The UPSC Mock Interview on International Relations serves as a pivotal component in the assessment of aspirants aiming for prestigious positions in civil services. International Relations, a dynamic and multifaceted field, holds critical importance in the contemporary global landscape. The mock interview serves as a simulation of the real interview process, allowing candidates to showcase their understanding of international affairs, diplomatic nuances, and geopolitical developments. It offers a platform for aspirants to demonstrate their analytical skills, knowledge of historical contexts, and the ability to formulate informed opinions on pressing global issues. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the UPSC Mock Interview on International Relations becomes an invaluable opportunity for candidates to exhibit their acumen in comprehending and navigating the complexities of international politics, fostering an environment where their potential to contribute to diplomatic endeavors and global governance is thoroughly evaluated.
UPSC Mock Interview Questions on International Relations
- What is OPEC?
- What is OIC?
- Who founded Al-Qaida, when, and what happened to him? Who is his successor, and what is his native country?
- What is ISIS? Who is its founder, and what is its connection to the previous organization?
- Explain the Afghanistan peace process and India’s role in it.
- When did the USSR fall, how many countries emerged from it, and what were its effects on India and the world?
- Which Asian countries were involved in the Cold War?
- What is NPT, and what is India’s stand on nuclear arsenal?
- What is the justification for No First Use, and is it considered a hypocritical policy?
- Name the members of OIC and explain its importance.
- Define soft power and suggest some ways in which India can utilize it.
- Explore the growing movement towards protectionism in the world and its reasons.
- How will China’s relationship with Nepal affect India?
- Why does Pakistan engage in instigating terrorist activities in different cities of India? What is the purpose behind it?
- Discuss India’s strategy to deal with Pakistan, considering it as a growing adversary.
- Assess the feasibility of TAPI and IPI projects, emphasizing India’s role and what it can do to secure pipelines.
- Examine the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Should there be concerns about the Taliban coming to power?
- What is the Sir Creek issue, and what are the associated problems?
- Explain the Siachen issue and why Siachen holds importance.
- Describe the Doklam issue, China’s actions, and the reasons behind them.
- Highlight the importance of Mauritius to India.
- If you had to pick between Israel and Palestine, which one would you choose, and why?
- Is India a country that frequently engages in wars?
- Why aren’t our neighbors getting along well with us?
- What’s the latest news about the Chinese military?
- How is India trying to increase its influence in the region, and what methods is it using?
- What do you think will happen to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the future? What is causing issues, and why are there recent trade wars?
- Should India and Pakistan find a mediator for their disagreement over Kashmir? Can the United Nations act as a mediator?
- Why is the USA moving towards protecting its own industries, while China is encouraging free trade?
- What’s your opinion on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)? What does China hope to gain from it?
- Explain India’s Act East policy and talk about its success.
- Why is the International Solar Alliance important for India?
- What is the Quad security dialogue?
- What is India’s neighborhood policy? Why did SAARC not become successful? What could happen if the Taliban takes control?
- Why is Pakistan important on a global scale?
- How would things change if India gets a seat in the UN Security Council?
- If no country in the world labels Pakistan as a terrorist nation, do you think it’s a failure of India’s foreign policy?
- Using the flower pot analogy, describe something about democracy in Pakistan where the flower blooms but the roots do not spread.
- Discuss the role of the military in Pakistan and how it affects India.
- Considering the crisis in West Asia, do you think it’s in India’s interest for Pakistan to be economically unstable?
- Why is Imran Khan called a puppet Prime Minister?
- What would happen if someone is declared a Global Terrorist?
- How has India’s international relations approach changed in the last five years?
- What does CPEC stand for, and what challenges is China encountering in its implementation? What is the budget allocated for CPEC?
- What does BRI stand for, and what is the budget associated with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)? What is the geographical scope of BRI?
- Why is China heavily investing in the Belt and Road Initiative?
- Is there opposition to BRI from the USA or other nations?
- Should reparations be sought from Britain for its colonial past?
- Despite India’s strength, why is it not taking action against Pakistan?
- What are the issues concerning Siachen and Sir Creek?
- Why are South American countries referred to as Latin America?
- What is the current situation in Venezuela, and why are other countries intervening? What is India’s stance on Venezuela?
- What is the current status of India-Russia relations?
- Who are the Rohingyas, and should they be accepted? Provide reasons for your stance.
- What type of foreign policy would be ideal for India in terms of international relations?
- How can India improve relations with Pakistan? Do you believe the opinions of the Pakistani public will influence state policy?
- What values are essential for a country?
- Should India consider bombing Pakistan’s nuclear facilities?
- What is the recent trade war between the US and China, and how will it impact India?
- Discuss the importance and current status of the Kaladan multi-modal project.
- What challenges arise due to refugees from Myanmar, and why is military action not a viable solution?
- Explore river disputes between India, Pakistan, and China.
- How can Chinese incursions in the Indian Ocean be prevented?
- Define bio-terrorism and name some bio-terror agents.
- Is anthrax a virus or bacteria? Why was Agent Orange used, and what are its effects in Vietnam today?
- Share your opinion on Trump’s foreign policy.
- Why does the United States act like the world’s police and involve itself in various places? Is the US withdrawing from global affairs?
- What is hegemony? How is it different from dominance? Who came up with the concept of hegemony?
- Do you think the label “third world countries” is mainly due to geography? What’s your perspective on this?
- Why is China not acknowledging Masood Azhar as a terrorist? How can Pakistan be isolated, and how can China be persuaded to condemn Pakistan?
- What is the WTO, and what issues does it face?
- Is China a communist or capitalist country?
- Despite being a democracy, why is India not performing as well as communist China?
- Deng Xiaoping once said it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. What do you think about this statement?
- Share your thoughts on India’s relationships with its neighboring countries.
- Do you support the 1971 war? Why or why not, and how should India deal with Pakistan now?
- What is FATF, and how does Pakistan being on the grey list benefit India? What steps can India take to isolate Pakistan?
- What is the current situation in Afghanistan? Do you think India should engage in talks with the Taliban?
- Highlight some achievements in India’s foreign policy over the past five years.
- Have you heard about the Arab uprising? In which countries did it take place?
- What impact did the Arab uprising have on those countries? Have they transitioned to full democracy?
- Why did some of these movements fail, and what can India learn from them?
- What challenges does India face in foreign affairs?
- Do you think India should adopt an aggressive approach or engage in dialogue with Pakistan?
- Are you aware of recent events in Arunachal Pradesh? What actions should India take in response?
- Discuss major changes in Indian foreign policy since 2014, particularly in terms of economic diplomacy.
- When was SAARC formed, what are its objectives, where is its headquarters, and how many member countries does it have? Can you list them?
- What is your understanding of the term “Hydrodiplomacy”?
- Provide examples of cross-border river conflicts.
- Offer one example of each of India as an upper riparian and lower riparian state.
- Elaborate on the crisis concerning the Brahmaputra. What policy doctrine does China use to justify its dam-building activities on the Brahmaputra?
- Do you believe SAARC is a viable mechanism for resolving development and other issues in South Asia?
- Explain the Venezuela crisis. Assess its impact on India and suggest appropriate actions for India.
- Familiar with the Arab Spring? Explain why Syria did not witness significant changes during the Arab Spring.
- Why does India lag behind in social parameters like health compared to our less developed neighbors?
- Are you aware of the measures taken by East Asian countries to address traffic congestion issues?
- Share your views on the Kartarpur Sahib Corridor. Can India trust Pakistan despite historical conflicts, and what river does this corridor cross?
- Explain the Indus Water Treaty. What recent developments are associated with the treaty?
- Define “String of Pearls.” What offensive strategy has the government adopted to counter it?
- Will the government’s Act East policy bring about change in the North-East?
- What is the precursor of G20? What makes G20 special, and why was it formed? Who represented India?
- Provide information about the ‘yellow vest’ movement.
- Why is BREXIT in the news? What led to the defeat of the BREXIT bill? What is the stance of Northern Ireland and Scotland on it?
- Describe the current state of relations with Maldives. Identify the issues and propose solutions.
- Define biological weapons.
- Have you heard about the nuclear deal in 2008? Explain its objectives, assess whether they were fulfilled, and detail what India offered to the USA.
- Is India deviating from its stance on China-related issues? Why have recent meetings not addressed concerns about NSG and Pakistan? Is our objection to OBOR justified, especially considering the existing Karakoram highway where CPEC is planned? Would India support it with a name change?
- India previously took a confrontational approach with China on NSG entry and Masood Azhar, but recent efforts focus on improving ties. Does this shift in foreign policy signals create confusion? What are your thoughts on this diplomatic about-face?
- Define India’s policy on the use of nuclear weapons. Explain the Cold Start doctrine.
- How would you define international studies?
- Outline India’s policy towards Pakistan and describe what actions you would take as a foreign secretary.
- Explain ISIS and its mission.
- To prevent China’s hegemony over Indian territory, what should be India’s strategy? Discuss the Doklam issue and why China later withdrew.
- (a) How should India handle relations with China in the future? (b) Should India cease trading with China?
- How should one deal with recent Trump policies?
- Why did the USA impose tariffs on iron and steel? Is it a trade war? Will this impact India, and how?
- Identify other international problems similar to India-Pakistan issues.
- If you were to join the foreign service, which country would you choose and why?
- Define the maritime silk route. Why is India not participating in it?
- If India joins and China builds a port, what issues might arise for India, and what measures is India taking against them?
- Explain chemical weapons. Are they more dangerous than nuclear weapons, and if so, why?
- Is Arunachal Pradesh or Andaman and Nicobar the easternmost part of India?
- What is the strategic importance of Andaman and Nicobar for India?
- How prepared is India militarily to counter China at sea?
- Define the Israel-Palestine conflict. Assess the UN’s successes and failures in this matter.
- Why is Iran important for India, and how should India balance relations with Iran and the USA?
- How large is the Indian Diaspora, and how much remittance does India receive?
- What is currently happening in the Maldives, why is the Maldives being so stubborn, and what role should India play?
- Can you provide a brief overview of the Sir Creek issue and name other notable maritime disputes worldwide?
- If you were to divide India into different zones, listing states in each zone, which zone do you consider the most important, and why? How are island states like Andaman & Lakshadweep significant in the current scenario?
- Explain the geostrategic importance of the Indian Ocean region. In the event of a naval blockade of India, what options might be available to continue external trade?
- What are your thoughts on land access through Pakistan?
- Define TRIPS and TRIPS+.
- Can you name neighboring countries that share land borders with India?
- How would you assess India’s foreign policy over the past 70 years in terms of success, considering both hard power and economic considerations?
- Evaluate India’s foreign policy in the context of our near neighborhood. How are our relations with neighboring countries?
- Why do you think some of our relations with neighbors are not in good shape?
- Share your perspective on China building a dam in Tibet on the Brahmaputra River and diverting water to Tibet. What should be India’s stance?
- Highlight the importance of the Indian Ocean for India in both strategic and economic terms.
- Assess the capability of the Indian Navy in protecting our sea lines of communication. Explain how terrorist attacks occurred through sea routes despite this capability.
- What trends do you observe in foreign policy since the NDA came to power?
- Do you believe Russia is exploring alternatives for defense trade, and if so, is it harmful to India? What stance should India take?
- Do you believe the recent missile attack by the US and UK will create a division between Russia and the US? What groupings do you anticipate, and is there a possibility of World War III?
- Can you name the countries that possess nuclear weapons?
- Explain India’s nuclear doctrine. Do you think the “no first use policy” has its drawbacks?
- Pakistan has developed short-range nuclear missiles. Should India also develop such missiles?
- If Pakistan were to attack India with these missiles, how should India respond? If you were the foreign secretary, how would you handle the situation?
- Provide an overview of the current situation in Syria. Why are multiple actors like the USA, Russia, and Iran involved?
- Evaluate the success of India’s policy regarding Pakistan. Are surgical strikes an effective deterrent?
- If you could tweak a part of India’s foreign policy, what would it be?
- What is the Gujral Doctrine, and why did it fail?
- Describe the emerging global order.
- Considering Pakistan as a perpetual enemy of India, what would be a “permanent solution” for Pakistan?
- Discuss the Rohingya issue. Should we forcibly send them back? What should be done if Myanmar refuses to take them back?
- Prime Minister recently visited Sweden. What potential benefits can India gain from this relationship?
- How can India address its maritime challenges effectively?
- Identify the determinants of foreign policy. Describe the orientation of India’s foreign policy over the past 3 to 4 years.
- Explain the Indo-US Civil Nuclear deal. What did India sacrifice in the deal, and what were the objectives of signing it?
- Do you believe Pakistan takes effective action against terrorism?
- Define strategy and tactics in the context of the conflict with Pakistan.
- Do you think international law is not being valued?
- Explain the terms Insaniyat, Kashmiriyat, and Jamhuriyat. Are there initiatives to promote Kashmiriyat?
- Discuss the purpose of the recent meeting between Modi and Xi Jinping.
- If you were Xi Jinping and Modi, what three points would you convey to each other?
- Evaluate the importance of culture in foreign policy and explore how other countries are culturally related to India.
- What are the provisions for treating Commissioner Abhinandan, and is India’s claim under the Geneva Convention valid?
- Explore the reasons why the Indo-China trade does not happen via Arunachal.
- Provide an overview of events and developments in the Middle East and West Asia.
- Share your thoughts on the relationship between Iran and China.
- Discuss the reasons behind China and India being exempted from economic sanctions on Iran.
- Explain the mandate of the WTO and assess whether it successfully fulfills its objectives.
- Highlight the differences between India’s foreign policy shift from Look East to Act East.
- If sent to Afghanistan, explain how you would convince them to isolate Pakistan.
- Propose solutions for rectifying India’s significant trade deficit with China.
- Discuss the current issues in Iran, their potential impact on India, and alternative energy options.
- Explain India’s interference in the affairs of neighboring states, such as the Tamil issue in Sri Lanka and the Madhesi issue in Nepal.
- Define the String of Pearls and suggest how India can counter it.
- Provide insights into the situation in Yemen.
- Analyze the impact of Trump’s China policy on India
- Share your opinion on sending troops to Afghanistan, considering Trump’s statement about India filling the void. Discuss the possibility and the outcomes if the Afghanistan government requests Indian troops, considering India’s previous experiences with troop deployments.
- Why did the Canadian Prime Minister receive a chilly welcome during his recent visit to India?
- Will the Kartarpur Corridor lead to a resurgence of the Khalistan issue? Why proceed with it, and do you think the Khalistan movement is getting excessive attention these days?
- How is the Malayalee diaspora in the Middle East different from that in North America?
- Is celebrating International Yoga Day important? Why?
- Iraq faced severe consequences for its invasion, while there was less reaction to Russia annexing Crimea. Why do you think that happened?
- What was the Cold War, and what was the flashpoint of the Cold War? When did the Cuban Missile Crisis occur?
- Give a speech on the theme, “In international relations, there are no enemies and no friends.”
- During the recent visit of the French President to India, what is his name? There was an agreement on military base sharing. Should India engage in such agreements with colonial powers? What should India do if these countries seek access to Indian military bases?
- Why did China withdraw from Assam in the 1962 war?
- In which year did Iraq invade Kuwait?
- Maldivian Crisis: Was India right in not sending the army? Despite India’s assistance, why is the Maldives leaning towards China?
- Should India strive to become a world power? Why is India focusing extensively on the Indo-Pacific region, and shouldn’t it prioritize the Indian Ocean more?
- What is Brexit, and why are people in the UK now saying it was a mistake?
- In the regions where India is involved in the South China Sea, tell me about Diego Garcia.
- Explain the Diego Garcia controversy, India’s stance on it, and the importance of Mauritius for India.
- With the Commonwealth Games taking place, what is the Commonwealth, and what is its significance?
- Why did the USSR collapse suddenly, and what were the reasons for the USSR’s disintegration?
- Can you name two leaders who gained global prominence after the collapse of the USSR?
- How do you perceive India’s stance on incorporating Madhesi demands into Nepal’s constitution? Do you support this position?
- What is your opinion on the Maldives’ response to India’s aid? Their actions, such as returning the helicopter and opening up to China, could impact India’s geopolitical presence. How does it affect India?
- In the context of globalization and anti-globalization movements, how do you view the current scenario of anti-globalization? Share your views on this matter.
- How would you like India to be a strategic power? Should interference in other nations’ affairs take precedence, or should personal (national) interests be prioritized in international relations?
- Why does China have reservations about the Dalai Lama and the Tibet 60-year ceremony? Do you think India’s sovereignty is compromised in relation to China?
- Explain the Israel-Palestine issue, its implications, and potential solutions to the conflict.
- Considering the recent shift of the US embassy to Jerusalem, do you believe the US can exert influence over Israel?
- Is the two-state solution still feasible in your opinion?
- Who imposes international sanctions, and why do unilateral sanctions work?
- Has India imposed sanctions, and should it use sanctions as a tool in foreign policy?
- How are individuals designated as terrorists, and what is the structure and functioning of Interpol?
- Given the choice between a stable and prosperous neighborhood or an unstable, poor one, why do you think India should or should not support CPEC, considering its potential to bring prosperity to Pakistan?
- What was the recent issue surrounding the Indus Water Treaty, and do you think the treaty should be reviewed?
- Can you explain the South China Sea dispute, specify the islands claimed to be disputed, and describe China’s basis for claiming those islands?
- Explain the concept of doctrines in foreign policy, such as the Gujral doctrine and Modi doctrine.
- China is involved in constructing artificial islands. Why is this happening, and what is the method China uses to build these islands?
- Provide an overview of the current situation in Sri Lanka and discuss China’s checkbook diplomacy.
- With Russia and China seeking resources in the Middle East, do you consider this a threat to India?
- Recently, our Prime Minister held discussions with the Chinese President, focusing on the Asian Century. What does the term “Asian Century” mean to you?
- How do you envision the realization of the Asian Century, especially when India, China, and Japan seem to have different priorities? Do you believe terrorism is a common concern for these countries?
- List the organizations or entities that contribute to the advancement of the Asian Century cause.

FAQs on UPSC Mock Interview – Questions on International Relations
Q1. What is the purpose of the UPSC Mock Interview on International Relations?
A. The UPSC Mock Interview on International Relations is designed to assess candidates aspiring for civil services positions. It evaluates their understanding of global affairs, diplomatic issues, and geopolitical events.
Q2. How does the mock interview contribute to the UPSC selection process?
A. The mock interview simulates real interview conditions, allowing candidates to showcase their knowledge, analytical skills, and ability to articulate well-reasoned opinions on international relations. It serves as a crucial component in the overall assessment.
Q3. What topics are generally covered in the International Relations mock interview?
A. The interview may cover a wide range of topics, including global geopolitical developments, historical events, international organizations, treaties, diplomatic relations, and contemporary issues shaping the world.
Q4. How can candidates prepare for the International Relations mock interview?
A. Candidates should stay updated on current international affairs, understand historical contexts, and be aware of diplomatic nuances. They should also practice answering questions on diverse topics related to international relations.
Q5. What is the duration of the mock interview, and how is it structured?
A. The duration may vary, but typically, the mock interview is around 30-40 minutes. It is structured to assess the candidate’s depth of knowledge, analytical abilities, and communication skills on international relations topics.
Q6. Are there specific areas within International Relations that candidates should focus on for the mock interview?
A. Candidates should have a comprehensive understanding of major global issues, recent geopolitical events, India’s foreign policy, international organizations, and key treaties or agreements. Familiarity with current affairs is crucial.
Q7. How are opinions and perspectives evaluated in the mock interview?
A. The panel assesses the candidate’s ability to form well-reasoned opinions, substantiate arguments, and provide thoughtful insights into international issues. Critical thinking and a balanced approach are often valued.
Q8. Are there any resources recommended for International Relations mock interview preparation?
A. Candidates can refer to newspapers, international relations journals, and UPSC-specific study materials. Regularly following reputable news outlets and staying informed about global events is essential.
Q9. Is there a specific format for answering questions in the mock interview?
A. While there is no rigid format, candidates are generally expected to provide concise yet comprehensive responses. A clear introduction, logically structured arguments, and a succinct conclusion are often appreciated.
Q10 How does performance in the International Relations mock interview impact the final selection?
A. The performance in the mock interview contributes to the overall evaluation. It helps the panel assess the candidate’s suitability for administrative roles that involve dealing with international issues, diplomacy, and global governance.

In case you still have your doubts, contact us on 9811333901.
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