Part XVII of the Constitution addresses the official language in Articles 343 to 351, encompassing the language of the union, regional languages, the language of the judiciary, texts of laws, …
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Electoral Process and Political Dynamics
Election is an inherent feature of the democratic political system in India. The elections are conducted by the Election Commission of India
Public services, also called Civil Services or Government Services, are crucial for making the government’s plans happen.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Local Government (Panchayats and Municipalities)
The term “Local Government” encompasses the lowest tiers of public administration within a sovereign state.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Special Provisions for Some States
India has established special provisions for eleven states, aiming to address the aspirations of people in backward regions or safeguard the cultural and economic interests of these states.
The Indian Constitution features distinctive emergency provisions that transform a Federal Government into a Unitary Government under specific circumstances.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Indian Federalism and Centre – State Relations
Indian federalism, a unique and intricate system, delineates the distribution of powers and responsibilities between the central government and the states, ensuring a delicate balance in the governance structure.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Special Provisions for certain classes
To fulfill the goal of equality and justice outlined in the Preamble, the Constitution includes special provisions for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and the Other Backward Classes (OBCs).
Within this framework, the Scheduled and Tribal Areas occupy a significant position, representing the nation’s commitment to inclusivity and protection of marginalized communities.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Indian Polity – Constitutional Provisions of Union Territories
A Union Territory is a specific administrative unit in the Republic of India, directly governed by the Union Government.