UPSC Prelims 2023 Q53. Consider the following statements:
Carbon fibers are used in the manufacture of components used in automobiles and aircraft.
Edukemy Team
UPSC Prelims 2023 Q52. Consider the following statements in the context of interventions being undertaken under Anaemia Mukt Bharat Strategy
Why India Needs a Forward-Looking Approach to Bilateral Investment Treaties – UPSC Daily Editorial Analysis – 13th Feb 2024
India’s stance on bilateral investment treaties (BITs) requires a forward-looking approach to navigate the complexities of global economic dynamics.
Q51. Consider the following statements in relation to Janani Suraksha Yojana :
It is a safe motherhood intervention of the State Health Departments.
Q50. By which one of the following Acts was the Governor General of Bengal designated as the Governor General of India?
The Regulating Act
The Pitt’s India Act
Q49. Who among the following rulers of medieval Gujarat surrendered Diu to the Portuguese?
Ahmad Shah
Mahmud Begarha
Bahadur Shah
Muhammad Shah
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 has come into effect from Ist January 2014. What are the key issues which would get addressed with the Act in place? What implications would it have on industrialization and agriculture in India? (150 Words, 10 Marks)
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, which came into effect on January 1, 2014, marks a significant shift in India’s approach to land acquisition.
“In the villages itself no form of credit organization will be suitable except the cooperative society.” – All India Rural Credit Survey. Discuss this statement in the background of agricultural finance in India. What constraints and challenges do financial institutions supplying agricultural finance face? How can technology be used to better reach and serve rural clients? (150 Words, 10 Marks)
The assertion made by the All India Rural Credit Survey that “In the villages itself no form of credit organization will be suitable except the cooperative society” underscores the pivotal role of cooperative societies in addressing the credit needs of rural India.
There is also a point of view that Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) set up under the State Acts have not only impeded the development of agriculture but also have been the cause of food inflation in India. Critically examine. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
The functioning and impact of Agricultural Produce Market Committees (APMCs) established under State Acts in India have been subject to considerable debate.
“While we flout India’s demographic dividend, we ignore the dropping rates of employability.” What are we missing while doing so? Where will the jobs that India desperately needs come from? Explain. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
As we revel in India’s demographic dividend, we often overlook a critical issue: the declining rates of employability among our workforce.