Embarking on the journey of civil services is a formidable challenge, and choosing the right optional subject is a critical decision for UPSC aspirants. Among the myriad of choices, Anthropology stands out as a fascinating discipline that not only unveils the complexities of human societies but also offers a structured and insightful lens through which to understand them. In this blog series, we delve into the realm of Anthropology Optional with a focus on the UPSC Mains examination. Specifically, we explore the previous year questions from 2013 to 2023 in the context of the Indian Society section. By dissecting these questions and their underlying themes, aspirants can gain valuable insights into the examiner’s expectations, refining their preparation strategy for this crucial aspect of the examination.
As the UPSC syllabus evolves, so do the intricacies of its questions. The Indian Society section within Anthropology Optional serves as a litmus test for candidates’ comprehensive understanding of societal structures, cultural dynamics, and contemporary issues. Through a meticulous analysis of the past decade’s questions, this blog aims to unravel the patterns and trends that have shaped this segment of the examination. Whether you are a seasoned Anthropology enthusiast or a newcomer intrigued by the prospect of delving into the intricacies of human societies, join us on this exploration of Anthropology Optional’s relevance in the UPSC journey and uncover the keys to mastering the Indian Society component in the Mains examination.
- 1 Indian Society – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional)
- 1.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system – Varnashram, Purushartha, Karma, Rina and Rebirth
- 1.2 Caste system in India- structure and characteristics, Varna and caste, (1990) Theories of origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani system, Tribe caste continuum
- 1.3 Sacred Complex and Nature- Man-Spirit Complex
- 1.4 Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society
- 2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 2.1 Q: What is the significance of studying Indian society for UPSC aspirants?
- 2.2 Q: How has the focus on Indian society evolved in recent UPSC Mains examinations?
- 2.3 Q: What key topics should UPSC aspirants cover within the Indian Society section of Anthropology Optional?
- 2.4 Q: How can knowledge of Indian society contribute to effective governance and policymaking?
- 2.5 Q: Is studying Indian society only relevant for Anthropology Optional or does it have broader applications?
- 3 In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
Indian Society – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional)
1. Write a note on Varnashram dharma in 200 words (1982)
2. Write a note in 200 words : Significance of Varna and Ashram as regulators of social life. (1984)
3. Write a note on Purushartha chatushtam. (1987)
4. Write a note on Social Significance of Grihastha-ashram (1994)
5. Describe the major purusharthas according to Hindu scriptures and discuss the social significance of Harmonious management of ‘Trivarga’. (1994)
6. Explain the concept of “Rina” according to the Hindu Scriptures. What were the mechanisms suggested by the scholars to reply the “Rinas” ?(1995)
7. Write a note on Importance of Karma in Hindu social system (1996)
8. Write a note on Concept of rebirth in Hindu Social System (1997)
9. Write a note on Significance of Varna and Caste (1997)
10. Discuss the basic of Indian Social System. Do you find any change today ? (1998)
11. Write a note on Concept of Karma in relation to caste (2000)
12. Write a note on Concept of Rina Rebirth. (2002)
13. Write a note on Significance of Purushartha (2003)
14. Trace the broad unifying features of the traditional Hindu society in the anthropological perspective. (2004)
15. Write a note on Varnashram (2005)
16. Write a note on Karma (2006)
17. Write a note on Purushartha (2007)
18. Write a note in 150 words on Philosophy behind Purushartha (2011)
19. Write a note in 150 words on Varnashram and the concept of Rina. (1984)
20. Write a note in 150 words on Philosophy behind Purusharthas (2018)
21. Write a note in 150 words on Use of doctrine of Karma and rebirth in justifying the Varna system.(2019)
22. Write short notes on “Purushartha and righteous living today” in about 150 words. (2021)
Caste system in India- structure and characteristics, Varna and caste, (1990) Theories of origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani system, Tribe caste continuum
1. Discuss the inter-related concepts of Varna and Jati Caste. Do you agree with the view that in the context of existing realities in village India, it is the Caste that is important and not the Varna ? (1981)
2. Write a note on (200 words) : Concept of dominant caste and its relevance in the study of political processes. (1982)
3. Write a note in 200 words : Inter-caste hierarchy in any region of India.(1983)
4. Write a note in 200 words : Distinction between tribe and caste.(1984)
5. Examine the changes that have come about in caste system and joint family in modern India(1984)
6. Write a note on Varna model of caste. (1986)
7. Write a note on Tribe-caste continuum (1987)
8. Write a note on Concept of purity and the caste system.(1988)
9. Discuss relationship between “dominant caste” and economic development” in rural India. (1988)
10. Discuss the concept of social signification and comment on caste as a stratified system of interaction. (1989)
11. Write a note on Role of Dominant caste in the political institutions of a peasant village. (1990)
12. Discuss the essential features of the caste system in India. Critically examine its role in the changing social context in contemporary times. (1990)
13. Write a note on Concept of caste as a hierarchical system based on the opposition between ‘pure’ and ‘impure’ (1991)
14. What is the notion of ‘folk-urban continuum’ in the study of peasant society? Is it applicable to Indian conditions ? (1991)
15. Write a note on Tribe caste continuum (1992)
16. Describe the tribe-caste continuum in India. Is this continuum relevant in Modern Indian society?(1994)
17. Write a note on; Distinguish between varna and caste (1995)
18. Examine the role of joint family in Hindu social system and its impacts caste system. (1997)
19. Write a note on Folk-Urban Continuum (1998)
20. Write a note on Jajmani System (1998)
21. Write a note on Dominant Caste (1999)
22. Write a note on Tribe-caste continuum (2000)
23. Define the Jajmani system. Analyse the changes in the relationship between caste and occupation in contemporary rural society.(2000)
24. Explain criteria for dominant caste. How far is this concept still crucial to our understanding of India’s villages after implementation of reservations in democratic institutions ? Discuss.
25. Write a note on Caste as a pattern of social stratification (2003)
26. Write a note on Tribe-Caste Continuum (2004)
27. Write a note on Jajmani System (2007)
28. Is Tribe-Caste Continuum a reality or myth ? Discuss. (2008)
29. Discuss the salient features of the prevalent hypotheses on the future of the caste system in India. (2009)
30. Bring out the various features and the importance of the ‘dominant caste’ (2009)
31. Examine the role of the caste system in the present political context. (2010)
32. Is the present political system strengthening the caste system ? Discuss.(2010)
33. Discuss the relevance of the concept Dominant Caste in the context of Contemporary Indian Society. (2011)
34. Critically examine the theories of Origin of Castes. (2011)
35. Write a note in 150 words on : Discuss how Louis Dumont explained caste system. (2013)
36. What is Jajmani system ? Examine the views on Jajmani system as an egalitarian as well as exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline (375 words) (2013)
37. Examine the criticisms on the concept of dominant caste. (250 words) (2013)
38. Write a note in 150 words on TribeCaste continuum (2014)
39. Do you think caste persists in contemporary India ? Critically discuss (2014)
40. Define the concept ‘Dominant Caste and examine its relevance in the contemporary Indian Village with suitable examples. (2014)
41. Critically examine the concept of tribe caste continuum and its relevance in contemporary India. (2015)
42. What do you understand by dynamics of caste mobility ? How did the concept of Sanskritization contribute to its functionality ? (2015)
43. Write a note in 150 words on Relevance| of caste in contemporary Indian politics (2016)
44. Examine the structural and cultural theories of caste system in India. (2016)
45. How is process of tribe-caste continuum different from Sanskritisation ? Comment(2016)
46. Discuss the impact of market economy on the Jajmani system. (2017)
47. Based on historical and contemporary evidences, discuss the future of caste system in India. (2018)
48. Discuss the view that caste is not social stratification, but a system of hierarchy.(2018)
49. Explain the significance of tribe-caste continuum in the present context.(2018)
50. Write a note in 150 words on The Jajmani system and contemporary market economy. (2019)
51. Discuss the characteristics of caste system in India. (2020)
52. Write short note on the Concept of ‘Dominant’ caste in about 150 words (2020)
53. Write short notes on “Relevance of tribe – caste continuum” in about 150 words.(2021)
54. Write short notes on “Caste and social capital” in about 150 words. (2021)
55. Write short notes on “Factionalism and politics in rural India” in about 150 words.(2021)
Sacred Complex and Nature- Man-Spirit Complex
1. Write a note in 200 words: Nature- man Spirit Complex (1983)
2. Write a note on Concept of sacred complex in the Indian Society. (1990)
3. Write a note on Basic principles concerned with nature-man-spirit complex (1993)
4. Write a note on Sacred Complex(1999)
5. Write a note on Nature-Man-Spirit complex (2001)
6. Write a note on Sacred complex (2005)
7. Write a note on Nature-Man-Spirit complex (2009)
8. Write a note in 150 words on Sacred Geography (2012)
9. Examine Nature – man – spirit complex as an ecological concept. (250 words) (2013)
10. Describe the concept of ‘Sacred Complex’ with an ethnographic example. (2014)
11. Write a note in 150 words on Sacred complex as a dimension of Indian civilization (2015)
12. Write a note in 150 words on Nature -Write a note in 150 words on Nature (2017)
13. Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and B.N. Saraswati to the study of sacred complexes in India (2018)
14. Explain the impact of the concept of nature-man-spirit complex on sustainable use of natural resources with suitable examples. (2021)
Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society
1. Account for the emergence of new religions in India in the 6th century B.C (1998)
2. Evaluate the impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society and culture in anthropological terms. (2003)
3. Write a note on Buddhism, Christianity and Scheduled Castes (2004)
4. Write a note on Impact of Islam on Indian society (2005)
5. Write a note in 150 words on Sufi tradition of Islam (2013)
6. Discuss the contribution of Islam to the composite culture of India. (2014)
7. Write a note in 150 words on Islam and Matriliny. (2015)
8. Write a note in 150 words on Impact of Jainism on Indian society.(2016)
9. Explain how Buddhism influenced the economic and cultural transformations of Indian society.(2017)
10. Explain the impact of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society.(2018)
11. What has been the impact of non-Hindu religions on the emancipation of Schedule Castes in India? (2019)
12. Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian Society. (2020)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the significance of studying Indian society for UPSC aspirants?
Understanding Indian society is crucial for UPSC aspirants as it forms a substantial part of the General Studies paper. A profound grasp of societal structures, cultural nuances, and contemporary issues is essential for addressing questions related to governance, social justice, and inclusive development. Anthropology Optional further provides a specialized lens through which aspirants can explore the multifaceted dimensions of Indian society.
Q: How has the focus on Indian society evolved in recent UPSC Mains examinations?
The evolution of questions related to Indian society in UPSC Mains reflects the changing dynamics of the nation. Analyzing the past years’ papers can reveal shifts in emphasis, from traditional societal structures to contemporary challenges. Keeping abreast of these changes is crucial for aspirants to tailor their preparation strategies accordingly.
Q: What key topics should UPSC aspirants cover within the Indian Society section of Anthropology Optional?
The Indian Society section within Anthropology encompasses a wide array of topics, including kinship, marriage, family, caste, and tribal issues. Aspirants should also focus on contemporary issues like gender, globalization, and social movements. A holistic understanding of both traditional and modern aspects is necessary for a comprehensive preparation.
Q: How can knowledge of Indian society contribute to effective governance and policymaking?
An in-depth understanding of Indian society is indispensable for effective governance and policymaking. Policymakers need insights into the social fabric, cultural diversity, and challenges faced by various sections of society to formulate inclusive and sustainable policies. UPSC aspirants studying Indian society gain valuable perspectives that can be applied in the realm of public administration.
Q: Is studying Indian society only relevant for Anthropology Optional or does it have broader applications?
While Indian society is a significant component of Anthropology Optional, its relevance extends beyond the optional subject. A nuanced understanding of societal issues is beneficial for candidates across various streams, as it enhances their comprehension of social, economic, and political challenges, contributing to a more holistic approach to the UPSC examination.
In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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