The UPSC Mock Interview on Home State serves as a pivotal phase in the comprehensive evaluation of candidates aspiring for esteemed positions in the civil
The UPSC Mock Interview on Internal Security stands as a crucial phase in the assessment of candidates aspiring for the esteemed civil services in India.
Controversies regarding emergency – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
From debates over civil liberties and human rights infringements to concerns about executive overreach and the erosion of democratic norms, controversies surrounding emergencies are as diverse as the emergencies themselves.
UPSC Mains – What factors contribute to the slower pace of industrial development growth compared to the overall Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth during the post-reform era? How far have the recent changes in Industrial Policy enhanced the industrial growth rate?
The industrial sector, constituting 27.6% of India’s GDP, plays a pivotal role in the economy. Despite the expectations that the 1991 LPG The industrial sector, constituting 27.6% of India’s GDP, plays a pivotal role in the economy. Despite the expectations that the 1991 LPG
UPSC Mains – How can the government promote organic farming as a sustainable and profitable alternative to conventional farming? What are the benefits and challenges of organic farming in India? (15M, 250 Words).
Organic farming, involving natural inputs and processes without synthetic chemicals, has gained traction in India since the initiation of the National Program
The Indo-Pak Wars, a series of conflicts between India and Pakistan, have shaped the political landscape of South Asia since the partition of British India in 1947
UPSC Mains – Explain the concept of Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) and highlight its distinctions from Organic Farming. Examine the ecological and economic advantages associated with ZBNF.
Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) represents an innovative agricultural methodology that deviates from traditional practices by eliminating the reliance
UPSC Mains – What are the goals and strategies of land reforms in India? Evaluate the efficacy of the land ceiling policy in terms of landholding as an economic reform measure. (15M, 250 Words)
Land reforms play a crucial role in India’s economic landscape, aiming to improve land productivity, alleviate poverty, ensure equitable land distribution
India and its other Neighbours – Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
India, a vast and diverse nation spanning from the Himalayas in the north to the Indian Ocean in the south, shares borders with several countries, each with its own unique cultural, historical, and geopolitical significance.
India and Bangladesh (Creation of Bangladesh) – UPSC Post-Independence Notes
It was rooted in deep-seated ethnic, linguistic, and political tensions, ultimately resulting in the formation of Bangladesh from what was formerly East Pakistan.