Urban inequality is a multifaceted phenomenon that permeates the fabric of cities worldwide, manifesting in disparities across various socio-economic indicators
Access to Basic Services – Health, Education, Drinking Water, Sanitation – UPSC Indian Society Notes
Access to basic services such as healthcare, education, drinking water, and sanitation stands as a fundamental pillar of human development and well-being.
Unplanned Urbanization & Over Crowding of Cities – UPSC Indian Society Notes
Unplanned urbanization and the consequent over-crowding of cities have emerged as formidable challenges in the contemporary global landscape
The patterns of urbanization in India has been marked by regional and interstate diversities, large scale rural to urban migration, insufficient infrastructural facilities
Urbanization and the Status of Women – UPSC Indian Society Notes
Women constitute an important section of rural-urban migrants. They migrate at the time of marriage and also when they are potential workers in the place of destination.
It is generally held that caste is a rural phenomenon whereas class is urban and that with urbanization, caste transforms itself into class.
Urbanization affects not only the family structure but also intra and inter-family relations, as well as the functions the family performs.
In 2011, a new definition of census town has been developed. This urban classification of ‘census towns’ helps differentiate between India’s small farming
“Six Sites from Madhya Pradesh on UNESCO’s Tentative List” refers to the recognition of six culturally and historically significant locations within Madhya Pradesh
Pushpak is a reusable launch vehicle developed by India, aimed at reducing the cost of access to space through its ability to be used multiple times