India has 28 States and 8 Union Territories. Every state and Union Territories has its unique cultural sentiments. India, as a nation, is an amalgamation of diverse cultural identities.
NCERT – Geography Notes
The diverse tapestry of India’s cultural landscape is intricately woven with the threads of various races and tribes, each contributing unique hues to the vibrant mosaic of the nation.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Geography – Population and Urbanisation in India
Poverty and environmental degradation are the two major problems of India faces today have much to do with population size.
The UPSC NCERT Notes on Geography, specifically focusing on Transport and Communication, serve as an invaluable resource for aspirants preparing for the Civil Services Examination.
The UPSC NCERT Notes on Geography, specifically focusing on Industries in India, provide a comprehensive and insightful overview of the country’s economic landscape.
Therefore, it is important to use these energy resources wisely and in a sustainable manner. The generation of nuclear power is being geared up to contribute significantly to the overall …
Since independence, there has been a pronounced growth in mineral resources production both in terms of quantity and value.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Geography – Irrigation and Multi-Purpose Projects
Irrigation is the practice of applying controlled amounts of water to land to help grow crops, landscape plants, and lawns.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Geography – Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fiber, milk, or other products.
The climate of India is as diverse and complex as the nation itself, showcasing a myriad of meteorological patterns across its vast geographical expanse. From