The Maratha Empire stands as a testament to the resilience, valor, and strategic acumen of the Maratha people, carving out a significant chapter in the annals of Indian history.
medieval history notes
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – The Mughal Administration
In this section, we delve into the nuances of Mughal administration, as outlined in the NCERT notes, focusing particularly on its evolution, key institutions, and administrative policies during the early …
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – The Mughal Empire
In terms of military power, administrative innovations, cultural developments, economic prosperity, and political consolidation, the Mughal Empire attained new heights.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – Vijayanagara and Bahmani Kingdoms
The Bahmani and the Vijayanagara were the two great empires that arose in the Deccan. These kingdoms dominated South India and Deccan for more than 200 years.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – Rise of Provincial Kingdoms
In the wake of decline of the Delhi Sultanate, many provincial kingdoms arose in different parts of India. These include the kingdoms of Gujarat, Malwa, Jaunpur, Bengal, etc.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – Delhi Sultanate
The Delhi Sultanate consisted of five short-lived dynasty kingdoms or Sultanates based in Delhi. These dynasties were the Mamluk Dynasty, Khilji Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty, Sayyid Dynasty, and Lodi Dynasty.
UPSC NCERT Notes – Medieval History – Arab and Turkish Invasions
The Medieval period in Indian history witnessed significant transformations, particularly with the advent of Arab and Turkish invasions.
The Battle of Tarain stands as a pivotal moment in medieval Indian history, marked by the clash of military prowess and strategic acumen.
Failure of Rajput Kingdoms – UPSC Medieval History Notes
Hailing from western, eastern, and northern India, along with parts of Pakistan, Rajputs held sway from the sixth to the twelfth centuries.
Indo-Sassanian – Post Mauryan Age – UPSC Medieval History Notes
The Indo-Sassanian period, also known as the Post-Mauryan Age, represents a significant chapter in the history of the Indian subcontinent.