The August Offer, proposed in August 1940 by Lord Linlithgow, the Viceroy of India at the time, is named after the month of its presentation.
UPSC Notes
Pakistan Resolution, Lahore, March 1940 – Modern History Notes
The Lahore Resolution holds immense significance in the history of Pakistan. It was a formal statement presented by the All-India Muslim League, advocating the creation of a separate state for Muslims based on their predominantly Muslim population.
Second World War and Nationalistic Response – Modern History Notes
The Second World War, a global conflict that took place between 1939 and 1945, had a profound impact on nations across the world.
The Election of 1937 and the Formation of Congress Ministries – Modern History Notes
The Election of 1937 marked a pivotal moment in the modern history of several British Indian provinces, as it set the stage for the formation of Congress Ministries.
The Government of India Act 1935 – Modern History Notes
The Government of India Act 1935 stands as a pivotal milestone in the annals of modern Indian history, marking a critical juncture in the constitutional evolution of British India.
The Harijan campaign launched by Gandhi was a significant movement aimed at addressing the issue of untouchability and social discrimination faced by the so-called “Untouchable” communities in India.
Communal Award and Poona Act – Modern History Notes
The Communal Award, announced by British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald in August 1932, introduced a fixed quota of seats for the Untouchables.
End and Evaluation of the Civil Disobedience Movement – Modern History Notes
The Civil Disobedience Movement, a pivotal chapter in modern history, unfolded against the backdrop of British colonial rule in India during the early to mid-20th century.
First, Second and Third Round Table Conferences & Karachi Congress of 1931 – Modern History Notes
In the same year, the Karachi Congress provided a platform for Indian leaders to discuss their stance on constitutional matters and demonstrate a united front.
Comparison between Civil Disobedience Movement & the Non – Coorporation Movement – Modern History Notes
The Civil Disobedience Movement and the Non-Cooperation Movement were both significant phases in the Indian freedom struggle, but they differed in several aspects. Here’s a comparison between the two movements:…