Q51. Consider the following statements:
The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is appointed by the Central Government.
Q51. Consider the following statements:
The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is appointed by the Central Government.
a distinctive mix of Indo-Malayan and Australian species. This diversity is a testament to the geological and paleo-botanical significance of Indian forests.
Soil erosion, degradation, and conservation are critical components of environmental management, intimately intertwined with the sustainability of ecosystems and human livelihoods worldwide.
The Indian Constitution, a remarkable document, has provided the framework for the world’s largest democracy for over seven decades.
The Constituent Assembly of India, convened in 1947 to draft the nation’s Constitution, faced the challenging task of harmonizing federalism
The Constituent Assembly of India, formed in 1946, stands as a testament to the nation’s remarkable diversity in languages, religions, cultures
Crafted by the Constituent Assembly, elected to represent undivided India, the Indian Constitution came into effect on January 26, 1950.
Inter-state border disputes in India represent a complex web of historical, political, and socio-cultural issues that have persisted since the country’s independence in 1947.
The salient features of these east-flowing rivers encapsulate not just their hydrological significance but also their cultural, economic, and ecological importance in the vast mosaic of India’s riverine systems.
India’s diverse geography has resulted in regional specialization, with the North excelling in agriculture, the South in services, and the central regions
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