This ambitious project involves the interconnection of Indian rivers through an intricate
Q26. Which one of the following in Indian polity is an essential feature that indicates that it is federal in character?
a) The independence of the judiciary
Peninsular Drainage System – UPSC Indian Geography Notes
The Peninsular Drainage system originates within the expansive Peninsular Plateau. The rivers coursing through this region traverse relatively shallow valleys
The Himalayan River system comprises rivers like the Indus, Ganga, and Brahmaputra, sustained by a combination of melting snow
Drainage Pattern of Indian Rivers – UPSC Indian Geography Notes
The movement of water through clearly defined channels is termed as ‘drainage,’ and the interconnected system of these channels constitutes a ‘drainage system.’