Exploring the intricate tapestry of India’s diverse tribal landscape is a fascinating journey that not only unveils the rich cultural heritage embedded within these communities but also sheds light on the challenges they face in the contemporary socio-political context. In the context of the UPSC mains examination, the Anthropology Optional Paper delves into this dynamic topic, scrutinizing the tribal situation in India. The examination not only tests candidates on their understanding of tribal societies but also evaluates their analytical skills in deciphering the complexities of these communities in the given time frame. In this blog series, we will unravel the mysteries of the Anthropology Optional Topic by dissecting the previous year questions from 2013 to 2023. By delving into these questions, aspiring civil servants can gain valuable insights into the nuances of tribal issues, thereby enhancing their preparation for one of the most challenging and rewarding exams in the country.
As we embark on this journey, it becomes imperative to comprehend the evolving nature of tribal situations over the past decade. From socio-economic challenges to the preservation of cultural identities, the Anthropology Optional Paper scrutinizes various dimensions of tribal life. By revisiting and analyzing the questions posed in the UPSC mains, we aim to equip candidates with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies surrounding tribal communities in India. This blog series will serve as a valuable resource, offering not just a glimpse into the examination pattern but also providing a holistic perspective on the ever-evolving dynamics of tribal life in the nation. Join us in this exploration of Anthropology Optional Topic’s previous year questions, as we navigate through the diverse landscape of India’s tribal societies.
- 1 Tribal situation in India – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional)
- 1.1 Bio-Genetic variability, linguistic and socio variability, linguistic and socio populations and their distribution.
- 1.2 Problems of the tribal Communities — land alienation poverty, indebtedness, low literacy, poor educational facilities, unemployment, underemployment, health and nutrition.
- 1.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and problems of rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal populations.
- 1.4 Trade and Markets for Tribal Societies
- 2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 2.1 Q: What is the current status of tribal communities in India?
- 2.2 Q: How has urbanization affected tribal societies in India?
- 2.3 Q: What role do government policies play in addressing tribal issues?
- 2.4 Q: How do tribal communities contribute to India’s cultural diversity?
- 2.5 Q: What are the key challenges faced by tribal women in India?
- 3 In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
Tribal situation in India – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains Anthropology Optional)
Bio-Genetic variability, linguistic and socio variability, linguistic and socio populations and their distribution.
1. Write a note on Youth dormitary in a Central Indian tribe. (200 words) (1981)
2. Write a note in 200 words : Racial affinity of Indian tribes. (1984)
3. Write an ethnographic profile in detail about any one Indian tribe you are aware of. (1984)
4. Describe the racial, linguistic and socioeconomic characteristics of a tribe either of Central India or of South India (1985)
5. Write a note on Role of dormitory in tribal life. (1985)
6. Write a note on Languages spoken by the scheduled tribes. (1986)
7. Briefly describe the linguistic and socioeconomic characteristics of the triba peoples either (a) of Central India including the Chota Nagpur plateau or (b) of North East India. (1987)
8. Write a note on Migration as a means of socio-economic mobility in tribal society.(1988)
9. Write a note on Tribal Youth Dormitories. (1989)
10. Give in detail the ethnographic profile of polyandrous tribe in India (1992)
11. Write a note on Scheduled Area (2001)
12. Write a note on Linguistic diversity among the tribes of Chhota Nagpur(2002)
13. Write a note on Tribe and peasant similarities and differences (2003)
14. Write a note on Biogenetic variability in tribal population (2003)
15. Write a note on Genetic diversity among Indian tribes (2005)
16. Write a note on Key characteristics of the Scheduled Tribes in India (2006)
17. Discuss bio-morphological variation among the tribals of Northeastern India.(2006)
18. Do you think that Indian tribes have rich biogenetic variability ? Discuss. (2007)
19. Write a note on Tribes as Indigenous Cultures (2008)
20. Write a brief note on the linguistic diversity among Indian tribes. (2009)
21. Discuss the distinctive features of tribal in North-east India.(2011)
22. “Tribes in India are not homogeneous group.” Discuss. (2011)
23. Write a note in 150 words on Youth Dormitory (2012)
24. Discuss the concept of ‘indigenous people’ as per the relevant UN convention. Are tribals of India indigenous people ? Comment.(2012)
25. Using ethnographic examples, point out how gender relations have changed over time among Central Indian tribes. (2012)
26. Discuss the linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among the tribes of NorthEast India. (2012)
27. Write a note in 150 words on Threat to tribal languages in India. (2013)
28. Write a note in 150 words on Linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (2013)
29. Write a note in 150 words on Biogenetic variations of Indian tribes. (2014)
30. Write a note in 150 words on Social and economic marginalization of tribal people. (2014)
31. Write a note in 150 words on Socioeconomic characteristics of shifting cultivators. (2015)
32. Discuss how cultural diversity of Indian tribes has enriched its plural traditions (2016)
33. Write a note in 150 words on Biogenetic variability of Indian tribes. (2016)
34. Write a note in 150 words on Distinctive cultural features of tribes of Andaman islands.(2018)
35. Write a note in 150 words on Youth Dormitory as an institution.(2018)
36. Elucidate the linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (2020)
37. Write short notes on “Cultural diversity and multiculturalism” in about 150 words. (2021)
38. Write short notes on “Concept of tribe and Indian census” in about 150 words. (2021)
Problems of the tribal Communities — land alienation poverty, indebtedness, low literacy, poor educational facilities, unemployment, underemployment, health and nutrition.
1. Identify the main type of problems that arise out of contacts between tribal people and more advanced sections of Indian population. What measures do you suggest to mitigate the same? (1981)
2. Write a note in 200 words : Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes.(1983)
3. Discuss the isolationist and assimilationist approaches to the tribal problems, showing their respective merits and demerits. (1983)
4. Write a note on Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes. (1986)
5. Define untouchability and point out whether the problems of its removal should be treated as a matter of social reform rather than as part of administrative and legal measures. (1986)
6. Write a note on Common Property Resources in tribal villages.(1988)
7. Write a note on Elites and alienation in tribal society. (1988)
8. Discuss the special problems of shifting cultivators or of hunting food gathering tribes. (1988)
9. Discuss major problems of the tribes of India. Make a critical evaluation of the measures adopted by the Central and State Govt, in India to solve these problems and account for their limited success.(1989)
10. Write a note on Transfer and alienation of tribal land. (1990)
11. Discuss the anthropological approach to the understanding of the tribal ethos and comment on the major socioeconomic problems of Indian tribes.(1990)
12. Write a note on Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes (1992)
13. What are the major problems of the tribes in India ? Evaluate the measures adopted by the Central and State Governments in India to solve these problems.(1992)
14. Write a note on Tribal education (1993)
15. Write a note on Factors responsible for tribal migration and its consequences (1994)
16. Describe the socio-cultural factors related to the poor health conditions of the Indian tribal population. Suggest measures for improving these conditions.(1995)
17. Distinguish among nutrition, food and diet. Comment on the nutritional status of the tribes with subsistence economy in the form of hunting-gathering, shifting cultivation and settled agriculture in India.(1996)
18. Discuss the health and nutritional status of tribal and rural children in India. How far has the government policy been effective ? (1998)
19. Write a note on Land Alienation in tribal India (1999)
20. Bring out, with suitable examples, the constraints of educational development of tribal communities in India. Suggest remedial measures in this context.(1999)
21. Write a note on The problems of denotified groups (2000)
22. Write a note on Constraints of educational development among the tribals (2003)
23. Write a note on Land alienation among the tribals (2003)
24. Discuss the factors related to low literacy rate among the tribals of India. Write in brief the measures taken by the government in different five-year plans to eradicate it. (2005)
25. Write a note on Land Alienation (2007)
26. Discuss the health problems faced by tribal populations in India. Suggest some corrective measures. (2008)
27. Write a note on Indebtedness in Tribal Communities. (2009)
28. Write a note in 150 words on Education and health among tribal women. (2010)
29. “Land and forest are the twin problems of the tribes.” Explain.(2010)
30. Discuss the relevance of traditional wisdom and knowledge of the tribes with reference to health in the present day context.(2010)
31. Critically examine the various structural constraints in the educational development of Scheduled Tribes (2010)
32. Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of Central India. (2014)
33. Discuss how constitutional provisions in India have built-in mechanisms for dealing with the problem of land alienation in tribal areas. (2015)
34. Discuss the sociocultural, economic and psychological constraints responsible for low literacy in tribal areas. (2015)
35. Write a note in 150 words on Indebtedness among tribal communities.(2017)
36. Describe the impact of displacement on the health and nutritional status of tribal communities.(2017)
37. Write a note in 150 words on Issues relating to tribal education. (2019)
38. Elucidate the problems of land alienation among the tribals of India (2020)
39. Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of the Scheduled Tribes.(2021)
40. Examine the factors responsible for malnutrition in tribal India and suggest interventions required to overcome the problem (2021)
Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and problems of rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal populations.
1. Write a note on Influence of environment on the culture of any Indian tribe. (200 words)(1981)
2. Write a note on (200 words) : Forest policy and tribal interests.(1982)
3. The impact of Industrialization of the tribes of India created for them many problems. Discuss with suitable Examples. (1986)
4. Write a note on Forests and the tribal peoples (1987)
5. Write a note on ‘Rapid industrialisations may lead to psychological frustrations.’Discuss. (1987)
6. Discuss the world view of tribal people in forest regions of India. (1988)
7. Write a note on Large scale development and distress in tribal regions. (1988)
8. Discuss the people’s response and participation in development programmes in tribal areas. (1988)
9. Write a note on Impact of urbanization on the tribal societies (1990)
10. Write a note on Effects of governmental policy regarding forests on Indian tribes (1991)
11. Write a note on ‘Push’ and ‘Puli’ factors in rural-urban migration(1991)
12. Write a note on ‘Land and forest’ are basic needs of tribals (1992)
13. Describe the traditional economy of the Indian tribal communities and show how changes have come in it due to impact of Industrialization. (1992)
14. How are the tribes in India dependent on forest? Make a comparative evaluation on malevolent and benevolent actions of the tribes on forest. (1993)
15. Point out the favourable and detrimental impacts of industrialization on rural population, living in the vicinity areas. What are your proposals for achieving a balance without harmful effects? (1993)
16. Write a note on Genesis of urbanization in India. (1995)
17. Bring out the impact of industrialization on rural population in India. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples. Suggest appropriate measures for the solution of the problems encountered with. (1996)
18. Write a note on Involvement of local communities in forest management (1996)
19. Write a note on Social Forestry (1998)
20. Write a note on Sustainable development (1999)
21. Critically examine the forest policy in India right since the British period. Discuss its impact on tribal people. (1999)
22. Discuss the problem of tribal displacement in India. To what extent, are development policies responsible for such displacement ? Also explain the role of NGOs in providing the remedial measures to the affected people.(1999)
23. Give an account of Joint Forest Management programmes. What is the role of NGOs in such programmes ?(2000)
24. Indicate the main thrust of anthropological studies on development induced displacement and rehabilitation. Suggest a worthwhile rehabilitation package for displaced tribals to retain their sense of community-belonging. (2001)
25. Write a note on Detribalization. (2001)
26. Discuss how forest is related to the tribal life. Critically examine how a change in forest policy and forest degradation have affected tribal economy. (2003)
27. Write a note on Detribalization (2004)
28. Discuss the context, process and consequences of involuntary displacement among tribal communities in India and analyze the problems of rehabilitation. (2004)
29. Examine the impact of urbanization and industrialisation on tribal economy in India. (2005)
30. Write a note on Joint Forest Management. (2006)
31. Write a note on Impact of Industrialization on Tribals (2007)
32. Illustrate, with suitable examples, the impact of development programmes on tribal and weaker sections. (2007)
33. Critically examine the evolution of Forest policy in India since the British period. Discuss its impact on tribals of India. (2009)
34. Write a note in 150 words on Tribal displacement. (2010)
35. Write a note in 150 words on Forest Rights Act – 2006 (2011)
36. Discuss the problem of displaced tribal communities with the help of recent examples. (2011)
37. Discuss the impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on tribal women. (2011)
38. Critically examine the National Policy on Rehabilitation and Resettlement substantiating it with experiences from different parts of India.(2012)
39. Write a note in 150 words on Impacts of sanctuaries and national park on tribal populations. (2013)
40. Write a note in 150 words on Forest policy and tribes (2014)
41. Discuss the impact of Globalization on the livelihood of the tribal populations. (2014)
42. Write a note in 150 words on Impact of industrialization on scheduled tribe population of Jharkhand (2016)
43. Explain the difficulties experienced by scheduled tribes with regard to implementation of ‘the Reorganisation of Forest Rights Act, 2006’.(2016)
44. Examine the advancement made in the land acquisition and rehabilitation Act of 2013 over the Land acquisition Act of 1894.(2018)
45. Discuss the significance and implementation of ‘Recognition of Forest Right’s Act 2006’.(2018)
46. What has been the impact of development projects on the environment and livelihood of forest dwelling tribes ?(2019)
47. Explain the impact of developmentinduced displacement among the tribal people in India with suitable examples. (2020)
48. Write short notes on “Urbanization and tribal institutions” in about 150 words. (2021)
49. Discuss the impact of the Forest Rights Act (2006) on the livelihood and culture of tribal people in India. (2021)
50. Explain the impact of successive Land Acquisition Acts on tribal social organization.(2021)
51. Discuss the problems involved in rehabilitation and resettlement of tribals displaced due to development projects in India. (2021)
Trade and Markets for Tribal Societies
1. Write a note on Barter and Exchange in the tribal societies. (1989)
2. Write a note on Tribal markets as centres of social and cultural interaction. (1990)
3. What are the principal characteristic of tribal markets ? What extra-economic functions do such markets perform? (1991)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What is the current status of tribal communities in India?
A: The current status of tribal communities in India is dynamic and multifaceted. While some tribes have managed to retain their traditional ways of life, others grapple with challenges such as displacement, loss of land, and the impact of modernization. Understanding the contemporary situation of tribal communities involves examining their socio-economic conditions, cultural practices, and the various government interventions aimed at their welfare.
Q: How has urbanization affected tribal societies in India?
A: Urbanization has had a profound impact on tribal societies in India. The migration of tribal populations to urban areas has led to changes in their traditional livelihoods, social structures, and cultural practices. Examining the consequences of urbanization on tribal communities is crucial for understanding the ongoing transformation and the associated challenges they face in adapting to the rapidly changing urban landscape.
Q: What role do government policies play in addressing tribal issues?
A: Government policies play a significant role in addressing tribal issues in India. From constitutional safeguards to specific schemes aimed at tribal welfare, understanding the various policy interventions is essential. Analyzing the effectiveness of these policies and their implementation on the ground is crucial for evaluating the impact on tribal communities and identifying areas that require further attention and improvement.
Q: How do tribal communities contribute to India’s cultural diversity?
A: Tribal communities in India are an integral part of the country’s cultural diversity. Their distinct languages, art forms, rituals, and traditional knowledge contribute significantly to the rich tapestry of India’s cultural heritage. Exploring the ways in which tribal communities enrich the nation’s cultural diversity provides valuable insights into the importance of preserving and promoting their unique identities.
Q: What are the key challenges faced by tribal women in India?
A: Tribal women in India often face unique challenges that stem from a combination of gender and tribal identity. Understanding issues related to education, healthcare, employment, and gender-based violence within tribal communities is crucial for addressing the specific needs of tribal women. Exploring these challenges sheds light on the intersectionality of gender and tribal identity and the importance of gender-sensitive approaches in policy formulation and implementation.
In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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