Wednesday, 16th November 2022

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Rise in Per capita income since enactment of NFSA


‘Friendshoring India’ for deepening economic integration: US


Roadmaps for scaling solar investment

2   Terms & Concepts


District Judges - Edukemy Current Affairs


Framework for ONBs - Edukemy Current Affairs


Birsa Munda: Tribal Icon's Legacy


Gram Nyayalaya - Edukemy Current Affairs

3   Editorial of the day


Preserving the precious: On groundwater use: The Hindu

4   News Capsules


Competition Act - Edukemy Current Affairs


Cauvery South Wildlife sanctuary


Marwari Horses - Edukemy Current Affairs


Megaliths - Edukemy Current Affairs


Indian skimmer - Edukemy Current Affairs - 16/11/2022


Methane Alert and Response System (MARS)

5   Case Study of the Day


#FaithNotForce campaign: Bournvita Forced Packs

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News Snapshot

Rise in Per capita income since enactment of NFSA

In news

  • Union government has informed the Supreme Court (SC) that the per capita income of the population has increased in real terms by 33. 4% in eight years since the enactment of the National Food Security Act (NFSA), 2013.

 About National Food Security Act

  • To ensure the availability of sufficient amounts of wholesome food at reasonable rates so that people can live decent lives, while also ensuring food and nutritional security throughout the human life cycle.


  • According to demographic projections from the 2011 Census, the Act covers close to two-thirds of the whole population of the nation.
  • The Act provides for coverage of up to 75 per cent of the rural population and up to 50 per cent of the urban population for receiving subsidised foodgrains under Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS).
  • According to the Act, Antyodaya Anna Yojana households are entitled to 35 kg of food grains each month, while Priority Households are only entitled to 5 kg of food grains per person.
  • For the purposes of distributing ration cards, the oldest woman in the beneficiary home (18 years or older) is referred to as the "Head of the Family."

Key Achievements of NFSA

Performance (2014-22):

  • The per capita income of the population in India has increased in real terms by 4 per cent.
  • A large number of households have shifted to a higher income class as compared to 2013-14.

Spike in Ration Cards:

  • About 4.7 crore ration cards have been added in the last eight years under NFSA.

Lacks behind National Ceiling:

  • Actual national coverage is nearly 8 crores as on August 31, which is way behind the overall National ceiling of 81.4 crore beneficiaries.
  • There is still scope for adding approximately 1.6 crore beneficiaries for Antyodaya Anna Yojana and priority households categories

Way Forward

  • Migrant workers play a very vital role in building the nation and their rights cannot be ignored at all, thus, the Centre must devise a mechanism so that they receive food grains without ration cards.
  • Since citizens are dying due to hunger despite our development, therefore, modalities should be set out to ensure that a maximum number of migrant workers are given rations.
  • The Apex court had advised the welfare schemes devised by the Centre should reach a maximum number of workers and the state governments will have to cooperate and assist the Union of India.

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Keywords: GS Paper 2 &3, Indian Economy, Government Policies & Interventions, Government Schemes
News Snapshot

‘Friendshoring India’ for deepening economic integration: US

In News:

Stating Economic Integration, the US Treasury Secretary pitched for friend-shoring for India.

Beyond News:

  • Friend-shoring is pitched (by the US) as a means to insulate global supply chains from external disruption or economic coercion.
    • For the past few years, the world has experienced a series of trade disruptions – the US-China trade war, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
    • The idea is for a group of countries with shared values to deploy policies encouraging companies to spread manufacturing within that group.
  • Sectors under importance are the semiconductor industry, green energy, telecommunications and mineral industries.


Also need to know:

(a)    Offshoring: Companies cutting costs by shifting manufacturing to countries with cheaper labour.

(b)    Reshoring: Countries bringing production back to their home country

 Significance of Friend-Shoring

  • Will prevent nations (like China and Russia) from unfairly leveraging their market position in key raw materials, technologies or products to disrupt the global economy.
  • The relocation of manufacturing facilities, employment opportunities, and financial investments to nations deemed to be “trustworthy” by the US and its allies would probably be advantageous for Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and other Indo-Pacific states.
  • Diversifying global supply chains that will also help businesses become more resilient to external shocks like wars, famine, political changes or the next pandemic.


  • These nations' economies would suffer as jobs and investments shifted to other regional trading partners.
  • Considered part of a deglobalisation process, which could see further supply shocks and higher prices in short term and lower growth in the long run.
  • Poor countries needing global trade might be excluded from this.                  

Impact of Friend-Shoring

  • Due to de-globalization and decoupling, Friend Shoring would probably result in short-term supply shocks and higher pricing.
  • Long-term economic growth is probably going to be weaker as a result of lost efficiencies, greater costs, and supply bottlenecks.

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Keywords: GS Paper 2, International relations, India & its Neighbourhood, Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora.
News Snapshot

Roadmaps for scaling solar investment

In News:

The ISA releases $1-t roadmap for scaling solar investment, deployment

About the News:

  • The International Solar Alliance (ISA) has recently released a roadmap to mobilise $1 trillion by 2030 to meet the investment requirements for scaling up the deployment of solar power projects.
  • The roadmap “Our Solar Future: Roadmap to Mobilise $1 trillion by 2030” was made at the COP27 meeting in Sharm El Sheikh by the ISA in association with World Resources Institute (WRI) and Bloomberg Philanthropies.
  • The roadmap aims to provide a path to rapidly and equitably scaling global solar investment and deployment to exploit vast untapped solar energy potential in many regions
  • It outlines priority actions by governments, development finance institutions, and other actors to rapidly scale solar investment.
  • The roadmap is expected to improve the corpus of present investments in zero-carbon power to nearly six times at the current rate to put the world on a 1.5°C-compatible pathway.

Major highlights of the roadmap:

  • Mobilising capital: The roadmap aims to mobilise $1 trillion in solar investments by increasing commitments by private investors, governments and donors to invest in renewable energy, battery storage and grid integration.
  • Scaling opportunities: The roadmap will examine opportunities in market segments such as utility-scale solar projects, which offer a viable pathway to accelerate the shift away from fossil fuels, reduce energy cost, and improve reliability of electricity supply.
  • Harnessing solar potential: Off-grid and decentralised solar applications are important to affordably reach the 785 million people who still need energy access and the 2.6 billion who need reliable grids.
  • Integration: Energy storage and grid flexibility infrastructure investments including power transmission and distribution are essential to integrate solar energy resources into regional electricity infrastructure and facilitate load management.
  • Use of technology: Utilizing advanced solar and storage technologies for scaling solar deployment in difficult-to-serve industries and locations and for addressing intermittency issues.

Major issues:

  • Poor returns: Cost declines for solar energy and battery energy storage have made solar technologies cost-competitive with fossil fuels and other renewable energy solutions.
  • Untapped potential: Due to high cost of capital and limited financing models in many developing countries, there is vast untapped solar energy potential in many regions.
  • Need for capital: There is a need for concerted efforts and innovative solutions to scale solar investments, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, South-East Asia and the Latin America and Caribbean region.
  • Poor infrastructure: Limited scale of development finance institutions have hampered the mobilisation of investment for blended finance, concessional credit lines, and other risk mitigation instruments to help bring in private investors.

International Solar Alliance (ISA)

  • About: It is an international organisation of more than 80 member countries including India.
  • Headquarters:  Its secretariat is located in Gurugram, India.
  • Mechanism: It supports governments around the world to improve energy access and security by promoting solar energy as a sustainable, affordable and resilient way to transition to a carbon-neutral future.
  • Objective: It aims to facilitate energy access in every corner of the world by delivering cleaner electricity to all by 2030.
  • Mission: It strives to unlock USD 1 trillion of investment by 2030 by reducing the cost of the technology and its financing and increasing the skills of people working in the industry.
  • Importance: It will help deliver global relevance, local benefit to all countries through collaborations, risk mitigation & innovative financing instruments to facilitate the promotion and deployment of technologies in respective target markets.




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Keywords: General studies III: International bodies, ISA
Terms & Concepts

District Judges - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The Chief Justice of India said that District judges aren't subordinates and that they belong to the district judiciary.

  • About District judge:
    • Highest judicial authority in the district.
    • Possesses original and appellate jurisdiction in both civil as well as criminal matters.
    • Appointment, posting and promotion are made by the governor of the state in consultation with the high court.
    • Qualifications: Should not already be in service of Central or state government.
    • Should have been an advocate or a pleader for seven years. Should be recommended by the high court for appointment.





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Keywords: GS Paper 2:, Polity: District Judges
Terms & Concepts

Framework for ONBs - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: SEBI has introduced a Regulatory Framework for Online Bond Platform (OBPs) Providers.
  • SEBI has defined OBP as any electronic system, other than a recognised stock exchange on which the debt securities which are listed or proposed to be listed, are offered and transacted. E.g., BondsIndia, GoldenPi etc.

  • Under new rules, OBPs must obtain a registration certificate as a stock broker from SEBI, ensure data governance etc.
  • A bond is a debt instrument in which an investor loans money typically to a corporate or government which borrows the funds for a defined period of time at a variable or fixed interest rate.
  • Bonds are used by companies, municipalities, states and sovereign governments to raise money.
  • Bonds provide long-term borrowing.
  • On the other hand, the money market is where participants can lend and borrow short-term, high-quality debt securities with average maturities of one year or less.





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Keywords: GS Paper 3:, Economy: Framework for ONBs
Terms & Concepts

Birsa Munda: Tribal Icon's Legacy

  • Context: Recently the President paid tribute to Birsa Munda on his birth anniversary.
  • Who was Birsa Munda?
  • (i) Munda was a young freedom fighter and a tribal leader, whose spirit of activism in the late 19th century is remembered to be a strong mark of protest against British rule in India.
  • (ii) On his birth anniversary, Janjatiya Gaurav Divas is celebrated to commemorate the contributions of tribals of Indian culture.

  • Birsait Sect
    • Birsa started Birsait sect after gaining awareness of the efforts of the British to convert tribal people to accept Christianity.
    • The British conversion activities were then challenged by the Munda and Oraon who joined Birsait.
  • Location: Chota Nagpur region of Jharkhand
  • Contributions
    • The alteration of land rights was beneficial for zamindars and the British only. Birsa started a revolt called as “Ulgulan” meaning ‘great tumult’ in 1899 encouraging people to refuse payment of rent or any colonial laws.
    • It involved guerrilla warfare along with the use of weapons. Also, he challenged religious practices and promoted a life with no superstitions becoming ‘Dharati Aba’ (Father of the earth).
    • As a result, Chhota Nagpur Tenancy Act, of 1908 was passed which prohibited the transfer of ownership from tribals to non-tribals.





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Keywords: GS Paper-I, Modern Indian History: Tribal Revolts and welfare
Terms & Concepts

Gram Nyayalaya - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Recently SC issued notice to HCs on a plea for setting up of 'Gram Nyayalayas' in States where no development has taken place.
  • What is Gram Nyayalaya?

The Gram Nyayalaya Act 2008 was passed after the recommendations of the 114th Law Commission Report which had suggested the establishment of Gram Nyayalayas for providing affordable and quick access to justice to the citizens at their doorsteps.

    • The Act extends to the whole of India, except to the States of Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and to the tribal areas specified within the States of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram, respectively.
  • Features:
  1. Nyayadhikari: Sections 5 and 6 of the Act provide that the state government in consultation with the High Court will appoint a 'Nyayadhikari' for each 'Gram Nyayalaya', who will be a person eligible to be appointed as a judicial magistrate of the First Class.
  2. Jurisdiction: It deals with criminal cases, civil suits, claims or disputes which are specified in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule of the Act.




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Keywords: GS 2: Polity and Governance: Recent controversy, verdicts, and constitutional provisions related to Judiciary and DPSPs.
Editorial of the day

Preserving the precious: On groundwater use: The Hindu

Exam View: Groundwater Depletion, Climate change, National Water Policy, Government Initiatives Related to Groundwater Management.

In News: Ministry of Water Resources recently made public a report that gives a snapshot of India’s groundwater situation.

The 2022 assessment of the Ministry of Water Resources suggests that groundwater extraction is the lowest since 2004. A decrease in groundwater extraction may indicate better water management, however, the report called the National Compilation on Dynamic Ground Water Resources of India also says that the improvement is only “marginal”.

India is home to 17% of the world’s population, but only holds 4% of the world’s freshwater resources. Not only is a water scarce in India, but the extraction of groundwater has been on the rise for decades. India is the world’s largest user of groundwater, where groundwater contributes to more than 60% of the country’s irrigation resources. After the “Green revolution” to ensure food security, the demand for groundwater for agriculture has increased.

Government Initiatives Related to Groundwater Management:

  • Har Khet ko Pani “Prime Minister Krishi Sinchayee Yojana”: The government of India is committed to accord high priority water conservation and its management. Improving water use efficiency ‘More crop per drop' in a focused manner with an end-to-end solution on source creation, distribution, management, field application and extension activities.
  • National Water Policy, 2012: NWP was formulated to govern the planning and development of water resources and their optimum utilisation.
  • Jal Shakti Abhiyan- Catch the Rain Campaign: Catch the rain, where it falls, and when it falls and create Rainwater Harvesting Structures (RWHS) suitable for climatic conditions.
  • Atal Bhujal Yojana: It envisages people's participation through the formation of ‘Water User Associations’, water budgeting, preparation & implementation of Gram-panchayat-wise water security plans, etc.

 Challenges to groundwater management:

  • Water-intensive Crops in water deficit region:The minimum support price for wheat and rice creates highly skewed incentive structures in favour of wheat and paddy, which are water-intensive crops and depend heavily on groundwater for their growth. This makes groundwater a heavenly resource for their farming.

  • Unregulated use of groundwater in agriculture:Several states affected by the depletion of groundwater provide free or heavily subsidised power (including solar pumps) for pumping groundwater for irrigated This enables overexploitation and depletion of scarce groundwater resources.
  • Urbanisation and Population-related issues:Rising population and urbanisation have increased the demand for water for domestic and industrial needs. limited surface water resources lead to the over-exploitation of groundwater resources.
  • Sinking Water Table: Draughts, flash floods, and disrupted monsoon eventsare recent examples of climate change events that are placing pressure on India's groundwater resources. And since, wells, ponds and tanks are drying up as groundwater resources come under increasing pressure due to over-reliance and unsustainable consumption. This has escalated the water crisis.
  • Ground-Water Regulation:The government of India regulates groundwater exploitation in water-stressed states through “notification” of highly overexploited blocks. However, only about 14% of the overexploited blocks in the country are currently notified.

Recently, A draft National Water Policy has recommended a shift in usage from water-guzzling crops and prioritising recycled over freshwater for industrial purposes. Water ought not to be considered a free, private resource but one whose costs must be measured and borne equitably. There is a need to form a consensus across the political spectrum on disincentivising the wasteful consumption of this precious resource.


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Keywords: GS Paper –1 and 3, Water Conservation, Depletion of Water Resources
News Capsules

Competition Act - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? A bill to amend the Competition Act is now being examined by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance.


  • Amendments were proposed to the Competition Act, of 2002 to reduce the time limit for approval of combinations to 150 days from the current 210 days.
  • Amendment also seeks to balance the flexibility in proposing modifications with the timely review and completion of combinations.
  • Mergers and acquisitions are referred to as combinations in the Competition Act parlance.
  • The competition Act, 2002 was enacted to promote and sustain competition in markets, protect the interest of consumers, and ensure freedom of trade for market participants.


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Keywords: General Studies – 2, Polity and Governance, Acts and Amendments
News Capsules

Cauvery South Wildlife sanctuary

Why in news? Recently, Tamil Nadu notified Cauvery South Wildlife Sanctuary as the state’s 17th wildlife sanctuary.


  • The sanctuary was notified under Section 26-A of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
  • It can be declared by both Centre and State.

  • An area in the reserve forests of Krishnagiri and Dharmapuri have been notified as the Cauvery South Wildlife Sanctuary.
  • It will connect the Cauvery North Wildlife Sanctuary of Tamil Nadu with Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary in neighbouring Karnataka.
  • It is home to 35 mammal species and 238 bird species.
  • Red-listed species: Grizzled giant squirrel, four-horned antelope, and Lesser Fish Eagle are also found here.
  • Two important elephant corridors are:
    • Nandimangalam-Ulibanda Corridor and Kovaipallam-Anebiddahalla Corridor.


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Keywords: General Studies –3 Environment and Ecology, National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary
News Capsules

Marwari Horses - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, for the first time, Six Marwari horses have been exported from Jodhpur to Bangladesh.


  • The Marwari horse breed originated in the Marwar region of Rajasthan, where hot arid desert conditions present a unique ecosystem.
  • It is capable of covering long distances with good speed by virtue of its strong limbs and hooves.
  • The breed is primarily maintained for show, Horse Safaris & Sport, ceremonial & religious purposes, and during earlier days in war.
  • It can withstand intense heat and cold and adverse climatic conditions.
  • It is genetically similar to the Kathiawari breed of Kathiawad (Gujarat).
  • Other Indian breeds of horses are:
    • Spiti, Bhutia, Manipuri, Zanskari, Bhimthadi, Chummarti, and Sikang.


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Keywords: General Studies – 3 Environment and Ecology, Species in news
News Capsules

Megaliths - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? According to recent findings, Andhra Pradesh has the largest anthropomorphic burial site collection in the Tirupati district.


The structure locally referred to as ‘Pandava Gullu’ or ‘Pandavula Banda’ in memory of the Pandavas, is estimated to be 2,500 years old.

Anthropomorphic sites are those marked by a representation of human form above the megalithic burials.


  • A megalith is a large stone that has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones.
  • Megaliths were constructed either as burial sites (such as dolmenoid, cairn circles) or commemorative (non-sepulchral) memorials (such as menhirs).
  • In India, megaliths are seen in Peninsular South, Deccan plateau, Vindhyas and Northwest region.
  • Megalithic sites in India are dated to periods ranging from 1300 BCE to 12 century CE.


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Keywords: General Studies – 1, Ancient History – Archaeological findings
News Capsules

Indian skimmer - Edukemy Current Affairs - 16/11/2022

Why in news? Indian skimmer seen in huge flocks in Coringa wildlife sanctuary (Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh).


  • Indian Skimmer (Rynchops albicollis) is a waterbird species.
  • Distribution: Found in the coastal estuaries of western and eastern India.
  • About 20% of the total population of fewer than 2,500 birds’ nest along river Chambal.
  • IUCN status: Endangered
  • Major Threats: degradation of wetland and riverine habitats, Predation by corvids like House crows etc.



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Keywords: General Studies – 3, Environment and Ecology - Conservation
News Capsules

Methane Alert and Response System (MARS)

Why in news? The UN has decided to set up a satellite-based monitoring system “MARS: Methane Alert and Response System” for tracking methane emissions.


  • It is also set up to alert governments and corporations to respond.
  • MARS is a part of global efforts to slow climate change by tackling global warming gas.
  • The MARS was launched at COP27 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.
  • Methane released by human activities is responsible for around 25% of anthropogenic climate change.
  • It will scale up global efforts to detect and act on major emissions sources in a transparent manner and accelerate the implementation of the Global Methane Pledge.
  • MARS is set up as part of the UNEP International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) strategy.
  • IMEO aims to catalyse the reduction of methane emissions, starting with the fossil fuel sector.


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Keywords: General Studies – 3, Environmental Pollution & Degradation
Case Study of the Day

#FaithNotForce campaign: Bournvita Forced Packs


On Children’s Day, Cadbury Bournvita launched a new campaign '#FaithNotForce', urging society to recognize the true potential of children and not push them to be something they are not.

About the campaign

  • Cadbury Bournvita turned their jar into items, like a toilet cleaner bottle, an egg carton, a tissue paper box, a glass cleaner spray, a ketchup bottle, a soap box, and a cooking oil bottle, to use this force-fit as an analogy for parents forcing their kids into select professions than nourishing their potential.
  • Consumers will find Rs 5 sachets of Cadbury Bournvita inside these forced packs.
    • The items’ outer moulds resemble societal expectations of what profession a kid should pursue and the little ones’ lack of agency.
    • At the same time, the true potential of children and Cadbury Bournvita, which the consumer wishes to buy, stay hidden inside, desperate to see the light of day.
  • Such campaigns are effective in changing attitudes, as they persuade the audience to induce behavioural changes.
  • Cadbury Bournvita feels parents should let kids decide what they want to do; and the campaign conveys the need to get away from the intense pressure parents create about winning, rather than focusing on children's potential and preferences.


“The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche


  • Cadbury Bournvita’s 'Forced Packs' tears open a raging conversation


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Keywords: Attitude: Content, Structure, Function; its Influence and Relation with Thought and Behaviour: Social Influence and Persuasion: Bournvita, Campaign, Children, Parents.
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