Keshab Chandra Sen is associated with the establishment of which of the above?
The correct answer is 2 and 3 only.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy formed the Calcutta Unitarian Committee. Hence, Statement 1 is not correct.
Keshab Chandra Sen
He was a social reformer from Bengal.
In 1856, he joined the Brahmo Samaj.
Keshab Chandra Sen lay the cornerstone for his mandir, the Tabernacle of New Dispensation, on January 24, 1868. Hence, Statement 2 is correct.
The first Brahmo street procession in Calcutta was led by Keshab and his followers, who marched to the designated location early in the morning while singing sankirtan. It was denounced by Adi Samaj as being beneath Brahmoism.
He additionally belonged to the Indian Reform Association. Its objective also included to create public opinion against child marriage, get Brahmo form of marriage legalized, promote the status of women. Hence, Statement 3 is correct.
The Indian reform association strived to legalize Brahmo marriage and to fix the minimum age of marriage.
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