Inland water transport in India holds immense potential as a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
Edukemy Team
Present an account of the Indus Water Treaty and examine its ecological, economic and political implications in the context of changing bilateral relations. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The Indus Water Treaty (IWT), signed in 1960 between India and Pakistan, stands as a significant international agreement governing the sharing of water resources from the Indus River system.
Major cities of India are becoming vulnerable to flood conditions. Discuss. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
In recent years, major cities across India have found themselves grappling with a growing vulnerability to flood conditions, signaling a pressing concern for urban planners and policymakers.
The South China Sea has assumed great geopolitical significance in the present context. Comment. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The South China Sea, nestled between Southeast Asia and East Asia, has become a focal point of global geopolitical dynamics, attaining unprecedented significance in contemporary times.
The effective management of land and water resources will drastically reduce the human miseries. Explain. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The effective management of land and water resources stands as an indispensable pillar in the alleviation of human miseries.
“The Himalayas are highly prone to landslides.” Discuss the causes and suggest suitable measures of mitigation. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The Himalayas, characterized by their breathtaking beauty and towering peaks, are also known for their high susceptibility to landslides
Discuss the concept of air mass and explain its role in macro-climatic changes. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The concept of air mass is fundamental to understanding the dynamics of Earth’s atmosphere and plays a pivotal role in shaping macro-climatic changes.
What is the basis of regionalism? Is it that unequal distribution of benefits of development on a regional basis eventually promotes regionalism? Substantiate your answer. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
Regionalism, as a socio-political phenomenon, finds its basis in the unequal distribution of developmental benefits across different geographical areas.
With a brief background of the quality of urban life in India, introduce the objectives and strategy of the ‘Smart City Programme.’ (12.5 marks, 200 words)
Recognizing the need for a holistic and transformative approach, the Government of India launched the ‘Smart City Programme’ as a visionary initiative to address these urban challenges.
Why are the tribals in India referred to as ‘the Scheduled Tribes’? Indicate the major provisions enshrined in the Constitution of India for their upliftment. (12.5 marks, 200 words)
The tribal communities in India, commonly known as ‘Scheduled Tribes,’ are identified and categorized as such due to historical socio-economic disparities and cultural distinctiveness.