Here is Question No. 26 a part of our series on UPSC Prelims 2017
Q26. The object of the Butler Committee of 1927 was to
a) Define the jurisdiction of the Central and Provincial Governments
b) Define the powers of the Secretary of State for India
c) Impose censorship on national press
d) Improve the relationship between the Government of India and the Indian States.
The correct answer is Option 3.
- Butler Committee Report of 1927:
- It sought to improve relations between the Government of India and the Indian States. Hence, Option 3 is correct.
- The Butler Committee, also known as the Indian States Committee, was formed in 1927.
- In 1929, the committee submitted its report.
- According to the Committee, the Viceroy should represent the Crown in all dealings with the States. This proposed change is comparable to the new Imperial arrangement under which the Governor-General of a Dominion serves as High Commissioner for the Protectorates of the Dominion.
- It states that the monarchy must remain supreme.
- It is claimed that British supremacy protects the princely state.
- The Committee understands the Native Princes’ concern that their States might be transferred without their consent under a new Government in British India accountable to an Indian Legislature, and they express unequivocally that no such transfer should occur without the Princes’ consent.
- It also states that the state should not be transferred unless both parties agree.

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