The UPSC Civil Services Examination is one of the most prestigious and challenging competitive exams in India. To excel in the Mains stage of this examination, which is the second phase, candidates often choose an optional subject that aligns with their strengths and interests. Psychology, as an optional subject, has gained popularity over the years due to its interdisciplinary nature and the fact that it can be relatable to various aspects of general studies. To prepare effectively for UPSC Mains 2023, 2022, or any other year, aspirants must make judicious use of previous year papers. These papers offer invaluable insights into the exam pattern, question types, and the depth of knowledge required. For psychology optional, going through the previous year papers from 2013 to 2023 can help candidates understand the evolving trends, focus areas, and the level of proficiency expected by the UPSC examiners.
By analyzing the UPSC Mains psychology optional previous year papers from 2013 to 2023, aspirants can identify recurring themes and topics that are frequently asked, allowing them to prioritize their study efforts effectively. Moreover, these papers serve as excellent practice material for honing answer-writing skills, as they showcase the expected format, depth, and conciseness required for scoring well in the psychology optional paper. It’s essential for candidates to not only solve these papers but also to critically evaluate their responses to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, studying previous year papers can help candidates anticipate the kind of questions that might be asked in the upcoming exams and tailor their preparation accordingly. Overall, the strategic use of UPSC Mains psychology optional previous year papers is an indispensable tool for those aspiring to succeed in this demanding examination.
Question Paper Specific Instructions
- Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting questions :
- There are EIGHT questions divided in two SECTIONS and printed both in HINDI and in ENGLISH.
- Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all.
- Questions no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted choosing at least ONE from each section.
- The number of marks carried by a question / part is indicated against it.
- Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission Certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) Booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in a medium other than the authorized one.
- Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to.
- Illustrate your answers with suitable sketches, maps and diagrams. These shall be drawn in the space provided for answering the question itself.
- Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off.
Psychology Optional Question Paper-1 (2022)
1. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10×5=50 marks
A. Describe the applications of psychological principles in managing drug abuse in adolescents.
B. What are values? What strategies can be used in fostering value of equality in early childhood? Discuss.
C. Discuss the role of artificial intelligence in dealing with mental health Problems.
D. How can parents use reinforcement contingencies to manage their children’s aggressive behaviour?
E. Illustrate the role of hypothesis in psychological research.
2. A. State the assumptions and merits of two-way ANOVA. Explain the applications of the same in psychological research with an appropriate example.
B. Discuss language acquisition at different stages of development in the light of the theories of Skinner and Chomsky.
C. What do you understand by physical indicators of emotion? How are they relevant in polygraph test?
3. A. Is problem solving a psychological process? Illustrate your answer with the steps and methods involved in problem solving. Differentiate between human and computerized problem solving.
B. Discuss the contribution of structuralism and functionalism in shaping psychology as a discipline.
C. Is sleep a conscious phenomenon? Illustrate different states of sleep and explain the functions and role it serves in human life.
4. a). Dr. Ambedkar’s idea of social justice leads to ‘egalitarian justice’ as compared to Rawls’ ‘justice as fairness’ which aims at the notion of ‘pure procedural justice’. Comment.
b). “The Panchayats with gram Sabhas should be so organised as to identify the resources locally available for the development in agricultural and industrial sectors.” Examine the statement in the context of Gram Swaraj.
c). Examine the entitlement theory of justice.
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
A. Discuss the significance of single blind-double blind procedures for establishing soundness of an experiment.
B. How psychologists conceptualize creativity? Explain the confluence approach to creativity.
C. Do we need 16 factors to describe human personality? Illustrate your answer in the light of big five-factor theory of personality.
D. Discuss the techniques to assess patients with memory disorders.
E. “Emotional competency is more important than intellectual competency.” Discuss in the context of schoolchildren.
6. A. Explain the nature of human attitudes. How is the knowledge of attitude change process helpful in bringing religious harmony in the Indian context? Discuss.
B. Nurturing social intelligence at early developmental stages can play a critical role in conflict resolution at later stages. Explain with the help of examples.
C. Is there perception without sensation? Evaluate critically in the light of empirical evidence.
7. A. Is intelligence a univariate or multivariate concept? Discuss in the light of Spearman’s and J. P. Das’s theories of intelligence.
B. What principles of perceptual organization are useful for air traffic controllers? Also, indicate how they use each of them.
C. Evaluate the developmental challenges faced during midlife transitions across gender in the Indian context.
8. A. “Learning occurs not only through conditioning but also from observations of others.” Discuss this statement from children’s point of view. What are the pros and cons of observational learning for children?
B. Discuss the factors involved in ethnolinguistic vitality in the Indian context.
C. Compare and contrast the concepts of intelligence, emotional intelligence, and social intelligence. How can they contribute to the making of an effective civil servant? Discuss.
Psychology Optional Question Paper-2 (2022)
1. Write short answers to the following in about 150 words each : 10×5=50 marks
(a) In the light of research, discuss various ways to enhance cognitive skills of gifted children.
(b) Some measures can be reliable but not valid. Illustrate with relevant examples.
(c) Explain how power and politics go hand-in-hand.
(d) What is community psychology? Mention a few skills and qualities a community psychologist should have.
(e) What are the different criteria for labeling abnormal behavior?
2. (a) Discuss the various strategies necessary for the rehabilitation of mentally ill Indian youth.
(b) Discuss the challenges to the mental health of Indian youth. As a psychologist, suggest ways to foster their mental health.
(c) Describe the instrumental role of biology, conditioning, cognition, and stress in developing anxiety disorder.
3. (a) With reference to the general scenario of our country, elaborate on the significance of ‘out of school’ vocational guidance. Which special strategies should be used for it?
(b) Discuss uses, misuses, and limitations of psychological tests in clinical settings.
(c) Why is selection considered to be a process of infusion of fresh blood in the organization? Discuss the steps involved in employee selection.
4. (a) Discuss important concepts of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy along with its applications.
(b) Discuss the major limitations of the aged having cognitive problems. Mention strategies used to improve their psycho-social health.
(c) How can community psychologists bring positive social change to address mental health and well-being in society? Explain with suitable examples.
5. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:
(a) Explain the concept of social integration citing suitable examples.
(b) Discuss the ill effects of Internet addiction among adolescents. Suggest intervention for arresting the same.
(c) Discuss the characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior.
(d) Throw light on the negative impact of technological growth in our real life.
(e) Which principles of psychology are helpful for developing team spirit in sportspersons?
6. (a) Critically examine the numerous innovations and programs of the Government in educating and motivating disadvantaged children towards their development.
(b) Discuss the nature and psychological consequences of sexual harassment of women at the workplace. Suggest different behavioral patterns to overcome it.
(c) Media is one of the key factors in promoting pro-social or anti-social behavior. Defend your point of view.
7. (a) Elaborate on the effects of mass media on the emotional health and values of youth in our culture.
(b) Discuss how the environment, culture, and socio-economic relationships play an important role in meeting the needs of disadvantaged children.
(c) Explore causal factors of social conflicts and suggest methods of resolution.
8. (a) How does advertising help people to buy intelligently and enable them to take a step in the direction of a higher standard of living? Critically examine.
(b) Discuss pollution and crowding as agents of psycho-social and physical problems. Cite a few problems and recommend remedial strategies.
(c) Discuss Gender Schema Theory and describe its contribution in explaining the personality of a housewife in a traditional family.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: What is the significance of Psychology as an optional subject in UPSC Mains?
A1: Psychology is a popular optional subject in UPSC Mains because it offers a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, cognition, and the application of psychological principles in various real-world contexts. It enables candidates to approach social and administrative issues with a deeper insight into human psychology.
Q2: How many previous year papers of Psychology optional should I study for UPSC Mains?
A2: It’s advisable to study at least the last five years’ UPSC Mains Psychology optional papers. This will give you a good understanding of the question pattern, evolving trends, and the kind of questions that are frequently asked.
Q3: Are there any specific areas within Psychology that UPSC tends to focus on in the optional paper?
A3: While UPSC can ask questions from a broad range of psychology topics, some areas like developmental psychology, social psychology, and applied psychology are often emphasized. It’s important to have a strong foundation in these areas.
Q4: How can I effectively prepare for the Psychology optional paper in UPSC Mains?
A4: To prepare effectively, you should start by thoroughly understanding the syllabus, reading standard textbooks, and practicing answer writing. Additionally, consider enrolling in a reputable coaching program that specializes in Psychology as an optional subject.
Q5: Can I choose Psychology as an optional subject if I have no prior background in the field?
A5: Yes, you can choose Psychology as an optional subject even if you don’t have a background in the field. Many successful candidates have opted for this subject without prior knowledge. However, a strong dedication to studying and understanding the subject matter is essential for success in the UPSC Mains exam.
In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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