Practicing with the previous year’s UPSC question papers is a highly recommended strategy to understand the nature of the exam. Solving authentic IAS question paper will give you a true sense of the pattern and style of questions that will be asked on the UPSC MAINS exam.
Once the recruitment process is complete, the conducting body releases official UPSC previous year question papers PDFs along with their answer keys. It is crucial for IAS exam candidates to focus on solving and answering these questions to grasp the level of difficulty of the examination.
This article presents the previous year’s UPSC main question paper of 2017. Doing well on these papers will boost a candidate’s confidence and assist them in identifying the most important topics from the civil services exam perspective.
- 1 UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 1 Mains 2017
- 2 UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 2 Mains 2018
- 3 UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 3 Mains 2017
- 4 UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 4 Mains 2017
- 5 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 5.1 1. Q: What is the format of the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Question Paper in 2017?
- 5.2 2. Q: How many papers are there in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam in 2017?
- 5.3 3. Q: Are there any changes in the UPSC Mains Exam pattern for 2017?
- 5.4 4. Q: Can I use a pen or pencil for writing answers in the UPSC Mains Exam?
- 5.5 5. Q: How are the Optional Subject papers structured in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam 2017?
- 6 To get free counseling/support on UPSC preparation from expert mentors please call 9773890604
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 1 Mains 2017
8. How does the cryosphere affect global climate? (150 words, 10 marks)
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 2 Mains 2018
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 3 Mains 2017

UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 4 Mains 2017
Q2. Examine the relevance of the following in the context of civil service: (150 Words, 10)
(a) Transparency
(b) Accountability
(c) Fairness and justice
(d) Courage of conviction
(e) Spirit of service
Stating examples mention the rulers (i) who have harmed society and country, (ii) who worked for the development of society and country. (150 Words, 10)
Q6. (a) How will you apply emotional intelligence in administrative practices? (150 Words, 10)
What do you understand by this statement? Explain with illustration in the contemporary times. (150 Words, 10)
Q9. You are an honest and responsible civil servant. You often observe the following:
(a) There is a general perception that adhering to ethical conduct one may face difficulties to oneself and cause problems for the family, whereas unfair practices may help to reach the career goals.
(b) When the number of people adopting unfair means is large, a small minority having a penchant towards ethical means makes no difference.
(c) Sticking to ethical means is detrimental to the larger developmental goals
(d) While one may not involve oneself in large unethical practices, but giving and accepting small gifts makes the system more efficient.
Examine the above statements with their merits and demerits. (250 Words, 20)
What would you have done in such a situation? Justify your action. (250 Words, 20)
What recommendation would you provide the management?
Discuss the merits and demerits of each of the recommendations. (250 Words, 20)
What are the dilemmas you face? What will be your response to the situation? (250 Words, 20)
Give reasons for such incidents taking place across the country. Suggest measures to prevent their occurrence. (250 words. 20)
What measures would you suggest to separate genuine and non-genuine applications? Give merits and demerits of your suggestions. (250 words. 20)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Q: What is the format of the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Question Paper in 2017?
A: The UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Question Paper in 2017 follows a descriptive format, consisting of essay-type questions and various papers covering subjects such as General Studies, Optional Subjects, and qualifying language papers.
2. Q: How many papers are there in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam in 2017?
A: The UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam in 2017 comprises a total of 9 papers, including two qualifying language papers. The rest of the papers cover General Studies, Essay, and Optional Subjects chosen by the candidates.
3. Q: Are there any changes in the UPSC Mains Exam pattern for 2017?
A: As of my last update in January 2017, any changes to the UPSC Mains Exam pattern were not reported. However, it’s advisable to check the latest UPSC notifications for any updates or changes in the exam pattern for the year 2017.
4. Q: Can I use a pen or pencil for writing answers in the UPSC Mains Exam?
A: Candidates are required to write their answers in the UPSC Mains Exam using a black ballpoint pen only. Pencils are not allowed for writing answers.
5. Q: How are the Optional Subject papers structured in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam 2017?
A: Each Optional Subject in the UPSC Mains Exam consists of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II), each carrying 250 marks. The syllabus for Optional Subjects is specified by the UPSC, and candidates can choose from a list of approved subjects based on their interests and expertise.
To get free counseling/support on UPSC preparation from expert mentors please call 9773890604
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