Monday, 15th May 2023

Table of contents

1   Editorial of the day


Indian Space Policy 2023 - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Current Affairs


India's Power Sector in 2030 - Edukemy Current Affairs


Power Distribution between Delhi Government and Centre


Draft EPR on Waste Oil - Edukemy Current Affairs


Sludge Management - Edukemy Current Affairs


Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism


Changes in Prevention of Money Laundering Act


Fair and Remunerative Price - Edukemy Current Affairs


UN Report on Maternal and Infant Health


Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase II


Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi - Edukemy Current Affairs


SAKSHAM- LMIS - Edukemy Current Affairs


ISSF World Cup, Baku - Edukemy Current Affairs


Monkey Pox no Longer a Global Health Emergency: WHO


Target Olympic Podium Scheme - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Editorial of the day

Indian Space Policy 2023 - Edukemy Current Affairs

Exam View: Background of Indian space industry; Elusive policy environment in space sector; The Indian Space Policy 2023.

Context: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released the Indian Space Policy 2023.


  • The First Space Age: Until the early 1990s, India’s space industry and space economy were defined by ISRO.
    • Private sector involvement was limited to building to ISRO designs and specifications.
  • The Second Space Age: It began with the licensing of private TV channels, the explosive growth of the Internet, mobile telephony, and the emergence of the smartphone.
    • Today, while ISRO’s budget is approximately $1.6 billion, India’s space economy is over $9.6 billion.
    • It is estimated that with an enabling environment, the Indian space industry could grow to $60 billion by 2030, directly creating more than two lakh jobs.

Decoding the editorial: Elusive policy environment

  • The first satellite communication policy, 1997: It provided guidelines for foreign direct investment (FDI) in the satellite industry that were further liberalised but never generated much enthusiasm.
    • Today, more than half the transponders beaming TV signals into Indian homes are hosted on foreign satellites, resulting in an annual outflow of over half a billion dollars.
  • Remote sensing data policy, 2001: It was amended in 2011; in 2016, it was replaced by a National Geospatial Policy that has been further liberalised in 2022.
    • Yet, Indian users including the security and defence agencies spend nearly a billion dollars annually to procure earth observation data and imagery from foreign sources.

The Indian Space Policy 2023: Different from previous efforts

  • Its ‘Vision’ is to “enable, encourage and develop a flourishing commercial presence in space”.
  • It defines its role in India’s
    • socio-economic development and security,
    • protection of environment and lives,
    • pursuing peaceful exploration of outer space,
    • stimulation of public awareness and scientific quest.
  • The term ‘security’ is only referred to once in the document. Hence, the focus is on civilian and peaceful applications.
    • Space-based intelligence, reconnaissance, surveillance, communication, positioning and navigation capabilities are increasingly seen as mission critical by the defence services. However, a defence-oriented space security policy document will be a separate document.
  • The policy lays out a strategy and then spells out the roles of the Department of Space, ISRO, the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorisation Centre (IN-SPACe) set up in 2020, and the NewSpace India Limited (NSIL).

  • ISRO will transition out of manufacturing of operational space systems.
    • Mature systems shall be transferred to industries for commercial exploitation.
    • ISRO shall focus on R&D in advanced technology, providing newer systems and realisation of space objects for meeting national prerogatives”.
  • ISRO will share technologies and best practices with NGEs (non-government entities) and Government companies.
    • This implies that ISRO will now use its biggest asset, its qualified and talented manpower, to concentrate on cutting edge research and development and long-term projects such as Chandrayaan and Gaganyaan.

  • Private sector role
    • The NGEs, which includes the private sector, are allowed to
      • Undertake establishment and operation of space objects;
      • Undertake ground-based assets and related services, such as communication, remote sensing, navigation, etc.
      • Self-own, procure or lease satellites;
      • Establish communication services over India or outside;
      • Disseminate remote sensing data in India or abroad;
      • Design and operate launch vehicles for space transportation and establish their own infrastructure;
      • Make filings with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and engage in commercial recovery of asteroid resources.
      • Provide tailor-made solutions to security agencies.
    • The activities of the NGEs will be in keeping with guidelines and regulation to be issued by IN-SPACe.
      • IN-SPACe is expected to create a “stable and predictable regulatory framework” that will ensure a level playing field for the NGEs.
      • It will act as a promoter by setting up industry clusters and as the regulator, issue guidelines on liability issues.
    • The gaps
      • IN-SPACe is not provided a time frame for the necessary steps.
      • There is no indicative timeline for ISRO’s transitioning out of its current practices.
      • The policy framework envisaged will need clear rules and regulations pertaining to
        • FDI and licensing,
        • government procurement to sustain the new space start-ups,
        • liability in case of violations, and
        • an appellate framework for dispute settlement.
      • Ambiguous position of IN-SPACe
        • It functions under the purview of the Department of Space. Yet, the Secretary (Space) is also Chairman of ISRO, the government entity to be regulated by IN-SPACe.
        • A regulatory body needs legislative authority.

The Space Policy 2023 is a forward-looking document but it needs a time frame to provide the necessary legal framework to translate this vision into reality, to successfully launch India into the Second Space Age.



Keywords: GS-Paper 3: Space Technology
Daily Current Affairs

India's Power Sector in 2030 - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: Recently, the Union Ministry of Power’s Central Electricity Authority (CEA) in its report said that Coal’s share in India’s power mix declined to half by 2030, renewables to meet new demand.


Central Electricity Authority, the Ministry of Power released a new publication titled Report on Optimal Generation Mix 2030 Version 2.0. It is an updated version of the report published in 2020 titled Report on Optimal Generation Capacity Mix for 2029-30. The report highlights the changes expected in India's energy mix, with a decline in coal's share and a rise in renewable energy (RE) sources.

Highlights of the Report

  • Decline in the Coal Share in Power Mix: According to the report Coal's share in the power mix is projected to decline from 73% in 2022-23 to 55% in 2030.
  • Coal Usage: Coal capacity is projected to rise by 19%, and generation is expected to increase by 13% during this period.
  • Contribution of Solar Energy: Solar energy is expected to play a significant role in the power mix, lifting the overall load. Projections indicate a quadrupling of solar capacity from 109 GW to 392 GW by 2030. Solar generation is expected to increase from 173 BU to 761 BU in the same period.
  • Contribution of other Renewable resources:
    • Hydro Power Generation: Projections for large hydropower and wind energy remain modest in the future power mix. Large hydro generation is expected to increase from 8% to 9% by 2030.
    • Energy from wind: Wind generation, on the other hand, is projected to decrease to 9% from 12 percent.
    • Renewable sources, including small hydro, pumped hydro, solar, wind, and biomass, are expected to account for 31% of the power mix in 2030, compared to the current 12%.

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Power Sector: Around 40% of India's total greenhouse gas emissions stem from the power sector. It is anticipated that emissions from the power sector will increase by 11%, reaching 1.114 Gt CO2 by 2030, representing approximately 10% of global power sector emissions.
  • Pledge to Paris Agreement: CEA's projections indicate that India is likely to over-achieve on its pledge to the Paris Agreement - to have 50% of installed power capacity from non-fossil sources by 2030. As per the report, India's share of capacity from non-fossil sources will be 62% by 2030. The share will be 64% if nuclear power is considered.


Keywords: GS-3
Daily Current Affairs

Power Distribution between Delhi Government and Centre

In News: The Supreme Court (SC) unanimously ruled in favour of the Delhi government on the issue of control of bureaucracy in the national capital.

Background of the Issue:

  • The issue is whether the Government of NCT of Delhi has legislative and executive powers in relation to 'services' under Schedule VII of the Constitution and whether officers of the various 'services' allocated to Delhi by the Union, come under the administrative control of Government of NCT of Delhi.
  • The Delhi government challenged the constitutional validity of the Government of NCT of Delhi (Amendment) Act 2021, which provided that the term “government” referred to in any law made by the Legislative Assembly of Delhi will imply the Lieutenant Governor (L-G).

About the Supreme Court Verdict:

  • A 5 judge bench headed by Chief Justice of India held that the legislature has control over bureaucrats in administration of services, except in areas outside the legislative powers of the NCT and would not extend to entries related to public order, police and land.
  • SC held that it was unable to agree with Justice Ashok Bhushan's judgement that Delhi government has no power at all over services.
  • It said that Article 239A establishes a legislative assembly for the National Capital Territory of Delhi. Members of the legislative assembly are elected by the Delhi electorate. Thus, Art 239A must be interpreted so as to further the representative democracy."
  • The SC pointed out that if officers stop reporting to ministers, the principle of collective responsibility will be affected and the principle of triple chain of accountability will become redundant.



Keywords: GS-2: Co-operative Federalism Constitutional Amendments
Daily Current Affairs

Draft EPR on Waste Oil - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: Recently, the MoEFCC introduced a draft notification on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) on waste oil in line with the Union Budget 2023-24 emphasis on sustainable development and a circular economy in India.

About EPR and Circular Economy:

  • EPR is a system which makes producers responsible for the environmental impacts of their products throughout their life cycle. It aims to promote better waste management and reduce the burden on municipalities.
    • EPR is applicable to various types of waste, including plastic waste, e-waste, and battery waste.
  • Circular Economy is the one where products are designed for durability, reuse and recyclability and thus almost everything gets reused, remanufactured, and recycled into a raw material or used as a source of energy.
    • It includes 6 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refurbishment, Recover, and Repairing of materials.

Draft Notification on EPR:

  • It is applicable to producers and bulk generators like industry, railways, transport companies, power transmission companies, etc.
  • It recommends the registration of stakeholders, including producers, collection agents, recyclers and waste oil importers, on CPCB’s online portal.
  • Notification talks about EPR targets of waste oil recycling for producers and the applicable obligations, starting from 2024-25.
  • The target for base year: 10%, with gradual increases by 10% every year till 2029. After this, the target will be set based on the quantity of lubrication oil sold or imported annually.
  • A provision for EPR certificate generation and the computation of quantity eligible for EPR certificate is also given.
  • CPCB is the designated agency for verifying and auditing the agencies under the EPR notification.



Keywords: GS-3: Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Daily Current Affairs

Sludge Management - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: A first of its kind analysis of the sludge found in Indian sewage treatment plants (STP), set up to treat polluted water from the Ganga, found that most of it had “high potential” for use as fertiliser or a potential biofuel, but required treatment.

About Sludge Management in India:

  • Sludge is a thick residue filtered out of STP that while rich in organic chemicals is also a repository of heavy metals, industrial effluents and bacterial contaminants.
  • They can be converted into usable products such as manure and bricks but the contaminants in sludge need to be treated before it could be used unrestricted in farms.
  • Under National Mission for Clean Ganga, a flagship programme to establish treatment facilities and prevent pollution of the river, an initiative to derive livelihood opportunities from river rejuvenation programme is being taken.
    • One measure under this is ‘Arth Ganga’ i.e. to “monetize” and reuse treated wastewater & sludge.
  • India doesn’t have standards for classifying sludge as class A or B unlike the USA where treated sludge can be classified as class A or class B on the basis of its contaminates.

Findings of the report:

  • Most of the sludge analysed after drying fell into class B category with high nitrogen and phosphorous levels than those recommended by India’s fertiliser standards
  • The total organic carbon was more than 16%, again higher than FCO recommendations, but the degree of pathogens as well as heavy metal contamination was above the recommended fertiliser standards
  • The calorific value of sludge ranged from 1,000-3,500 kcal/kg which is lower than average calorific value of Indian coal.



Keywords: GS-1Water Resources; GS-3 Conservation, Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Daily Current Affairs

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

In News: European Union (EU) proposes to introduce a framework for levying a carbon tax on imports of products that rely on non-green or sub-optimally sustainable processes and where carbon emissions are deemed to have not been adequately priced.

About Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM):

  • CBAM will begin with an import monitoring mechanism and culminate in the levy of duties as determined from January 2026.
  • CBAM was proposed as part of the “Fit for 55” policy package, aiming to reduce GHG by at least 55% by 2030, from the levels of 1990.
  • The EU believes that the CBAM will ensure its climate objectives are not undermined by carbon-intensive imports and spur cleaner production in the rest of the world.
  • According to the EU, CBAM will promote a level playing field between the EU and its trading partners and also protect EU companies that have invested in green technologies.

Potential Impact on India’s trade:

  • CBAM poses a significant threat to some of India’s biggest exports to the trading bloc, including iron ore and steel, with carbon levies estimated to range from 19.8% to 52.7%.
  • CBAM may be considered as a sophisticated trade barrier doused in ‘green-washing’ optics.
  • India exported a third of its iron, steel and aluminium to EU members, which could be impacted. Engineering products, the largest export growth driver in recent years, would be impacted too
  • Larger players across sectors are gradually turning to greener technologies, but the transition needs time for smaller businesses to move away from legacy carbon-heavy technologies.


Keywords: GS-2 Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and Agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s interests
Daily Current Affairs

Changes in Prevention of Money Laundering Act

In News: Ministry of Finance (MoF) makes changes to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) to include practicing CA, CS and cost and works accountants in its ambit.

About Changes under the PMLA:

  • Practicing chartered accountants, company secretaries, and cost and works accountants conducting financial transactions on behalf of clients are now included under the PMLA.
  • The scope of financial transactions under PMLA will now include: buying and selling of immovable property, managing client money and assets, organizing contributions for company creation, and buying and selling of business entities.
  • 22 financial entities, including Amazon Pay (India) Pvt. Ltd, Aditya Birla Housing Finance Ltd, and IIFL Finance Ltd, are now allowed to verify the identity of their customers using Aadhaar under the money laundering law.
  • Non-governmental organizations will be required to provide more disclosures to reporting entities, such as financial institutions and banking companies.
  • Politically exposed persons (PEPs) have been defined under the PMLA as individuals entrusted with prominent public functions by a foreign country, including heads of states or governments, senior politicians, senior government or judicial or military officers, senior executives of state-owned corporations, and important political party officials.
  • Lawyers and legal professionals are excluded from the new definition of entities covered under the PMLA, focusing only on financial transactions conducted on behalf of clients.
  • The changes are part of efforts to align with FATF standards and ensure compliance ahead of India's assessment by the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog.
  • Reporting entities are expected to maintain transaction records, conduct KYC procedures, and examine the ownership and financial position of clients.
  • Failure to comply with the requirements may result in penalties imposed by the Director of the Financial Intelligence Unit and further action by investigative agencies such as the Enforcement Directorate.
  • The amendments are expected to assist investigative agencies in their efforts to combat money laundering and dubious transactions involving shell companies.
  • Some financial professionals have however expressed concerns about being left out of the changes as penalties for non-compliance and potential conflicts with investigative agencies.


Keywords: GS-II, III: Government Policies
Daily Current Affairs

Fair and Remunerative Price - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: The Madras High Court declares FRP fixed by the Centre as unfair market price for sugarcane farmers.

About Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP):

  • The Fair and Remunerative Price (FRP) is a price mechanism established by the Indian government for various agricultural commodities, including sugarcane.
  • It was introduced under the Sugarcane (Control) Order of 1966 as a statutory minimum price to ensure fair compensation for farmers and to support their livelihoods.
  • FRP for sugarcane is fixed by the Central Government based on the recommendations of the Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP).
  • The CACP considers factors like cost of production, return on investment, and other relevant factors specific to sugarcane cultivation.
  • The enforcement of the FRP is monitored by the respective state governments and Sugar mills are legally bound to pay farmers the FRP for their sugarcane supply.
  • State governments have the authority to set a higher price known as the State Advised Price (SAP), which can be more remunerative for farmers compared to the FRP.
  • The FRP and SAP are crucial in determining the income and economic sustainability of sugarcane farmers, especially small and marginal ones.

Minimum Support Price

  • The Minimum Support Price (MSP) was first introduced in India in the year 1966 as part of the Agricultural Prices Commission (APC) recommendations.
  • It is implemented by the Indian government to ensure fair compensation to farmers for their agricultural produce.
  • It is determined by the government's Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP) which takes into account various factors such as production costs, market prices, demand-supply dynamics, and the overall welfare of farmers.
  • It is applicable to a wide range of agricultural commodities, including cereals (such as paddy, wheat, maize), pulses (such as chickpeas, lentils), oilseeds (such as mustard, soybeans), and cotton.
  • It aims to incentivize agricultural production, protect farmers from price fluctuations, and support their income.
  • Farmers are not obligated to sell their produce at the MSP, but it serves as a benchmark price, and government agencies often procure crops at MSP to support farmers.
  • The enforcement of the MSP is primarily done through government procurement agencies, such as the Food Corporation of India (FCI), State agencies, and cooperatives which directly purchase crops from farmers at MSP.


Keywords: GS-3 Indian Economy
Daily Current Affairs

UN Report on Maternal and Infant Health

In News: The UN released a report on maternal and infant health, highlighting the stagnant progress in addressing maternal and newborn deaths since 2015.

Major findings of the report:

  • United Nations (UN) releases report on maternal and newborn health on women and babies death every year during pregnancy, childbirth, or the first weeks after birth.
  • India tops the list of 10 countries burdened with 60% of global maternal deaths, stillbirths, and newborn deaths.
  • Over 5 million women and babies die each year during pregnancy, childbirth, or the first weeks after birth.
  • The report emphasizes the need to ramp up essential health services to improve maternal and infant health indicators.
  • The report calls for increased investments in primary healthcare to ensure the best chances of health and survival for women and babies.
  • Progress made between 2000 and 2010 was faster than in the subsequent years, indicating a slowdown in improvement.
  • Reduction rates for maternal mortality, stillbirths, and neonatal mortality have decreased since 2010, highlighting the need for accelerated efforts.
  • Coverage rates for essential health services, such as antenatal care, skilled attendance at birth, and postnatal care, have improved but are projected to fall short of global targets.
  • Bridging the gap in emergency care for newborns and pregnant women is crucial to achieving targeted reductions in mortality rates.
  • The report stresses the importance of a gender transformative approach and addressing underlying factors like socio-economic inequalities and discrimination.
  • Quality sexual and reproductive health services should be included in universal health coverage and primary healthcare to improve outcomes, particularly in vulnerable areas.
  • The report calls for improvement in emergency obstetric care and highlights the effectiveness of interventions in managing postpartum hemorrhage.
  • As per report, meeting the targets by the end of the decade could save millions of lives, but it requires high coverage of life-saving interventions and quality care across the continuum of care.


Keywords: GS-III: International reports
Daily Current Affairs

Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase II

Why in news? Recently, India has achieved another major sanitation milestone - 50% villages are now ODF Plus under Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase II.


  • Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen Phase I was launched in 2014 by the Ministry of Jal Shakti to eliminate open defecation in rural areas by 2019.
    • Under it, all villages in India declared themselves ODF by 2019.
  • The Phase-II of Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen, being implemented from 2020-21 to 2024-25, focuses on the sustainability of ODF status and Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM).
    • The other major components are:
    • Plastic Waste Management (PWM), and Faecal Sludge Management (FSM),
    • GOBARdhan (Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources) - Management of cattle waste, agriculture waste, and organic waste,
    • Information Education and Communication/Behavior Change Communication (IEC/BCC) and
    • Capacity Building

More Information:

  • This year marks 9 years of the Swachh Bharat Mission.
  • More than 2.96 lakh villages have declared themselves ODF Plus, which is a significant step towards achieving the SBM-G phase II goals by 2024-25.
  • The top performing states in terms of percentage of ODF Plus villages are –
    • Telangana (100%), Karnataka (99.5%), Tamil Nadu (97.8%) & Uttar Pradesh (95.2%) among the big states.
    • Goa (95.3%) and Sikkim (69.2%) among small states.
    • Among UTs – Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra Nagar Haveli & Daman Diu, and Lakshadweep have 100% ODF Plus Model villages.


Keywords: General Studies – 3 Environmental Pollution & Degradation, conservation of resources, Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, The Union Minister for Women and Child Development introduced the government's flagship program/Scheme 'Poshan Bhi, Padhai Bhi'.


  • This program will focus on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) at anganwadis across the country.
    • ECCE (first six years of children) is an important component of Mission Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 (Mission Poshan 2.0) and is envisaged under the National Education Policy.
  • Key Highlights of the program:
    • It envisages training of anganwadi workers through the National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD).
    • It targets children’s development in every domain mentioned in the National Curriculum Framework, like physical and motor development, cognitive development etc.
    • It will focus on promoting holistic and quality early stimulation and pre-primary education for children.
    • The objective of the program is to transform anganwadi centers into not just nutrition hubs but also education-imparting centers.
      • The ECCE program will prioritize education in the mother tongue, aligning with the principles of the New Education Policy.
    • Through the changes introduced by the “Poshan bhi, Padhai bhi” ECCE policy, every child would be provided with at least two hours of high-quality pre-school instruction daily.


  • Anganwadi is a type of rural childcare center in India.
  • It was established as part of the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) program.
  • Close to9 lakhs operational Anganwadi centers across the country are providing supplementary nutrition and early care and education to around 8 crore beneficiary children under the age of 6 years.

Mission Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0:

  • It is an Integrated Nutrition Support Programme approved for implementation during the 15th Finance Commission period 2021-22 to 2025-26.
  • It seeks to address the challenges of malnutrition in children, adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.




Keywords: General Studies – 2 Government Policies & Interventions, Food Security, Issues Relating to Poverty & Hunger
Daily Current Affairs

SAKSHAM- LMIS - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Union Health Ministry has introduced the SAKSHAM (Stimulating Advanced Knowledge for Sustainable Health Management), a Learning Management Information System (LMIS) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.


  • SAKSHAM is a dedicated and unified platform for providing online training and medical education to all health professionals in the country.
  • It has been developed by the National Institute of Health & Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi.
  • It will ensure inclusive capacity building of health professionals from primary health centers located in rural and remote areas all the way up to tertiary care and corporate hospitals in metropolitan cities.
  • It will be developed as a centralized resource repository for training and teaching material.


Keywords: General Studies – 2, 3 Health, Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

ISSF World Cup, Baku - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, India finished their campaign with four medals, including one gold, two silver, and a bronze.


  • The ISSF World Cup is an international shooting sports competition organised by the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF).
    • The ISSF is the governing body for the Olympic shooting events and is responsible for overseeing and promoting the shooting sport on a global scale.
  • Sarabjot Singh and TS Divya emerged as champions in the mixed team 10m air pistol event at the ISSF World Cup in Baku, Azerbaijan.
    • They defeated Damir Mikec and Zorana Arunovic of Serbia to claim the gold medal.

About Baku

  • Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan. It lies on the western shore of the Caspian Sea and the southern side of the Abşeron Peninsula, around the wide curving sweep of the Bay of Baku.
  • The bay, sheltered by the islands of the Baku Archipelago, provides the best harbour of the Caspian, while the Abşeron Peninsula gives protection from violent northerly winds.


Keywords: General Studies – 2 Government Policies & Interventions, Sports & Affairs
Daily Current Affairs

Monkey Pox no Longer a Global Health Emergency: WHO

Why in news? Recently, The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that Mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, no longer constitutes a global health emergency.


  • Monkey Pox is a viral zoonotic disease with symptoms similar to smallpox, although with less clinical severity.
  • It is caused by the monkeypox virus, a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae.
  • Monkeypox was first reported in 1958 in laboratory monkeys and the first human case was reported in 1970 in a nine ­month­ old baby in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Nigeria witnessed the biggest outbreak of the disease in 2017.
  • Thereafter, the disease has been reported in many countries including the USA, Singapore, UK.


  • Fever, Rash and swollen lymph nodes, Headaches, nausea, etc.


  • Mostly transmitted to people from wild animals such as rodents and primates.
  • Human-to-human transmission also occurs.
  • Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets, and contaminated materials such as bedding.

Treatment and Vaccine:

  • Mpox is treated with supportive care.
  • Vaccines and therapeutics developed for smallpox and approved for use in some countries can be used for mpox in some circumstances.


Keywords: General Studies –3 Health
Daily Current Affairs

Target Olympic Podium Scheme - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Olympian and World Championship silver medallist archer Atanu Das has been re-introduced in the Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS).


  • To improve India’s performance at the Olympics and Paralympics, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS) started the Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) in September 2014.
    • This was revamped in April 2018 to establish a technical support team for managing the TOPS athletes and providing holistic support.
  • The Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports is responsible for appointment of TOPS members with an emphasis on ensuring representation from ‘High-Priority’ sports (Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Hockey, Shooting, and Wrestling).

More Information:

  • Other big names to be included in TOPS are rifle shooter Mehuli Ghosh and 15-year-old Tilottama Sen, who won bronze in the 10m air rifle event at the International Shooting Sport Federation World Cup 2023 held in Cairo, Egypt.
  • A total of 27 new names were inducted in the TOPS Core and Development lists which now takes the total number of TOPS athletes to 270 (101 in Core, 169 in Development).

Upcoming Olympic Events:

  • Summer Olympics 2024: Paris, France
  • Winter Olympics 2026: Milan-Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
  • Summer Olympics 2028: Los Angeles, USA
  • Summer Olympics 2032: Brisbane, Australia


Keywords: General Studies – 2 Government Policies & Interventions, Sports & Affairs
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