What is the Meaning of Life?
It’s the ultimate question. The one that keeps you, me, and everyone else pondering in the wee hours of the night.
Before asking this, we must first know – what does “meaning” mean?
As humans, we constantly attach meaning to every event of our life. We top the Mock Test – must mean we will clear the exam! We fail the Mock Test – must mean this exam is not our cup of tea.
But let’s face it – Meaning is just a mental construct!
Each event can have differing opinions, & different meanings for different people.
Any kind of meaning has always helped humans survive. Using fire meant we could eat cooked food, & using a barter system meant different people could benefit from each other’s goods.
Meaning, thus, is nature’s way of motivating humans for survival!
Meaning drives all of our actions. When meaning is attached to something, we go our ways to make things right.
For a UPSC Aspirant, the journey of preparation is a medium, which attaches itself to the meaning of being successful. The meaning of bringing changes in the society, meaning of helping the poor, meaning of taking the country to new heights.
So – while you are frustrated because of that one result that has pushed you towards asking these philosophical questions – it’s time you go back to the reason you started, & the meaning attached to it.
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