Oil and gas traps are fundamental geological formations responsible for accumulating and confining hydrocarbons such as oil and natural gas.
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Classification of Urbanization – UPSC World Geography Notes
Urbanization, the process by which an increasing proportion of a population resides in urban areas, is a phenomenon that shapes
Urbanization Causes, Stages, and Problems – UPSC World Geography Notes
Urbanization denotes the transition of the population from rural to urban areas, accompanied by a proportional decline in the rural population
UPSC Mains – Despite India’s association with Gondwanaland, its mining industry contributes a comparatively lower percentage to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Delve into the reasons for this phenomenon. (10M, 150 words)
The mining industry encompasses activities related to extracting and processing natural resources from the Earth’s crust. India, as a Gondwanaland member
Demographic attributes encompass the distinguishing characteristics of a population, including age, gender, race, ethnicity, and education level.
Subject-wise Economy Questions in UPSC Mains (2023 – 2013)
The Subject-wise Economy Questions in the UPSC Mains examination from 2013 to 2023 have served as a critical component in evaluating candidates
Demographic Transition Stage – UPSC World Geography Notes
Demographic transition denotes a prolonged evolution in birth and death rates, leading to a noteworthy alteration in the age composition of a population
Growth and Distribution of World Population – UPSC World Geography Notes
Population distribution refers to the spatial arrangement of people across the Earth’s surface. Remarkably, approximately 90% of the global
Communication – Satellite and Cyber Space – UPSC World Geography Notes
Satellite communication is the process of conveying information between locations through the utilisation of communication satellites
Transportation – Land, Water and Air Ways – UPSC World Geography Notes
Efficient transportation plays a pivotal role in the dynamic movement of goods and services from supply points to demand destinations