Wednesday, 30th June 2021

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME)


Two E-governance Initiatives launched

2   Featured News


The BharatNet Project

3   Terms & Concepts


This Day in History- International Asteroid Day


Image of the Day -Syrinx Aruanus


Vaccine Indemnity


Baihetan Dam


Agni-P (Prime)


Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary

4   Editorial of the day


Reforms and Indian capitalism


We need a national policy on ports

5   Case Study of the Day


Cauvery Calling: Rally for Rivers

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News Snapshot

Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME)

In News

Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme under Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan has completed One Year.

About the News

  • Launched under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, the Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme that aims to enhance the competitiveness of existing individual micro-enterprises in the unorganized segment of the food processing industry. They also promote formalization of the sector and provide support to Farmer Producer Organizations, Self Help Groups, and Producers Cooperatives along their entire value chain.
  • With an outlay of Rs. 10,000 crores over a period of five years from 2020-21 to 2024-25, the scheme envisions to directly assist the 2,00,000 micro food processing units for providing financial, technical, and business support for upgradation of existing micro food processing enterprises.


Keywords: Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises, Scheme, Paper 2, Paper 3, agriculture, economy
News Snapshot

Two E-governance Initiatives launched

In News

Two E-governance Initiatives- Enforcing Contracts Portal and Atmanirbhar Krishi App have been launched.

About the Enforcing Contracts Portal

  • Information: The portal is a comprehensive source of information pertaining to the legislative and policy reforms being undertaken on the “Enforcing Contracts” parameters.
  • Dedicated Commercial Courts: It includes disposal of commercial cases in the Dedicated Commercial Courts of Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Kolkata. These Dedicated Commercial Courts have been established for speedy resolution of commercial disputes and boast of dedicated infrastructure and exclusive judicial human power.
  • Pre-institution Mediation and Settlement (PIMS): The portal hosts online reporting by all High Courts regarding the Mediation and Arbitration centres to monitor and promote institutional mediation & arbitration by way of PIMS of commercial cases.
  • Enforcing Contracts indicator: The Enforcing Contracts indicator is essential to the success of the Doing Business report. It measures time and cost to resolve a standardized commercial dispute as well as a series of good practices in the judiciary.
  • Contract Enforcement Regime: The Department of Justice is the nodal department for the Enforcing Contracts Indicator.

About the Atmanirbhar Krishi APP

  • Crucial Data Provisioning: The Atmanirbhar Krishi app, of the Kisan Mitra initiative, has been created to equip farmers with actionable agricultural insights and early weather alerts. Data related to soil type, soil health, moisture, weather, and water table are aggregated and analysed to generate personalized insights related to crop selection, fertilizers requirements, and water needs for each farmer at the farm-holding level.
  • User Friendly: Information has been made comprehensible for farmers by simplifying the language. The app is available in 12 languages. Considering the connectivity issues in the remote areas of the country, the app has been designed to work on minimal bandwidth.
  • No input required: The app does not collect any inputs from the farmer. It relies on the geo-location of the farm to provide relevant data. Data relevant to another location can be collected by entering the PINCODE of that area.
  • The Atmanirbhar Krishi App will facilitate Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) to interact with farmers more specifically as per the existing ground realities.



Keywords: Enforcing Contracts Portal, Atmanirbhar Krishi App, Technology, Paper 3, Paper 2, Contracts, Governance
Featured News

The BharatNet Project

In News

The government has recently allocated Rs 19,041-crore for expansion and upgradation of BharatNet.

About the News

  • Expansion of broadband to each village through BharatNet public-private partnership model has been earmarked as a part of Digital India Quantum Digital.
  • This additional outlay for BharatNet is expected to significantly boost the rural economy and help bridge the digital divide.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition from ‘digital-first’ to ‘digital-throughout’, with broadband becoming the critical enabler in the digitisation of the country. There is growing adoption of digital services such as e-education and e-health.


Progress of the Project So Far

  • Overall Progress: Of the targeted 2.5 lakh gram panchayats, 1,56,223 blocks have been covered by May 31.
  • Performance of States: The progress in states such as Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, and Odisha under BharatNet phase two is among the worst.
  • Performance of implementing agencies: BSNL is in-charge of the project in Madhya Pradesh, Sikkim, and Uttar Pradesh. Despite having expertise in optical fibre technology, performance of these CPSUs has not been satisfactory.  This included delays in achieving targets under Phase-I. The project in the worst performing states is being implemented by private agencies and their performance have been sub-par.

Roadblocks in the path of the BharatNet

  • Major reasons for Delay: The lack of approved detailed project report, non-existent project implementing agencies, and non-availability of funds has been attributed as the reason for the delay for most of these projects.
  • Right of way (RoW) issues: Right of Way permission mainly from Forest Department, Railways for railway crossing and National Highway authority of India is a challenge.
  • Right of Way is the legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route through grounds or property belonging to another.
  • Linear Architecture: The endpoint connectivity at the gram panchayat (GP) location has only a single fibre path available, from the nearest exchange. Due to lack of a backup path, the GP location gets isolated in case of any fault.
  • Fibre Point of Interconnect (FPOI) Operational Challenges: During the first phase of deployment, existing fibre laid by BSNL, and other PSUs was leveraged to connect the GP with the nearest exchange. In this process Fibre POI was created to tap existing fibre with the last mile. However, this design has created serious operational challenges which affect timely fault localization and restoration, hence uptime.

Way Forward:

  • Advance Planning: Learning from the experience of Phase-I, effort should be made for timely completion of targets for Phase-II. In Phase-II, emphasis should be given to employment generation, particularly in states like Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and North-eastern states.
  • Adopting Best Practices: Modified strategy was adopted where GPs in states were provided connectivity through state-led model.  
  • Digital Literacy: Broadband is necessary for people in order to deliver governmental services and governance. Digital literacy is necessary for effective utilization of the broadband services and be able to benefit from government services.


Question: What is Bharatnet project? Analyze its utility in India?


Keywords: Bharatnet, Digital India, NOFN, Connectivitiy, Technology, Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

This Day in History- International Asteroid Day

June 30 is observed as International Asteroid Day. The day was set aside to commemorate the largest recorded asteroid impact that took place near the Tunguska River in remote Russian Siberia, on June 30, 1908. Till date, Tunguska is the largest asteroid that affected the earth. The day is observed to raise public awareness about the asteroid's hazardous effect and the measures that should be taken in case of a near-earth object threat. Small, rocky objects orbiting the Sun are known as Asteroids. It is found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and known as leftover material of the Solar System. To protect earth from asteroid impacts, an organization named B612 works towards protecting the Earth.




Keywords: Asteroid, Space, Paper 1, Geography, Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

Image of the Day -Syrinx Aruanus

This is the image of an unusually large sea snail, found on the banks of a river in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The snail was identified as Syrinx Aruanus - a species of snail that is one of the world's largest across both land and water. It can grow up to 70 cm in length and weigh up to 18 kg. Popularly known as Australian trumpet or false trumpet, these carnivorous snails are vulnerable to local extinction as their shells are popular ornaments. The Syrinx is typically a tropical species but can be found in other areas too.



Keywords: environment, Snail, Syrinx Aruanus, Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

Vaccine Indemnity

  • Context: Pfizer and Moderna are seeking indemnity against costs of compensation for adverse events.
  • Indemnity is protection to vaccine-makers from legal proceedings, which means that they cannot be sued in India.
  • No other vaccine maker in India enjoys this clause.
  • Pfizer said it will export to India only if the transaction is with the central government and the company will be protected from legal cases.
  • Pfizer has indemnity in all the countries it has exported its vaccines. 

Primary source:


Keywords: Vaccine Indemnity, Pfizer, Moderna, Corona, Paper 2, Health
Terms & Concepts

Baihetan Dam

  • Context: China has operationalized the world's second-biggest hydropower dam- Baihetan Dam.
  • The Baihetan Dam is situated on the Jinsha River, a tributary of the Yangtze- the longest river in Asia.
  • It is part of Chinese efforts to curb surging fossil fuel demand by building more hydropower capacity.
  • This will make it second in size after the Three Gorges Dam, opened in 2003 on the Yangtze.

Primary source:

Picture source:

Keywords: China dam, Baihetan Dam, Jinsha River, International, Paper 2, Paper 3, Energy
Terms & Concepts

Agni-P (Prime)

  • Context: DRDO has successfully tested new generation nuclear capable missile Agni-P.
  • Agni-P is a new generation advanced variant of the Agni class under IGMDP- Integrated Guided Missile Development Program). 
  • It is a canisterised missile (less time required to launch the missile by improving its storage and mobility) with range capability between 1,000 and 2,000 km.
  • Many advanced technologies including composites, propulsion systems, innovative guidance and control mechanisms and state-of-the-art navigation systems have been introduced. The Agni-P missile would further strengthen India's credible deterrence capabilities.
  • Agni-P has improved parameters including maneuvering and accuracy.

Primary source:

Picture source:

Keywords: Agni (p), Defence, Technology, Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary

  • Context: The Worldwide Fund for Nature-India (WWF) has found a few tigers inhabiting the Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary in Assam.
  • It is one of the smallest Wildlife Sanctuary of Assam.
  • Barnadi Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) is in northern Assam’s Baksa and Udalguri districts bordering Bhutan and is bordered by the Barnadi river and Nalapara river to the west and east respectively.
  • Barnadi was established specifically to protect thePygmy Hog and Hispid Hare.

Primary source:

Keywords: Barnadi Wildlife, Assam, Tiger, Paper 3, environment
Editorial of the day

Reforms and Indian capitalism

Essence: India marks 30 years since the 1991 reforms at a moment when its economy is on the verge of another crisis. Crony capitalism is entrenched, regulation is weak, and inequality is high. This article while offering an honest appraisal of the past, suggest a reform imagination which emphasizes on investing in the State and its regulatory institutions, addressing structural inequalities, investing in people and enabling them the opportunity to be active participants in the economy, as a way out of the present crisis.

Why you should read the article?

  • Briefly know about the dark side of Indian capitalism entrenched in rent-extracting cronyism that privileges political deals over rules-based business.
  • Understand the reasons for the credibility deficit of Indian capitalism such as weak regulation, structural inequalities, and the colossal failure to invest in human capital, health, education and nutrition.

Article Link:

Keywords: Paper 3, Reforms, India, , economy, Paper 2, Governance
Editorial of the day

We need a national policy on ports

Essence: Indian Constitution confers exclusive powers to make laws with respect to the matters enumerated in the union list. All major ports are responsibility of the Centre whereas other ports fall within the jurisdiction of the authority of the State governments. State governments have the power to develop non major ports either directly or by granting concession to private terminal operators. Countries like France, US, Canada, Australia, etc. each have different policies regarding port management. With the enactment of Major Port Authorities Act 2021, the Indian ports scenario will present different patterns. As corporate entities such ports will have easy access to financial markets, they will take management decisions with speed and efficiency and will have greater commitment and flexibility in implementing development projects. A string of large, medium, and small ports working under the Companies Act along the Indian coast will create a highly competitive port services market.

Why you should read this article?

  • To get an overview of India’s present port management policy under Centre and the State government.
  • To understand policies of other countries port management policies and what India can learn out of it.
  • To understand how enactment of Major Port Authorities Act 2021 will change the Indian ports scenario.
  • To know what possible steps India should take to improve further management of ports in India.

Article Link:

Keywords: Ports, National Policy, Governance, economy, Paper 3, Paper 2
Case Study of the Day

Cauvery Calling: Rally for Rivers

Cauvery basin and problems in the river basin:

  • “Cauvery” literally means “one who brings abundance.”
  • Water depletion: Cauvery has depleted over 40% in the last 70 years. 87% of the basin’s original tree cover has been lost.
  • Water dispute along the Cauvery basin generally make it to national headlines.
  • Farmers’ distress: 83% of farmers in Tamil Nadu and 77% of farmers in Karnataka are in debt.
  • Farmer suicides.

About the initiative:

  • It is first of its kind campaign which aim to revitalize Cauvery River.
  • It is led by civil-society which focusses on climate-smart and regenerative agriculture.
  • It aims to shift the farmers towards tree-based agriculture across the river valley


  • Revival of Cauvery: It will bring one-third of the Cauvery basin under tree cover, restore the soil, and revive the dwindling river. 
  • Sustainable agriculture: It will enable 5.2 million farmers to transit towards sustainable agriculture and to plant 2.4 billion agroforestry trees by 2030 in a massive landscape-level restoration effort.
  • Good precedent: It sets the standard for how India’s rivers, the country’s lifelines can be revitalized.

Things to ponder:

  • What are major reasons for the dispute along the major inter-state rivers?
  • How is climate change further aggravating the river water disputes?
  • How will plantation along the river valley help in revival of river basin?


Keywords: Cauvery River, River Rejuvenation, Paper 3, Ecology
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