As part of this initiative, 25 focus sectors under MSME have been identified to encourage and promote investments. The focus sectors are chosen to create a positive investment climate and drive economic growth
Relationship between Unemployment and Inflation Rate – UPSC Economy Notes
The relationship between unemployment and inflation rate is a fundamental concept in macroeconomics, central to understanding the dynamics of an economy.
Labour law reforms in India have emerged as a crucial agenda in the nation’s economic and social landscape, aiming to recalibrate
India and International Labour Organization (ILO): Scenario Overview – UPSC Economy Notes
Among these, the International Labour Organization (ILO) holds a significant position, serving as a crucial partner in India’s quest for equitable labor practices, social justice, and sustainable development.
Child Labour: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions – UPSC Economy Notes
Child Labour involves children engaged in work that deprives them of their childhood, potential, and self-respect. This includes work harmful to their physical
The sole conceptual discrepancy between Worker Productivity and Labor Productivity lies in the nature of “work” they encompass. Worker productivity pertains to mental activities, while labor productivity primarily involves manual tasks.
Jobless growth occurs when the economy experiences an increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP), indicating economic growth,
Unemployment in India is a multifaceted issue that encapsulates various dimensions, reflecting both structural and cyclical factors within the nation’s economy
Measuring unemployment in India is a multifaceted endeavor that encompasses a range of methodologies and indicators due to the country’s diverse economic landscape and population dynamics
Classification of Surveys and Studies to Study Employment and Its Composition in India – UPSC Economy Notes
Understanding the intricate dynamics of employment and its composition in India necessitates a comprehensive classification of surveys and studies that delve into this multifaceted realm