Explore the multifaceted issues surrounding development-induced displacement, highlighting its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.
Geography Optional
List of Articles on geography optional for UPSC CSE.
Examine the relevance of Central Place theory of Christaller in the present context. – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
Explore the enduring relevance of Christaller’s Central Place theory in contemporary landscapes. Delve into how this seminal concept
The UPSC Geography Optional syllabus is broad but organized, making it a popular choice for many aspirants. It covers two main papers:
Critically examine the problems of inter-State border disputes in India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
Inter-state border disputes in India represent a complex web of historical, political, and socio-cultural issues that have persisted since the country’s independence in 1947.
Describe the salient features of east-flowing rivers of India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
The salient features of these east-flowing rivers encapsulate not just their hydrological significance but also their cultural, economic, and ecological importance in the vast mosaic of India’s riverine systems.
Discuss the reserves, distribution, and production of all varieties of coal in India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
This discussion delves into the intricacies of India’s coal reserves, their geographical distribution, and the dynamics of coal production, shedding light on the nation’s reliance on this vital fossil fuel resource.
Discuss the importance of solar energy in future economic development of India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
Solar energy is emerging as a pivotal force in shaping the future economic landscape of India. With its abundant sunlight resources
Give a reasoned account of the difference between the sugar industry of North and Peninsular India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
The sugar industry in North and Peninsular India exhibits distinct characteristics owing to geographical, climatic, and historical factors.
Discuss the economic significance of volcanic soils of India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
Volcanic soils, formed from the weathering of volcanic rocks, play a pivotal role in the agricultural landscape of India, offering a unique set of characteristics that contribute significantly to the nation’s economy
Discuss the geo-political impact of the bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2021
The bilateral relationship between India and Bhutan has long been characterized by mutual respect, historical ties, and strategic cooperation,