The Act of Parliament in 1858, known as the Government of India Act 1858, transferred the power to govern India from the East India Company to the British Crown.
Modern History
Mahadev Govind Ranade, born on January 18, 1842, in Nashik, Maharashtra, was a prominent figure in Indian history.
Social And Cultural Policy of the British – Modern History Notes
The British authorities reorganized and regulated India’s economy to benefit British trade and industry.
Social and Economic Impact of British Rule in India – Modern History Notes
The Impact of British Rule on India’s Social and Economic Landscape from the outset of the British presence in India, their influence as traders-turned-rulers and administrators had a profound effect …
The drain of wealth theory refers to the ongoing transfer of national wealth from India to England without sufficient economic, commercial, or material benefits in return for India
Modern Industries Under British Rule & Deindustrialisation – Modern History Notes
During the British rule in India, the country’s industrial production suffered a significant decline.
Commercialization of Agriculture During British Rule in India – Modern History Notes
Commercialization of agriculture during British rule in India refers to the shift in agricultural practices where farming was driven by commercial considerations rather than local consumption.
Phases of Economic Exploitation of India by British and Various Economic Policies – Modern History Notes
The economic exploitation of India by the British colonial rulers unfolded through distinct phases, each marked by policies and practices that significantly shaped the trajectory of the nation’s economic history.
Jyotirao or Jyotiba Phule, born in 1827 in Satara, Maharashtra, was a prominent social reformer and activist.
Popular Uprisings and Revolts Against British Before 1857 – UPSC Modern History Notes
Popular uprisings and revolts against British colonial rule in India before the pivotal year of 1857 played a significant role in shaping the subcontinent’s long and complex struggle for independence.