Q32. Consider the following statements:
Statement- I: In India, prisons are managed by State Governments with their own rules and regulations
Edukemy Team
Q31. In essence, what does ‘Due Process of Law’ mean?
(a) The principle of natural justice.
(b) The procedure established by law
Integration and Merger of Indian States – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
The integration and merger of Indian states stands as a pivotal chapter in the nation’s post-independence history, reflecting a complex process of political, administrative, and socio-cultural amalgamation.
Q 30. Consider the following infrastructure sectors:
1. Affordable housing
2. Mass rapid transport
3. Health care
4. Renewable energy
Q 29. Consider the following:
1. Demographic performance
2. Forest and ecology
3. Governance reforms
4. Stable government
5. Tax and fiscal efforts
Policy of Equal Federation (1935-1947) – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
The Policy of Equal Federation, as outlined in the Government of India Act of 1935, was an attempt to incorporate the princely states into the broader political framework.
Q 28. Consider the investments in the following assets:
1. Brand recognition
2. Inventory
3. Intellectual property
4. Mailing list of clients
Q27. Consider the following statements:
1. The Government of India provides Minimum Support Price for niger (Guizotia abyssinica) seeds.
Rehabilitation and Resettlement of Refugees – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
Rehabilitation and resettlement of refugees represent critical components of humanitarian efforts aimed at restoring dignity, stability, and hope to individuals and families displaced by conflict, persecution, or natural disasters.
UPSC Prelims 2023 Q26. Which one of the following best describes the concept of ‘Small Farmer Large Field’?
(a) Resettlement of a large number of people