Mangroves, the resilient coastal ecosystems, stand as emblematic symbols of the intricate balance between land and sea.
Adaptive Mechanism of Mangroves – UPSC Environment Notes
Mangroves, the resilient coastal forests, possess a remarkable adaptive mechanism that enables them to thrive in some of the planet’s harshest environments.
A mangrove is a small tree or shrub that thrives along coastlines, establishing its roots in saline soil, often submerged underwater.
Threats Faced by the Estuarine Ecosystem – UPSC Environment Notes
The estuarine ecosystem, the interface where freshwater rivers meet the salty sea, is a dynamic and diverse environment crucial for supporting various forms of life.
UPSC Mains – The Criminal Justice System in India (CJSI) has been in a state of peril. How does the judicial pendency impact the justice delivery system in India?
The Indian judicial system, often considered the backbone of justice delivery, is grappling with a persistent challenge – the mounting backlog of pending cases.
Indian Estuarine Ecosystem – UPSC Environment Notes
The Indian estuarine ecosystem is a dynamic and vital interface where freshwater rivers meet the salty waters of the ocean, creating a unique habitat teeming with life and ecological diversity.
UPSC Mains – Is the current criminal justice system in our country still reflective of its colonial past? Examine the necessity for reforming the criminal justice system in India.
India’s institutions, including the criminal justice system, often grapple with the shadows of colonial rule. The establishment of a committee by the ministry
Estuarine Vegetation – UPSC Environment Notes
Estuarine vegetation refers to the diverse plant life that thrives in the unique and dynamic ecosystems of estuaries
Importance of Estuarine Ecosystem – UPSC Environment Notes
The estuarine ecosystem provides an extensive array of advantages, encompassing economic, environmental, and cultural benefits.
Differences between Lagoon and Estuary – UPSC Environment Notes
An estuary and a lagoon, although both inland water bodies with a connection to the sea and ocean, can often be mistaken for one another.