Thursday, 9th June 2022

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Linking of credit card to UPI - Edukemy Current Affairs


QS World University Rankings - Edukemy Current Affairs


Amendments to IT Rules 2021 - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   This Day in History


Lal Bahadur Shastri becomes 2nd Prime Minister of India

3   Terms & Concepts


Defence Acquisition Council - Edukemy Current Affairs


Type 1 Diabetes - Edukemy Current Affairs


LLCM Programme - Edukemy Current Affairs


Ex Khaan Quest 2022 - Edukemy Current Affairs

4   Editorial of the day


RBI Tackles Inflation, Services Rebound: IE


Healthcare in India is ailing. Here is how to fix it: IE

5   Case Study of the Day


Rice Husk Furniture Revolution

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News Snapshot

Linking of credit card to UPI - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently allowed the linking of credit cards on the UPI platform.

About the News

  • Recently, the RBI decided to allow even credit cards to be linked to UPI (Unified Payments Interface).
    • As of now, UPI could be linked only to savings and current accounts through users’ debit cards for facilitating transactions.
  • To begin with, the RuPay credit cards will be linked to UPI.
  • Both the RuPay network and UPI are managed by the same organisation – the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
  • Linking Rupay credit cards to UPI will add more avenues and convenience to customers

Significance of the move

  • The move will give a push to credit culture for smaller items in urban and rural areas alike, given UPI’s widespread adoption.
  • It will provide a significant boost to overall credit card spends and off-take in the market. This will lead to increase in Financial Inclusion.
  • The integration also opens up avenues to build credit on UPI through credit cards in India, wherein a number of players have emerged in the last few years.
  • The move could also be a push to increase adoption by banking on UPI’s large user base.

The problem of MDR

  • It is not clear how the Merchant Discount Rate (MDR) will be applied to UPI transactions done through credit cards.
    • The MDR is a fee that a merchant is charged by their issuing bank for accepting payments from their customers via credit and debit cards.
  • According to a norm that has been in effect since January 2020, UPI and RuPay attract zero-MDR, meaning that no charges are applied to these transactions, which is a key reason behind the prolific adoption of UPI both by users and merchants.
  • Applicability of zero-MDR on UPI could also be a reason why other card networks such as Visa and Mastercard may not have been onboarded to UPI for credit cards yet.


Keywords: Credit card to UPI linking, credit card, UPI, Financial Inclusion, economy, GS Paper 3
News Snapshot

QS World University Rankings - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bengaluru has emerged as the highest ranked Indian institute in the 2023 edition of the QS World University rankings,  pushing IIT-Bombay to the second position, followed by IIT-Delhi.

India’s Performance in the QS Rankings 2023 Edition

  • Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore has risen 31 places in a year (from 186 to 155) to emerge as the highest ranking Indian Institute.
  • IISc, which is one of the eight public Institutes of Eminence (IoE), has improved across four parameters (academic reputation (AR), employer reputation (ER), citations per faculty (CpF) and international faculty ratio) out of six parameters (the remaining two being faculty-student ratio (FSR) and international students ratio) based on which the rankings are prepared.
    • One of the objectives of the IoE scheme was to help ten public and as many private Indian higher education institutions break into the top 500 of reputed rankings such as QS within a decade, and in the top 100 “over time”.
  • Apart from IISc, IIT-Bombay (IIT-B) and IIT-Delhi (IIT-D), which have risen five and 11 places to rank 172 and 174 respectively, are the only other Indian institutes in the global league of top 200.
  • The total number of Indian institutes among the top 1,000 globally has risen to 27 from 22.
  • Overall, Indian education institutes, 41 of which made it to the rankings, have performed poorly across many key metrics.

 Global Scenario

  • Globally, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was declared the best university for the 11th straight year.
  • The second place went to the University of Cambridge, followed by Stanford University.
  • China has 28 universities among the top 500.


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Governance- Education sector, QS World University Rankings, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Indian Institute of Technology, Institute of Eminence (IoE).
News Snapshot

Amendments to IT Rules 2021 - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has recently floated a fresh draft of amendments to the Information Technology Rules, 2021.

About the News

  • The MInistry has proposed the creation of government-appointed appeal committees that will be able to veto content-moderation decisions taken by social media intermediaries like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
  • The Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, (“the Rules”) had come into force last year by superseding the Information Technology (Intermediary Rules), 2011.
  • The proposed changes have been brought in after a number of incidences where the intermediaries have acted in violation of Constitutional rights of Indian citizens and did not address the grievances “satisfactorily and/or fairly”.
  • The draft, which is up for public consultation for 30 days, has triggered concerns about the government overriding the decisions of social media platforms.

What are the proposed amendments?

  • Respecting the mandates of constitution: In the draft amendment to the IT Rules 2021, the MeitY has brought in a new clause which would require intermediaries to respect ‘rights guaranteed to users under the Constitution of India’.
  • Ensuring grievance redressal: The new rules bring in a new Grievance Appellate Committee to give an additional mechanism to appeal decisions made grievance officers of intermediaries.
  • Veto powers: This committee will also have the power to overrule any decision made by grievance officers of intermediaries, including blocking or removal of any user or user account on social media platforms.
  • Time frame: It has proposed a change where intermediaries will be required to address grievances regarding content removal from platforms within 72 hours. For other grievances, the existing 15-day timeframe will continue.

What are the major issues?

  • Affected parties: This will largely override social media platforms’ content decisions as well as their grievance redressal mechanism.
  • Need: Deplatforming is a big deal – It’s a violation of fundamental rights of users and thus there must have a force of law behind it for any platform to exercise this and must never ever be done arbitrarily.
  • Lacks statutory backing: The proposal, without any legislative basis, seeks to subject content on social media to the direct scrutiny of the government by permitting users to appeal decisions of social media platforms to a Grievance Appellate Committee constituted by MeitY.

To read the IT Rules, 2021, refer to:


Keywords: IT rules, 2021, Digital Media, Digitisation, OTT, Governance, GS Paper 2
This Day in History

Lal Bahadur Shastri becomes 2nd Prime Minister of India

On June 9, 1964 Lal Bahadur Shastri became the second Prime Minister of India after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru. He is credited with promoting the White Revolution (a national campaign to boost milk production) as well as the Green Revolution, which helped boost the production of foodgrains. Shastri gave the slogan “Jai Jawan Jai Kisan”. Hail the Soldier, Hail the Farmer.

Shastri led India during its war with Pakistan in 1965. The war came to end with the Tashkent Agreement on January 10, 1966. Shastri was in the Uzbek capital at that time. He died the on January 11, reportedly because of a cardiac arrest. Shastri was awarded the Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honour, posthumously in 1966.


Keywords: Prime Minister of India, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Freedom fighter, White Revolution, Green Revolution, History, GS Paper 1
Terms & Concepts

Defence Acquisition Council - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) has recently cleared proposals worth 76,000 Crore rupees to boost self-reliance in defence sector.
  • Defence Acquisitions Council (DAC) has been created as an overarching structure for Defence Procurement, with Defence Minister as Chairman, along with key members from Armed forces and Bureaucracy.
  • It was formed, pursuant to the recommendations made by the Group of Ministers on Reforming the National Security System in 2001.
  • The functions of the DAC include:
    • Give 'in principle' approval to Capital acquisitions in Long term perspective Plans.
    • Give ‘in principle’ acceptance of necessity to each Capital acquisition project for incorporation in the forthcoming Five Year Plan.
    • Monitor the progress of major projects on a feedback from the Defence Procurement Board.
  • The decision of DAC deliberations, will flow down from implementation to Defence Procurement Board, Defence Production Board and Defence R&D Board.


Image Source:

Keywords: GS Paper 2: Important Aspects of Governance: Defence Acquisition Council, Ministry of Defence.
Terms & Concepts

Type 1 Diabetes - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has recently issued a set of fresh guidelines for Type 1 Diabetes management.
  • Type 1 diabetes is a chronic condition, in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin.
    • Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy.
  • It is caused by an autoimmune reaction, which destroys the cells in the pancreas that make insulin, called beta cells.
  • Diet and lifestyle habits don’t cause type 1 diabetes.
  • Genetics and Virus are the factors that contribute to this condition.
  • Symptoms of the disease include increased thirst, frequent urination, Extreme hunger, unintended weight loss, Fatigue & Weakness, Blurred Vision.
  • Diagnosis of this condition include Blood Sugar test and Haemoglobin test.
  • Treatment involves Taking insulin, Carbohydrate/fat/protein counting, frequent blood sugar monitoring, Eating healthy food, Exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight.


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Issues Relating to Development and Management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health: Type 1 Diabetes, ICMR.
Terms & Concepts

LLCM Programme - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister has recently launched the “Leaders in Climate Change Management” (LCCM)
  • Leaders in Climate Change Management(LCCM) is a capacity-building program that seeks to build a pool of leaders to champion and lead climate action – across sectors and geographies. 
  • The program has been designed and implemented through core partners namely the National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA), World Resources Institute(WRI) – India, United Nation Environment Programme(UNEP) and Indian School of Business (ISB).
  • The program aims to train 5,000 professionals including mid to junior-level government officials and frontline workers.
  • The program will prepare them to champion climate change adaptation and mitigation solutions towards a coordinated effort to achieve India’s climate commitments.
  • The program has four phases:
    • It is an online learning module that can be completed over eight weeks; 
    • It includes face-to-face sessions spanning four to six days; 
    • It mandates participants to complete a project over six to eight months and attend exposure visits and 
    • It includes networking and establishing a community of practice.


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Keywords: GS Paper 3: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Environmental Impact Assessment: LLCM, Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister.
Terms & Concepts

Ex Khaan Quest 2022 - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: A multinational peacekeeping exercise- Ex Khaan Quest 2022 featuring participation from military contingents from 16 countries including India has recently commenced in Mongolia.
  • The 14-day exercise is aimed at enhancing interoperability, building military to military relationships, developing peace support operations and military readiness among participating nations.
  • The exercise will also enable sharing of best practices between the Armed Forces of participating nations and will include field training exercises, combat discussions, lectures and demonstration.
  • Indian Army is represented by a contingent from the Ladakh Scouts.
  • The exercise is expected to enhance bilateral relations between India and Mongolia.


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Keywords: GS Paper 2: Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings involving India: Ex Khaan Quest 2022, India, Mongolia.
Editorial of the day

RBI Tackles Inflation, Services Rebound: IE

Essence: As was expected, RBI has again increased Repo rate by 50 basis point.

Inflation, both headline and core, has remained much above RBI’s comfort level of 6%. Repo rate is still below the pre-pandemic level and real policy rate (repo rate less expected inflation) remains negative. It is understood that hike in repo rate impacts growth adversely, but it does so with a lag which is comforting for RBI for now. The US Federal Reserve is set to continue its rate increasing cycle. All these factors mean RBI will in most likelihood continue to push policy rates higher to tame inflation.

To address supply-driven inflation, the government is also doing its bit by stretching limited fiscal space to cut duties and extending subsidies to the most vulnerable sections of society who are most hard hit by inflation. Hopefully a normal monsoon and wide vaccination coverage will bring respite and reduce the speed of this inflation juggernaut.

Why should you read this article?

  • To understand circumstances which are forcing RBI to increase Repo rate.


Keywords: INFLATION, RBI, Monetary policy, Repo Rate, US federal reserve, UPSC, GS Paper 3
Editorial of the day

Healthcare in India is ailing. Here is how to fix it: IE

Essence: The author stresses that to avoid the immeasurable suffering and the social and economic loss, which India went through during the pandemic, we need to fill some gaps. The three-tier model of subcentres with paramedics, primary health centres with MBBS doctors and community health centres (CHC) with four to six specialists has failed. The model’s weakness is the absence of an accountability framework.

The author suggests a model from Brazil, which is introduction of Family Health Teams (FHT) accountable for the health and wellbeing of a dedicated population. The implication of and central to the success of such a reset lies in creating appropriate cadres. Primary care in India can get traction only if new skills, drastically upgraded competencies and a new mindset are embedded within the vision of a patient, family and community-centred health system.

Alongside, India needs to move beyond the doctor-led system and paramedicalise several functions, like increasing number of midwives, lay counsellors for mental health, physiotherapists and public health nurses.

Bringing such a transformative health system will require a comprehensive review of the existing training institutions, standardising curricula and the qualifying criteria. Also, a comprehensive redefinition of functions of all personnel is required to weed out redundancies and redeploy the rewired ones.

Why should you read this article?

  • To understand the gaps in healthcare system in India
  • To understand the steps need to improve the healthcare system


Keywords: Healthcare system, Health, Medical, Pandemic, GS Paper 2
Case Study of the Day

Rice Husk Furniture Revolution


  • Paddy cultivation, which was a part of art and culture in earlier days, is now purely a business.
  • In Chennai, B.L. Bengani started a furniture company based on rice husk as main raw material for same.

 About The Company:

  • Bengani started working in a furniture company at a very young age and eventually became a billionaire.
  • But later he realized that the cost of success was the death of million of trees and made researches to replace wood with something more sustainable.
  • He found out that rice husk to be the better alternative when mixed some minerals and resin which is pest-proof, weather-proof and halts the spread of fire.
    • Lighter and larger than the actual rice grain it protects, the husk is a yellowish cover which is usually separated as part of the milling process, after which the rice is polished.
  • This wood is used to make furniture which is more sustainable and causes lesser degradation of the nature.

Quote: “Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.” — Jochen Zeitz, President and CEO of Harley-Davidson.

Source: This Chair Is Made of Rice! #264:

Image source:

Keywords: UPSC, GS Paper 3, Rice Husk, Sustainability, environment, Science and Technology; Ecology, Case study
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