The Western Coast of India has witnessed a transformative shift in its maritime infrastructure with the development of new ports, marking a significant chapter in the country’s external trade dynamics.
Geography Optional
List of Articles on geography optional for UPSC CSE.
Can the Panchayat Raj institutions play a role in grassroots level planning in India? If yes, discuss how – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
The Panchayat Raj institutions in India, established as decentralized governing bodies at the grassroots level, have been integral to the democratic framework of the country.
Discuss the importance of ‘Dry-land’ farming in the drought-prone regions of India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
Dry-land farming holds paramount significance in the arid and drought-prone regions of India, where water scarcity poses a constant challenge to traditional agriculture.
India is bestowed with rich mineral resources due to its geological structure. Correlate the above statement with the large mineral belts of India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
India, a land of diverse landscapes and geological marvels, is bestowed with a treasure trove of rich mineral resources owing to its intricate geological structure.
The soils of India are clear reflections of the structure and process. Comment – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
The soils of India serve as a vivid canvas, portraying the intricate tapestry of the country’s geological history and environmental processes.
Discuss the continuing disputes on water sharing between the riparian states of North-West India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
This essay delves into the ongoing conflicts surrounding water sharing in North-West India, examining the historical context, underlying factors, and potential solutions to this critical issue that holds the key to the region’s prosperity and well-being.
Discuss the recent changes brought about in institutional frameworks of agriculture in India. Evaluate its impact on the agrarian of the country – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
This essay will delve into the recent changes in the institutional frameworks of agriculture in India, critically evaluating their implications on the country’s agrarian dynamics.
Groundwater contamination in the fast-expanding urban of India appears to have become a major public health issue. Discuss – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
In the rapidly expanding urban landscape of India, groundwater contamination has emerged as a critical and pressing public health concern.
The location of India provides scope for harnessing non-conventional energy resources. Discuss with examples – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
India’s strategic geographical location thus positions it as a promising arena for the sustainable development of non-conventional energy resources, fostering both energy security and environmental sustainability.
Critically examine the factors affecting the unpredictability of the Southwest monsoon system in India – UPSC Geography Optional Mains – 2022
The southwest monsoon system in India is a critical climatic phenomenon that significantly influences the country’s agricultural, economic, and social landscape.