Reviving India’s research and development (R&D) funding is paramount for the nation’s progress in innovation and technological advancement
daily current affairs upsc
understanding the multifaceted role of the internet in facilitating drug trafficking is essential in devising effective strategies to combat this evolving threat to public health and safety.
The chital, also known as the spotted deer or axis deer, represents a striking yet contentious presence on Ross Island, its story intertwined with the complex dynamics of invasive species management.
New Year festivals in India not only mark the beginning of a fresh calendar year but also symbolize renewal, hope, and the spirit of unity amidst diversity.
Strategically nestled in the Bay of Bengal, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands stand as a beacon of potential for strategic projects.
The Swiss Peace Summit stands as a beacon of diplomatic prowess and global cooperation, bringing together leaders, thinkers, and advocates
In recognizing and respecting the right to privacy for election candidates, societies uphold the principles of fairness, transparency, and individual autonomy essential for the vitality of democratic processes.
State finances play a pivotal role in the economic landscape, serving as the bedrock for government operations, public services, and development initiatives.
The Demographic Transition of India represents a fascinating journey through population dynamics, reflecting shifts in birth and death rates alongside socio-economic transformations.
Lavender cultivation, a centuries-old practice cherished for its aromatic allure and multifaceted utility, is an art form intertwined with history,