Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHS) are carefully delineated regions characterized by their unique and delicate ecosystems, encompassing terrestrial, coastal, marine, and inland waters.
Ecology & Environment – General Studies
Natural World Heritage Sites in India – UPSC Environment Notes
UNESCO World Heritage Sites include natural areas celebrated for their extraordinary beauty and aesthetic value.
Biosphere Reserves – Concept, Reserves of India, Flora and Fauna – UPSC Environment Notes
Biosphere reserves play a crucial role in promoting the conservation of biodiversity, fostering sustainable development, and facilitating research and monitoring efforts.
Ramsar Sites of India – UPSC Environment Notes
Between 1982 and 2013, India added a total of 26 sites to the list of Ramsar sites. However, from 2014 to 2022, the country accelerated its efforts and added 49 …
Elephant Reserves of India – UPSC Environment Notes
Elephant Reserves in India are areas specially designated for the conservation and protection of elephants and their habitats.
Tiger Reserves of India and Proposed – UPSC Environment Notes
India is home to a rich biodiversity, harboring a plethora of flora and fauna, including its iconic symbol of strength and majesty, the tiger. The tiger, often revered as the …
Community and Conservation Reserves – UPSC Environment Notes
Conservation reserves and community reserves refer to designated protected areas in India aimed at serving as buffer zones, connectors, and migration corridors linking established national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and reserved …
National Parks of India and Major Wildlife Sanctuaries – UPSC Environment Notes
National Parks in India serve as ideal habitats for preserving wildlife, providing natural environments and prey. Activities such as development, industry, forestry, poaching, hunting, and cultivation are strictly prohibited within their …
Others – Amphibians, Reptiles, Spiders, Insects, Plants – UPSC Environment Notes
Reptiles, an ancient and diverse group of vertebrates, are facing a dire threat as many species teeter on the brink of extinction
Fish – Critically Endangered (CR) – UPSC Environment Notes
The Red List categorizes fish species based on their population trends, distribution, and threats, providing crucial insights into the health of aquatic environments