The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is the apex recruiting body in India responsible for selecting candidates for various prestigious civil services positions. In 2015, the General Studies Paper 4, also known as the Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude paper, presented candidates with a challenging array of questions aimed at evaluating their ethical and moral reasoning, decision-making abilities, and overall aptitude. This paper, a critical component of the UPSC examination, tests not only the knowledge but also the character and judgment of aspiring civil servants. Let’s delve into the solved questions of the UPSC 2015 GS 4 paper to gain insight into the rigorous standards expected of future administrators and leaders in India.
- 1 Q2. Given are two quotations of moral thinkers/philosophers. For each of these bring out what it means to you in the present context.
- 2 (a) “The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of strong.”(150 Words, 10 Marks)
- 3 Decoding the Question:
- 4 Answer:
- 5 In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
Q2. Given are two quotations of moral thinkers/philosophers. For each of these bring out what it means to you in the present context.
(a) “The weak can never forgive; forgiveness is the attribute of strong.”(150 Words, 10 Marks)
Tags: Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and world.
Decoding the Question:
- In Intro, try to briefly introduce the source of the Quote and its ideology.
- In Body,
- Explain the characteristics of Forgiveness as a Virtue.
- In Conclusion, try to suggest the means Forgiveness provides to achieve happiness, prosperity and spiritual growth in life.
Vengeance brings plunder and distress to the soul whereas forgiveness brings peace, both to others and you. In the present day world, when we are so easily frustrated to get revenge and hit back at someone who could have done us wrong in any way, forgiveness doesn’t come easy. By this quote, Gandhiji emphasizes that not retaliating against violence does not make someone weak or a coward, contrary to common perception.

Forgiveness as a Virtue:
- Being secure: An insecure person cannot forgive. Unless you are confident and secure in yourself and position, you cannot have it in you to come forth and forgive someone. You have to be content with the fact that the person does not have the strength over you to keep you stressed forever. Even if you are hurt, you have to understand that it is only temporary and in the long run it wouldn’t really matter to you. Whatever the person did to you shouldn’t have the power to keep you begrudged forever.
- Focus on important things: You cannot focus your mind on anything else when you are carrying the anger of hurt and wanting revenge from someone. If you have other important things in life to concentrate on, it is best for you to forgive the person and shift your focus to thing that are more important for you. If you give the person that power over you to keep you from essential things in life, you are definitely not strong enough to prioritize your things.
- Makes you a better person: Forgiving makes you not just a stronger person but a better person at heart. You feel lighter as if a burden has been raised off you. Your mind gets to have its much needed peace and this brings positivity in life. Brooding on negative thoughts of vengeance and rivalry brings negative vibes in life which is not something that could make you strong as a person. You have to realize that you do not want to get even with the person who has hurt you, not to fall low to his standards but to rise above him. This definitely takes strength.
- Breaking the ice: If you hold on to past conflicts, you lose a friend or someone who was once close to you. Maybe your friend too would be waiting to talk to you but doesn’t have it in him to make the first move. To be the first one to initiate remaking a connection takes strength. If you are strong and confident, you can go forth and try to talk back to the person. Initiating conversation, hearing his views on what went wrong in the past and if he is willing to make up for it, putting forth your views will go ahead to make things better.
- Hatred does no good: Holding anger and grudges is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who annoyed us but it is in fact a curved blade and the harm we do, we do to ourselves. Hurting yourself for someone else’s mistake is definitely a weakness. You are giving the person the power to affect you in the long run. If you are strong enough, you will be able to realize that it is not worth holding onto anger and hurting yourself with it. Life has so much more to offer. What you can’t change is the past, your future lies in your hands to be shaped the way your actions choose to.
Forgiveness: A road to happiness, prosperity and spiritual growth:
- One easily forgives those whom they love because they believe in their capacity to reform .To forgive others or total strangers one needs to have faith in the goodness of humanity of every human being and believe that there is always a chance of reform.
- One needs to surpass the distinction between good and bad. This way one can free their soul of the chains and hence, ensure all round personality development. So by inculcating the value of forgiveness, people are helping themselves as much as they are helping others.
Life has so much more to offer and it should be lived happily and cheerfully. Forgiveness cannot erase the past but it can very well make a person move on to a bright future ahead, full of possibilities and opportunities to grow. It can bring peace and happiness in the present and future. Forgiving others is a sign of a spiritually grown person.
In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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