Are you an aspiring civil services candidate with a deep passion for philosophy? If so, you’re likely aware of the significance of the optional paper in the UPSC Mains examination. Philosophy is a discipline that delves into the profound questions of human existence, ethics, and the nature of reality. It challenges candidates to think critically and provide well-reasoned arguments. One of the most effective ways to prepare for the philosophy optional paper is by studying previous year questions. In this blog, we’ll be exploring the topic of “Soul” in the context of UPSC Mains from the year 2013 to 2023. We will unravel the complexities of these questions, discuss key themes, and provide insights into how to approach them effectively. So, if you’re looking to enhance your philosophical prowess and excel in this subject, let’s embark on a journey through the wisdom of past years’ questions and answers.
The topic of “Soul” is a recurrent theme in the philosophy optional paper, reflecting the enduring importance of this concept in philosophical discourse. It challenges candidates to engage with age-old inquiries about the nature of the self, consciousness, and the existence of an immortal soul. By examining questions from the past decade, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the evolving trends in the UPSC examination, allowing you to tailor your preparation accordingly. So, whether you’re just starting your UPSC philosophy optional journey or looking to fine-tune your knowledge, this blog will serve as a valuable resource to help you unlock the secrets of answering questions related to the “Soul” with precision and finesse.
Soul Philosophy – Previous Year Questions (UPSC CSE Mains History Optional)
1. Discuss whether the doctrine of immortality of soul is indispensable for a religion. (2017/10)
2. Is there an essential difference between the concept of liberation in theological and non-theological approaches of life ? Discuss(2017/20)
3. Does the ‘Doctrine of Dependent Origination’ reconcile the two extreme views on thel aw of causation, namely Satkaryavada and Asatkaryavada? Give reasons for your answer. (2016/20)
4. “Immortality means absence of karma and rebirth.” Discuss.(2015/15)
5. What is liberation? Briefly discuss the ways to attain it as outlined int he system of Vedanta.(2015/20)
6. How do you justify rebirth with or without the soul ? (2014/10)
7. What are the arguments given in favour of immortality of soul ?(2014/10)
8. Compare and contrast the concept of liberation according to ‘Advait’ and ‘Visishtadvait’. (2014/15)
9. Is there anything else other than human efforts which may be conducive to attainment of liberation ? (2013/10)
10. Are rebirth and liberation analogous concepts ? Explain (2012/12)
11. Is the idea of immortality of soul utopian or it is realizable ? Discuss(2012/20)
12. Is a belief in the immortality of the soul a necessary pre condition for religion? Discuss. 2011 – 20 marks
13. Is a belief in rebirth and reincarnation possible without a belief in the immortality of the soul? Discuss. 2011 – 20 marks
14. Can Buddhism, because of its doctrine of ‘anatta’, be regarded as are ligion or not? Discuss. 2011 – 20 marks
15. What sort of criteria can one provide for identifying rebirth asopposed to birth? Discuss. 10/15
16. Why is grace of God needed for liberation? Discuss with an example. 10/20
17. Distinguish between Indian concept of jivatma and Plato’s concept of soul. 10/20
18. If ignorance is the cause of suffering, knowledge should remove suffering. What is the notion of knowledge which a liberated person acquires? Discuss. 10/20
19. Explain why man has a desire for immortality. 09/30
20. Possibility of rational understanding of immortality and liberation. Critical notes. 08/20.
21. Without some conception of immortality, religion has no meaning. Critically examine. 07/20.
22. Explain the doctrine of the law of karma. Is it compatible with the freedom of will? Discuss. 07/60.
23. Without some conception of immortality, religion has no meaning.Critically examine. 06/20.
24. Explain the doctrine of the law of karma. Is it compatible with the freedom of will? Discuss. 06/60.
25. Without some conception of immortality, religion has no meaning. Critically examine. 05/20.
26. Is Christian doctrine of the immortality of soul compatible with the Gita’s doctrine of atman? Discuss. 05/60.
27. What do you understand by liberation? Is it possible for one to be liberated in this very life? If it is, what are the characteristics of a liberated person? Discuss. 05/60.
28. Relation between religion and salvation. Critical notes.
29. Can the results of a finite action of an individual (karma) determine the nature of the immortal soul (atman)? Critical notes.
30. Advaita Vedanta theory of jivanmukti. Critical notes. 02/20.
31. What is meant by immortality of soul? Analyse the argument of the Bhagvad Gita in this regard.
Q: What is the concept of the soul in philosophy?
A: The concept of the soul in philosophy refers to a fundamental aspect of human identity and consciousness. Philosophers have debated for centuries about its nature, whether it is immortal or mortal, and its role in defining human existence.
Q: Do all philosophical traditions believe in the existence of the soul?
A: No, not all philosophical traditions accept the existence of the soul. While some, like dualism, posit the existence of a distinct soul, others, such as materialism, deny its existence, viewing consciousness as a product of physical processes in the brain.
Q: What are the major theories of the soul in philosophy?
A: There are several major theories, including substance dualism, property dualism, materialism, and idealism. Substance dualism posits the existence of both physical and non-physical substances, while materialism argues that everything, including the mind, is composed of physical matter.
Q: How does the concept of the soul relate to ethics and morality in philosophy?
A: The concept of the soul often plays a significant role in ethical and moral philosophy. It can influence views on topics like free will, responsibility, and the basis for moral judgments, depending on whether one believes in a soul and its attributes.
Q: Can philosophy provide definitive answers about the nature of the soul?
A: Philosophy has explored the concept of the soul extensively, but it has not produced definitive answers. The nature of the soul remains a matter of ongoing debate and interpretation among philosophers, making it a fascinating and complex subject of philosophical inquiry.
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