The Governor-General and Viceroys played a major role in the formulation and implementation of policies towards India. Their elite background, brinkmanship, and individual bravery proved to be crucial to securing …
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – India after Independence
The modern history of India after independence encapsulates a narrative of resilience, evolution, and aspiration, as the nation navigated through the complexities
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Towards Independence (1940 -1947)
the Congress to demand a clear proposal and peace aims applicable to India. The period between 1940-47 marked the final journey of India towards its independence.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase- III
The Indian National Movement Phase III marks a pivotal period in India’s struggle for independence, characterized by fervent activism,
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase II (1919 – 1927)
The National Movement Phase II marks a crucial period in India’s struggle for independence, characterized by the emergence of key leaders, mass mobilization
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Indian National Movement Phase – I (1885-1919)
The National Movement in India shaped a significant age in history as it assisted with welding different individuals and segments of society into one country.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Development of Education and Press
In the fascinating tapestry of India’s modern history, the development of education and press stands as a pivotal chapter, emblematic of the nation’s quest for enlightenment and empowerment.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Modern History – Tribal, Peasant, and Civil Uprisings
The history of India is marked by a tapestry of diverse socio-political movements, with tribal, peasant, and civil uprisings serving as crucial threads within this intricate fabric.
The Revolt of 1857, also known as the First War of Independence or the Sepoy Mutiny, stands as a pivotal chapter in India’s modern history.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – Social and Religious Reform Movements
The Social and Religious Reform Movements in India during the modern era heralded a significant socio-cultural transformation