The Carnatic War, unfolding during the 18th century, was a significant conflict that occurred along the Indian coastline, particularly in the princely state of Hyderabad.
Modern History
Socio-Economic Conditions – Agriculture, Society & Culture, Education & Trade (India on the Eve of British Conquest) – UPSC Modern History Notes
The socio-economic conditions of India during the 18th century were marked by several complex factors that shaped its trajectory
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Governor, Governor-General and Viceroys
The Governor-General and Viceroys played a major role in the formulation and implementation of policies towards India. Their elite background, brinkmanship, and individual bravery proved to be crucial to securing …
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – India after Independence
The modern history of India after independence encapsulates a narrative of resilience, evolution, and aspiration, as the nation navigated through the complexities
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Towards Independence (1940 -1947)
the Congress to demand a clear proposal and peace aims applicable to India. The period between 1940-47 marked the final journey of India towards its independence.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase- III
The Indian National Movement Phase III marks a pivotal period in India’s struggle for independence, characterized by fervent activism,
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase II (1919 – 1927)
The National Movement Phase II marks a crucial period in India’s struggle for independence, characterized by the emergence of key leaders, mass mobilization
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase – I (1885-1919)
The National Movement in India shaped a significant age in history as it assisted with welding different individuals and segments of society into one country.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Development of Education and Press
In the fascinating tapestry of India’s modern history, the development of education and press stands as a pivotal chapter, emblematic of the nation’s quest for enlightenment and empowerment.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Tribal, Peasant, and Civil Uprisings
The history of India is marked by a tapestry of diverse socio-political movements, with tribal, peasant, and civil uprisings serving as crucial threads within this intricate fabric.