Embarking on the journey of preparing for the UPSC mains examination, especially for the Anthropology optional paper, demands a strategic and thorough understanding of the previous year questions. In the vast realm of Anthropology, one intriguing topic that has consistently found its place in the question papers is “Indian Village.” This blog aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for UPSC aspirants by delving into the Anthropology Optional Topic-wise Previous Year Questions in UPSC Mains specifically focused on Indian Village, spanning the years 2013 to 2023. By meticulously analyzing these questions, aspirants can gain valuable insights into the examiners’ preferences, the evolving nature of the syllabus, and the key themes that recur over the years. This exploration not only aids in efficient exam preparation but also provides a deeper understanding of the socio-cultural fabric of Indian villages, a critical aspect of Anthropology.
As we unravel the labyrinth of questions related to Indian villages in the Anthropology optional paper, we will navigate through the changing trends, emerging patterns, and the nuanced perspectives that the UPSC has sought from aspirants over the years. From kinship structures to economic systems, cultural practices to political organization, the Indian village stands as a microcosm reflecting the intricate tapestry of our society. By immersing ourselves in the exploration of these questions, we not only equip ourselves for the examination hall but also develop a holistic understanding of the anthropological dimensions inherent in the diverse landscapes of Indian villages. Join us on this insightful journey as we dissect the past to illuminate the path forward for UPSC Anthropology aspirants focusing on the captivating theme of Indian Village in the years 2013-2023.
Indian Village – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional)
Significance of village study in India; Indian village as a social -system; Traditional and changing patterns of settlement and inter-caste patterns of settlement and inter-caste relations; Agrarian relations in Indian villages; Impact of globalization on Indian villages.
1. Write a note on (200 words) : Cultural parochialization in village India (1982)
2. Write a note on (200 words) : Distinctive features of peasant society. (1982)
3. Write a note on (200 words) : Impact of industrialization on simple societies. (1982)
4. Write a note on Form of labour bondage in Indian agriculture. (1991)
5. Write a note on Problem of shifting cultivation in Indian tribes (1991)
6. ‘Village studies are crucial in the understanding of Indian life and culture.’ Who were the pioneer anthropologists undertake such studies ? Give a comprehensive picture of any one of them. (1998)
7. Evaluate various changes in social organization of India’s villages due to impinging pressures of the market economy on them. (2001)
8. What do you understand by Green Revolution ? What are its economic and ecological dimensions ? (2002)
9. Write a note on village studies in India. (2002)
10. Write a note on Globalisation and Indian peasantry (2004)
11. Analyse how the village studies contributed in understanding the Indian Social System. (2004)
12. Describe the significant contributions of village studies in Indian in the understanding of social transformations. (2009)
13. Discuss the contributions of S.C. Dube towards the understanding of the Indian village.(2010)
14. How has globalisation impact agrarian relations in the last two decades ?(2012)
15. Indian farmers are not slow to react to economic opportunities. – Discuss this statement. (250 words) (2013)
16. Discuss the impact of globalization on village economy in India. (2015)
17. Examine the contribution of village studies towards the understanding of Indian social system. (2015)
18. Describe the traditional patterns of settlement of Indian villages. (2016)
19. Explain Indian village as a social system with suitable examples.(2016)
20. Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village study in India. . (2017)
21. Discuss the impact of market economy on rural villages (2018)
22. Write a note in 150 words on Agrarian social structure(2018)
23. Discuss the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages. (2019)
24. Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India . (2019)
25. Describe the impact of industrialization on the economic and social aspects of India’s villages.(2019)
26. Write short note on the ‘Khap’ Panchayat in about 150 words.(2020)
27. Discuss the impact of Globalization on Indian villages. (2020)
28. Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India.(2020)
29. Examine how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships in agrarian society.(2021)
Linguistic and religious minorities and their social/political and economic status.
1. Write a note on ‘the state should protect the personal laws of religious minorities. Discuss with reference to the problems of national integration’.(1991)
2. Write a note on Special provisions for minorities (1993)
3. Distinguish between the characteristics and problems of linguistic and religious minorities in India. Give examples of conflicts generated by such considerations and steps to resolve them. (2000)
4. Discuss the socio-economic status of religious minorities in India. Identify their role in politics. (2003)
5. Linguistic and religious minorities are particularly vulnerable to political manipulations. Comment.(2005)
6. What are the issues and socio-economic problems arising out of being a religious minority ? Discuss. (2007)
7. Write a note in 150 words on Factors contributing to communalism (2011)
8. Critically examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in the Indian context.(2012)
9. Critically examine the ‘book view’ and the ‘field view’ of social reality. (2012)
10. Discuss the significance of study of religious centers to the understanding of Indian civilization. (250 words)(2013)
11. Discuss the problems faced by religious minorities in India. (2015)
12. Critically examine the concept of communalism and its relevance for multi-religious and multiethnic polity of India (2015)
13. Discuss the social, political and economic status of Muslims in India (2017)
14. Write a note in 150 words on OBCs among non-Hindu communities.(2018)
15. Write short note on the Linguistic minorities in India in about 150 words (2020)
16. What are the Social and Political problems of religious minorities in India ? (2020)
17. Delineate the constitutional safeguard for religious minorities in India. (2021)
Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society:
Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization; Inter-play of little and great traditions; Panchayati raj and social change; Media and social change.
1. Explain with the help of suitable examples how great and little traditions interact with each other in Indian society. (1981)
2. Describe the different forms and proces of sanskritization and assess the overal impact of this phenomenon on caste structure in India (1981)
3. Write a note in 200 words : Little traditions and their significance.(1983)
4. Write a note in 200 words : Sanskritization as a mode of social change. (1983)
5. Assess the nature of social change in India since Independence, specially pertaining to the main institutions of the society. (1983)
6. Discuss in what way the study of Great tradition and Little tradition is essential for understanding the cultural processes of Indian civilization. (1984)
7. Write a note on Universalization. (1985)
8. Write a note on Little tradition. (1986)
9. Discuss how the concepts of Sanskritization and Westernization. Explain the processes of change in Indian society and culture. (1986)
10. “Tradition is a single unbroken chain.” Discuss this statement throwing light I on the relevance of the use of the term Great Tradition and Little Tradition in India in the fields of (a) religion, (b)kinship and (c) agriculture. (1987)
11. Write a note on : Are the socio cultural factors which justify calling an area underdeveloped? Elaborate.(1989)
12. Write a note on : The study of Great tradition and Little tradition is essential for understanding Indian Civilization. Discuss. (1989)
13. Make a distinction between sociocultural change and technological change. Indicate how technological development bring about changes in other aspects of culture (1989)
14. Write a note on Sanskritization as a factor of social change among the scheduled castes in India. (1990)
15. Write a note on Relationship between Sanskritization and Westernization as processes of sociocultural change.(1991)
16. Write a note on Sanskritization as a mode of social change (1992)
17. Discuss in what way the study of Great tradition and Little tradition is essential for understanding the cultural processes of Indian civilization. (1992)
18. Write a note on Cultural change-enforced and induced (1994)
19. Do you think that the process of Sanskritization leads to any structural changes in the society ? Discuss with reference to the modern Indian society (1994)
20. Write a note on Little and Great traditions.(1996)
21. Discuss the impact of modernization of the tribal and rural people in India. (1998)
22. Write a note on Great Traditions. (1999)
23. Distinguish between sanskritization and desanskritization. Critically examine impact of sanskritization on social mobility in India. (1999)
24. Write a note on Sanskritisation and Westernisation. (2002)
25. Write a note on Panchayati Raj (2005)
26. Critically examine the concepts of Little and Great Traditions for understanding the Indian Villages.(2008)
27. Write a note on Sanskritization (2009)
28. What are the various exogenous processes of socio-cultural changes in Indian Society ?(2009)
29. Write a note in 150 words on Universalization and Parochialization (2010)
30. Write a note in 150 words on Panchayati Raj and the tribes. (2010)
31. Write a note in 150 words on Critique of the concept of Great and Little Tradition(2011)
32. “Modernity has entered Indian character and society, but it has done so through assimilation not replacement.” Discuss. (2011)
33. Write a note in 150 words on Role of Gramsabha under PESA. (2013)
34. Write a note in 150 words on Great tradition and Little tradition (2014)
35. Write a note in 150 words on Panchayati Raj Institutions and Social Change (2015)
36. Examine the social implication of media and communication technology.(2015)
37. Examine the nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context of globalization.(2016)
38. Discuss the impact of media as an instrument of social change. (2017)
39. Discuss the impact of Panchayati Raj institution on the empowerment of rural women in India. (2017)
40. Write a note in 150 words on Modernization (2018)
41. Write a note in 150 words on The impact of Panchayati Raj Institutions in rural areas. (2018)
42. Write a note in 150 words on Panchayati Raj as a facilitator of social inclusion in rural society (2019)
43. Discuss how the elements of Little and Great Traditions combine in the emergence of social/political/religious movements, giving any one example to illustrate the issue. (2019)
44. Write short note on the Concept of Sanskritization in about 150 words (2020)
45. Discuss the role of Panchayati Raj Institutions in transforming traditional power hierarchy in rural India.(2021)
46. Write short notes on “Ethnic media and social awareness” in about 150 words (2021)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the significance of studying Indian villages in Anthropology for the UPSC mains examination?
Understanding Indian villages is crucial in Anthropology as it provides insights into the socio-cultural dynamics, kinship structures, economic systems, and political organizations that shape rural communities. By studying this aspect, aspirants can grasp the intricate fabric of Indian society, aiding them in addressing diverse questions that may appear in the UPSC mains examination.
Q: How have the questions on Indian villages in UPSC Anthropology optional evolved over the years (2013-2023)?
The evolution of questions related to Indian villages reflects the changing socio-economic landscape of the country. By examining the variations in these questions over the years, aspirants can discern emerging themes, helping them tailor their preparation to align with the evolving nature of the examination.
Q: What are some common themes explored in the questions on Indian villages, and how can aspirants effectively prepare for them?
Common themes include kinship patterns, economic structures, cultural practices, and governance systems in Indian villages. Aspirants can prepare effectively by thoroughly studying these aspects, staying updated on contemporary issues in rural India, and practicing answering questions to enhance their analytical and writing skills.
Q: How does the study of Indian villages contribute to a holistic understanding of Anthropology?
Indian villages serve as microcosms reflecting the diversity and complexity of human societies. Studying these villages provides anthropologists with a rich source of data to analyze social structures, cultural variations, and the impact of globalization on traditional communities, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the discipline.
Q: Are there specific resources or case studies recommended for a focused preparation on the Indian Village topic in Anthropology?
While the core Anthropology textbooks cover the essential concepts, aspirants are advised to supplement their preparation with case studies, research papers, and documentaries focusing on specific Indian villages. This multifaceted approach helps in gaining practical insights and a nuanced perspective on the challenges and opportunities faced by rural communities in India.
In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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