Refund Policy

When you buy our products/services, your purchase is not entitled for any refund. We recommend you to first understand the complete offering/offerings under the course you wish to purchase and then proceed to checkout.

In exceptional cases, if at all, refund will be considered within 7 days of making the payment for any of the product/offerings. Please note, the registration amount of Rs 5,000 is non-refundable. No refund requests will be accepted for courses with a price below Rs.25000.

No cancellations/Refunds are entertained for those products that the Edukemy has given special offers on for various purposes including but not limited to special occasions like Holi, Diwali, Valentine's Day, specific examination etc. These are limited occasion offers and therefore cancellations are not possible.

The company reserves the right to revoke your services/access to any of the product/products purchased by you if any unauthorized use/misrepresentation is found on your end.

In the case of part payments (EMI), the company reserves the right to revoke access/withdraw services if instalments are not paid on time. In such cases, access to your purchased course/courses will be blocked as soon as the due date of EMI payment is crossed. After 30 days, no claim for access will be entertained, and you will be required to pay in full if your services are to be resumed.

Under no circumstances, the company is liable for any claim/reimbursement in case of failed payments/transactions arising out of the technical difficulties/failures on bank/payment method integrated services.

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