UPSC Mains General Studies Paper – 3 Mains 2020
UPSC Mains Civil Services IAS Exam Question Paper – 2020
- In Introduction, try to write about COVID-19 pandemic as a disaster.
- In Body,
- Discuss new and existing technologies helped to manage the pandemic.
- Discuss ways in which technology was used to manage the pandemic
- Try to conclude by giving futuristic suggestions.
The lockdown imposed worldwide during COVID-19 pandemic brought almost all the world to standstill. It impacted our lives, both personal and professional. The number of lives taken globally now exceeds more than 2.5 million and the number of infections is already above 120 million, of which 60 percent are in emerging and developing economies. Its impact is increasing with mutations of the virus and every wave is getting stronger. However, the advancement in technology helped to manage almost all kinds of stuff even during this pandemic.
Some of the technological solutions that are adopted:
- Telemedicine: It has been very useful especially in countries like India to provide medical prescriptions and pandemic related information to the remotest possible corner of the country. Both private and public sector ventures worked in this field.
- Software and Apps: Apps to manage the flow of Information like Aarogya Setu. These gave information power in the hands of people to adjust in difficulty. Also, being open source software/coding many private apps utilized the source.
- Biotechnology: Increased diagnostic kits for faster and accurate detection. Also, vaccine development in a record time.
- Work from Home (WFH) Facility: The work from home option available to employees has ensured smooth running of business activities. 4G technology, smart phones, better Internet, data privacy security, virtual meetings, cloud conferencing, etc. have assisted professionals in adopting work from the home scenario with ease.
- Robotics: Doctors and nurses were also feared of getting infected with corona during medical diagnosis or performing normal procedures. Robots have eased their work by cleaning infected areas and by delivering food to quarantined individuals.
- Work from Home (WFH) Facility: The work from home option available to employees has ensured smooth running of business activities. 4G technology, smart phones, better Internet, data privacy security, virtual meetings, cloud conferencing, etc. have assisted professionals in adopting work from the home scenario with ease.
- Virtual biometrics: Facial and iris recognition solutions integrated with infra-red thermometers are increasingly being used for screening.
- Artificial intelligence: AI is lending a hand in diagnosing and developing a cure for the illness. Several hospitals in the USA, UK etc. are using AI-based software from the company Infervision to scan through CT images of patients’ lungs to look for signs of infection.
Ways Technology was used to Manage the Pandemic:
- Participation of universities and research institutions: For testing covid cases inventions such as Chitra Gene LAMP-N developed by Shrichitra medical institutions.
- Finding drugs: Google DeepMind introduced Alpha Fold, a cutting-edge system that predicts the 3D structure of a protein based on its genetic sequence.
- Latest effective drug 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG) developed by India Defence Research and Development Organisation
- Monitoring and surveillance: Technologies like “Arogya Setu” app helped in surveillance and monitoring covid-19 effectively and it also helped to increase awareness among people.
- Use of big data analytics and Artificial Intelligence: Risk assessment, predictive modeling, forecasting the spread of virus and prediction of possible vulnerable age groups etc helped countries to manage spread of corona.
Applications developed during this time:
- ‘Arogya Setu’, a mobile app utilizing Bluetooth technology, algorithms and artificial intelligence, was developed to bring the people of India together in a determined fight against COVID-19.
- Co-WIN or the COVID-19 Vaccine Intelligence Network, which is an extension of electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN), is a digitalized tech platform for effectively rolling out and scaling up of the COVID Vaccine Distribution System mechanism at national level to reduce wastage and make the most effective use of vaccine supply and cold chain network.
- AI enabled MyGov Corona Helpdesk helped improve our outreach and engagement during the pandemic and made a marked difference to society.
- The Centre for Augmenting War with COVID-19 Health Crisis (CAWACH) encouraged Bangalore based start-up to bring out a mobile app for detection of possible infection in an asymptomatic individual and risk assessment of COVID 19 infected individuals, called Lyfas COVID score.
Thus, scientific knowledge and continued advancement in various scientific methods created various tools to fight COVID-19. Scientific tools like temperature measurement instruments, app-based surveillance and AI and ML etc used in managing covid-19 in the best possible manner. Technology will not only ease one’s life but also generate new opportunities for society and also prove a cornerstone to deal with such pandemics, if any, in near future.
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