IAS 2025

Mission IAS 2025 Mission IAS 2025
Mission IAS 2025
Mission IAS 2025
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Mission IAS 2025/26 - Secret to Success

Are you ready to turn your 'want' of becoming an IAS officer into a Mission? Watch this video by Shabbir sir to reassess your goals, develop a razor-sharp strategy, and pursue your passion for serving the nation with inspiration and purpose! Don't settle for just attending courses and classes - start off your Mission today!

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Mission IAS- Secret To Success
How to clear prelims
How to clear UPSC Prelims 2024?

Watch this activity-based workshop and learn how to tailor your own test-taking plan using the '20-20-30-20' methodology and test analysis matrix. Don't wait - start your preparation for success now!

View full workshop
Learn more topper secrets in the full article
Our Success Mantra
In UPSC your success depends on whether you have all the right ingredients:
  • Your personality
  • Your understanding
  • Your vision
  • Your approach
We call this YUVA.

Watch the video to learn more Yuva video

Watch the video to learn more Yuva video

Yuva video
Yuva video
MY OATH OF COMMITMENT I, , take an oath & commit to realizing my dream of becoming an IAS officer and serve my nation. I will welcome challenges with open arms, knowing they will only make me stronger. I will not be discouraged by failed plans but will adapt and innovate to reach my destination. My road to success will be complete only once I'm victorious and proud. This is my life’s moment & deepest desire, and I will always strive for excellence in all that I do. Your full name Edukemy’s Mission IAS 2025 27 Jul 2024
Take an oath today! Just type your name & click download

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