Practicing with the previous year’s UPSC question papers is a highly recommended strategy to understand the nature of the exam. Solving authentic IAS question paper will give you a true sense of the pattern and style of questions that will be asked on the UPSC exam.
Once the recruitment process is complete, the conducting body releases official UPSC previous year question papers PDFs along with their answer keys. It is crucial for IAS exam candidates to focus on solving and answering these questions to grasp the level of difficulty of the examination.
This article presents the previous year’s UPSC mains question paper of 2022. Doing well on these papers will boost a candidate’s confidence and assist them in identifying the most important topics from the civil services exam perspective.
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 1 Mains 2022
4. Describe the characteristics and types of primary rocks. (Answer in 150 words) 10
6. Discuss the natural resource potentials of ‘Deccan trap’. (Answer in 150 words) 10
16. Mention the significance of straits and isthmus in international trade. (Answer in 250 words) 15
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 2 Mains 2022
4. Discuss the role of the Vice –Presidents of India as the chairman of the Rajyasabha

UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 3 Mains 2022
UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 4 Mains 2022
5. (b) Write short notes on the following in 30 words each :
(iv) Challenges of digitalization
His was a professional company and his local bosses were under pressure from their London-based HO to show some positive results. In the last performance review meeting taken by the Executive Director (India Head), he was reprimanded for his poor performance. He assured them that his division is working on a special contract from the Ministry of Defence for a secret installation near Gwalior and tender is being submitted shortly.
He was under extreme pressure and he was deeply perturbed. What aggravated the situation further was a warning from the top that if the deal is not clinched in favour of the company, his division might have to be closed and he may have to quit his lucrative job.
There was another dimension which was causing him deep mental torture and agony. This pertained to his personal precarious financial health. He was a single earner in the family with two school-college going children and his old ailing mother. The heavy expenditure on education and medical was causing a big strain to his monthly pay packet. Regular EMI for housing loan taken from bank unavoidable and any default would render him liable for severe legal action.
In the above backdrop, he was hoping for some miracle to happen. There was sudden turn of events. His Secretary informed that a gentleman Subhas Verma wanted to see him as he was interested in the position of Manager which was to be filled by him in the company. He further brought to his notice that his CV has been received through the office of the Minister of Defence.
During interview of the candidate-Subhash Verma, he found him technically sound, resourceful and experienced marketeer. He seemed to be well-conversant with tendering procedures and having knack of follow-up and liaising in this regard Prabhat felt that he was better choice than the rest of the candidates who were recently interviewed by him in the last few days.
Subhash Verma also indicated that he was in possession of the copies of the bid documents that the Unique Electronics Ltd. would be submitting the next day to the Defence Ministry for their tender. He offered to hand over those documents subject to his employment in the company on suitable terms and conditions. He made it clear that in the process, the Sterling Electric Ltd. could outbid their rival company and get the bid and hefty Defence Ministry order. He indicated that it will be win-win situation for both-him and the company.
Prabhat was absolutely stunned. It was a mixed feeling of shock and thrill. He was uncomfortable and perspiring. If accepted, all his problems would vanish instantly and he may be rewarded for securing the much awaited tender and thereby boosting company’s sales and financial health. He was in a fix as to the future course of action. He was wonder-struck at the guts of Subhash Verma in having surreptitiously removing his own company papers and offering to the rival company for a job. Being an experienced person, he was examining the pros and cons of the proposal/situation and he asked him to come the next day.
- Discuss the ethical issues involved in the case.
- Critically examine the options available to Prabhat in the above situation.
- Which of the above would be the most appropriate for Prabhat and why? (Answer in 250 words) 20
- What are the options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering State?
- What option should Ramesh adopt and why?
- Critically evaluate each of the options.
- What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ramesh?
- What policy measures would you suggest to combat the menace of infiltration of illegal migrants from the neighbouring country? (Answer in 250 words) 20
- What are the options available with Ashok to cope up with the situation?
- Critically evaluate/examine each of the options identified by Ashok.
- What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ashok?
- Which of the options, do you think, would be the most appropriate for Ashok to adopt and why?
- In the above scenario, what type of training would you suggest for police officers posted to such districts where stone mining illegal activities are rampant? (Answer in 250 words) 20
- Under the given conditions, what are the options available to you as a member of the Inspecting Team?
- Critically evaluate each of the options listed by you.
- What option would you adopt and why?
- What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by you?
- What can be the consequences of overlooking the observations raised by the Inspecting Team? (Answer in 250 words) 20
He gathered that the driver (deceased) was plying Bus No. 528 which passed through busy and congested roads of the city. It so happened that near an intersection on the way, there was an accident involving the a middle-aged man. It was found that there was altercation between the driver and the car driver. Heated arguments between them led to fight and the driver gave him a a blow. Lot of passerbys had gathered and tried to intervene but without success. Eventually, both of them were badly injured and profusely bleeding and were taken to the nearby hospital. The driver succumbed to the injuries and could not be saved. The middle-aged driver’s condition was also critical but after a day, he recovered and was discharged. Police had immediately come to the spot and FIR was registered. Police investigation revealed that the quarrel in was started by the bus driver and he had resorted to physical violence. There exchange of blows between them.
The City Transport Department management is considering of not giving any extra compensation to the driver’s (deceased) family. The family is very aggrieved. depressed and agitated against the discriminatory and non-sympathetic approach of the City Transport Department management. The bus driver (deceased) was 52 years of age, was survived by his wife and two school-college going daughters. He was the sole earner of the family. The City Transport Department workers’ union took up this case and when found no favourable response from the management, decided to go on strike. The union’s demand was two fold. First was full extra compensation as given to other drivers who died on duty and secondly employment to one family member. The strike has continued for 10 days and the deadlock remains.
- What are the options available to Rakesh to meet the above situation?
- Critically examine each of the options identified by Rakesh
- What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Rakesh?
- What course of action would Rakesh adopt to diffuse the above situation? (Answer in 250 words) 20
It was confirmed that majority of the industries were violating environmental compliance. You issued notice to all the industrial units to apply for fresh environmental clearance certificate from the competent authority. However, your action met with hostile response from a section of the industrial units, other vested interest persons and a section of the local politicians. The workers also became hostile to you as they felt that your action would lead to the closure of these industrial units, and the resultant unemployment will lead to insecurity uncertainty in their livelihood. Many owners of the industries approached you with the plea that you should not initiate harsh action as it would compel them their units, and cause huge financial loss, shortage of their products in the market. These would obviously add to the sufferings of the labourers and the consumers alike. The labour union also sent you representation requesting against the closure of the units. You simultaneously started receiving threats from unknown corners. You however received supports from some of your colleagues, who advised you to act freely to ensure environmental compliance. Local NGOs also came to your support and they demanded the closure of the polluting units immediately.
- What are the options available to you under the given situation?
- Critically examine the options listed by you.
- What type of mechanism would you suggest to ensure environmental compliance?
- What are the ethical dilemmas you faced in exercising your option? (Answer in 250 words) 20
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Q: What is the format of the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Question Paper in 2022?
A: The UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Question Paper in 2022 follows a descriptive format, consisting of essay-type questions and various papers covering subjects such as General Studies, Optional Subjects, and qualifying language papers.
2. Q: How many papers are there in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam in 2022?
A: The UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam in 2022 comprises a total of 9 papers, including two qualifying language papers. The rest of the papers cover General Studies, Essay, and Optional Subjects chosen by the candidates.
3. Q: Are there any changes in the UPSC Mains Exam pattern for 2022?
A: As of my last update in January 2022, any changes to the UPSC Mains Exam pattern were not reported. However, it’s advisable to check the latest UPSC notifications for any updates or changes in the exam pattern for the year 2022.
4. Q: Can I use a pen or pencil for writing answers in the UPSC Mains Exam?
A: Candidates are required to write their answers in the UPSC Mains Exam using a black ballpoint pen only. Pencils are not allowed for writing answers.
5. Q: How are the Optional Subject papers structured in the UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam 2022?
A: Each Optional Subject in the UPSC Mains Exam consists of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II), each carrying 250 marks. The syllabus for Optional Subjects is specified by the UPSC, and candidates can choose from a list of approved subjects based on their interests and expertise.
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