Q62. With reference to the management of minor minerals in India, consider the following statements:
Sand is a ‘minor mineral’ according to the prevailing law in the country.
State Governments have the power to grant mining leases of minor minerals, but the powers regarding the formation of rules related to the grant of minor minerals lie with the Central Government.
State Governments have the power to frame rules to prevent illegal mining of minor minerals.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct? (a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: A
Statement 1 is correct: Sand is a minor mineral, as defined under section 3(e) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR Act).
Statement 2 is not correct: Section 15 of the MMDR Act empowers state governments to make rules for regulating the grant of mineral concessions in respect of minor minerals and for purposes connected therewith. The regulation of grant of mineral concessions for minor minerals is, therefore, within the legislative and administrative domain of the state governments. Under the power granted to them by section 15 of the MMDR Act, State Governments have framed their own minor minerals concession rules.
Statement 3 is correct: As opposed to major minerals, the regulatory and administrative jurisdiction of minor minerals falls under the purview of State governments. These include the powers to frame rules, prescribe rates of royalty, contribute to District Mineral Foundation, the procedure for granting mineral concessions, regulate their mining, control of illegal mining etc