Wednesday, 6th October 2021

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Nobel Prize in Physics, 2021


Coal based Hydrogen Production


Price Surge of Silicon

2   Featured News


The State of the World's Children 2021

3   Terms & Concepts


This Day in History - 51 Pegasi b


Image of the Day - Unknown species of eagle


National Clean Air Programme - Edukemy Current Affairs - Oct 06, 2021


White label ATMs


India’s Imports by 2050


Gaming disorder

4   Editorial of the day


The Mahatma and his economic worldview: HT


With AUKUS, India must keep its head above water: TH


Why India needs a Refugee Law- IE

5   Case Study of the Day


Efforts in Revival of Kalarippayattu

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News Snapshot

Nobel Prize in Physics, 2021

In News

Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi have been awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics for work that helps understand complex physical systems such as Earth's changing climate.

About the News

  • Manabe and Hasselmann have worked on for modelling earth's climate and reliably predicting global warming.
  • Parisi has worked on discovering "hidden rules" behind seemingly random movements and swirls in gases or liquids.
  • Significance: The 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics is a message just weeks before the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow stressing that the rate of global warming sets off alarm bells around the world.

About the Nobel Winning Work

Their work has provided an understanding of complex physical systems and demonstrated how increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lead to increased temperatures at the surface of the Earth.



Keywords: Nobel in Physics, climate change, Climate systems, Ecology, environment, GS Paper 3, S& T, GS Paper 1
News Snapshot

Coal based Hydrogen Production

In News

Ministry of Coal has constituted a Task Force and Expert Committee to prepare a road map for Coal based Hydrogen Production.

About the Task Force

  • The constitution of the task force and expert committee is a part of Hydrogen Mission announced by the Prime Minister on Independence Day.
  • Significance: Coal as a source of hydrogen making has not been encouraged because of the fear of carbon emission. Almost 100% of Hydrogen produced in India is through Natural Gas.
    • Hydrogen produced from coal is cheaper and less sensitive to imports when compared with hydrogen production through electrolysis and natural gas.
  • The Task Force has been assigned the following work:
    • Identification of role to be played by each stakeholder Ministry.
    • Coordination with Stakeholder Ministries.
    • Monitoring of activities towards achieving coal based Hydrogen production and usage.
    • Setting up sub committees to achieve the objective.
    • To coordinate with Coal Gasification Mission and NITI Aayog.

Hydrogen Types and its production


National Hydrogen Mission

  • The Mission was announced in the 2021-22 Budget.
  • It aims is to develop India into a global hub for manufacturing of hydrogen and fuel cells technologies across the value chain.
  • Major activities envisaged under the Mission are:
    • Creating volumes and infrastructure
    • Demonstrations in niche applications (including for transport, industry)
    • Goal-oriented Research & Development
    • Facilitative policy support
    • Putting in place a robust framework for standards and regulations for hydrogen technologies



Keywords: Coal based Hydrogen Production, Green hydrogen, National Hydrogen Mission, Eco-friendly, environment, Ecology, S & T, GS Paper 1, GS Paper 3
News Snapshot

Price Surge of Silicon

In News                          

The shortage in silicon metal, sparked by a production cut in China, has resulted in price surge upto 300% in less than two months.

About the Silicon Shortage

  • Surging Demand: Despite its natural abundance in crude forms such as sand and clay, silicon’s demand surge in recent years has created improbable shortages for raw materials like gravel.
  • Production Curb: Added to this is China curbing the production of high-purity silicon metal that has resulted in the unlikely and alarming fragility of the silicon supply chain.

  • Impact: This scarcity has been threatening everything from car parts to computer chips by throwing up a hurdle for the world economy.
  • It has been particularly alarming for automakers, where silicon is alloyed with aluminum to make engine blocks and other parts.
  • Silicon metal is purchased by companies that use caustic chemicals and intense heat to purify it into polysilicon, an ultra-conductive material that helps convert sunlight into electricity in photovoltaic panels.
  • Silicon also plays a key role in aluminum alloys, acting as a softening agent. It makes makes the metal less brittle when producers shape it into different products needed in everything from automobiles to appliances.
  • Significance: The silicon issue also captures how the global energy crisis is cascading through economies in multiple ways.

About Silicon

  • Silicon makes up to about 28% of the earth’s crust by weight.
  • It has several applications ranging from computer chips and concrete, to glass and car parts.



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Keywords: Silicon, Solar power, abundant mineral, silicon price surge, S&T, environment, Ecology, GS Paper 3, GS Paper 1
Featured News

The State of the World's Children 2021

In News

UNICEF has recently released its global flagship publication – “The State of the World’s Children 2021; On My Mind: promoting, protecting and caring for children’s mental health.

About the Report

  • This report, UNICEF’s most comprehensive look at the mental health of children, adolescents and caregivers in the 21st century, focuses on the risks and protective factors for mental health and well-being at critical moments in the life course.
  • It aims to increase understanding of the specific needs of children, adolescents and caregivers, and to explore issues around mental health through the perspective of young people themselves.

Findings of the report


Conclusion: When we ignore the mental health of children, we undercut their capacity to learn, work, build meaningful relationships and contribute to the world. When we ignore the mental health of parents and caregivers, we fail to support them to nurture and care for their children to the best of their ability. And when we ignore mental health issues in our societies, we close off conversation, reinforce stigma and prevent children and caregivers from seeking the help they need.

Question: Discuss with examples, the various mental health issues faced by children globally.



Keywords: State of World’s Children Report, Paper 1, Society and Social Issues, Development, UNICEF, Mental Health, Child Care
Terms & Concepts

This Day in History - 51 Pegasi b

On October 6, 1995, 51 Pegasi was discovered as the first major star, apart from the Sun, to have a planet orbiting around it. Located about 50 light years from Earth, 51 Pegasi b is a gas giant like Jupiter, with a mass about 150 times that of Earth, circling its host star at a distance of just 7 million km (4.3 million mi.). Orbiting so close, 51 Pegasi b has a surface temperature estimated at 1,000º C (1,800º F). It’s also tidally locked, meaning one side is always facing that solar oven. It’s one of the most significant planets ever discovered—so important that, in 2019, the astronomers who found it were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.



Keywords: 51 Pegasi, Exoplanet, Space, Geography, S&T, GS Paper 3, GS Paper 1
Terms & Concepts

Image of the Day - Unknown species of eagle

A group of scientists has uncovered the fossil of a yet-unknown species of eagle from 25 million years ago. The group of researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide found several bone fragments by a dry lake. Scientists believe these remains belong to an ancient hawk called Archaehierax sylvestris. Like other eagles, this species too survived by preying on possums and koalas, and it was also able to catch low-flying birds. Since this species of hawk was usually found in the forest, the eagle had trained itself and adapted to fly and hunt in the forest area.



Keywords: Fossils, Eagle fossils, Archaehierax sylvestris, discovery, Ecology, environment, GS Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

National Clean Air Programme - Edukemy Current Affairs - Oct 06, 2021

  • Context: New Delhi will be receiving over ₹18 crore under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) from the Centre to cater to critical gaps in air pollution management.
  • NCAP is India's long term, time bound flagship program launched in 2019 for better air quality in 122 cities.
  • NCAP is a national level strategy for a 20-30% reduction in PM2.5 and PM10 concentration by 2024, with 2017 as the base year for comparison.
  • NCAP covers 132 non-attainment cities, which do not meet the prescribed national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS).
  • These cities have been identified based on the ambient air quality data obtained during 2011-15 under National Air Monitoring Programme.

The NCAP fund will be utilized to cater to critical gaps -wherever there is any inadequacy of funds available from other resources.



Keywords: NAAQS, National Clean Air Programme (NCAP), New Delhi, Green Funds, Ecology, Pollution Control, environment, GS Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

White label ATMs

  • Context: White Label ATMs (WLAs) are found to offer many other services and facilities to users besides dispensing cash.
  • WLAs are the ATMs set up and operated by a non-bank. The RBI authorizes non-bank ATM operators under the Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007.
  • As a customer, one can use these machines just as a regular ATM.
  • WLAs offer debit card services such as cash withdrawal and enquiry.
  • Besides dispensing cash, WLAs may also offer other services and facilities to users such as account information, cash deposit, bill payment, mini statement, PIN change and placing requests for cheque books.
  • Like the ATM of any bank, the customer using WLA is not charged extra within his/her free ATM transaction limit.
  • RBI has set the free transaction limit for metro cities at three transactions and for non-metro cities at five. However banks are allowed to provide the premium bank account holders with more free transactions.



Keywords: White label ATM, Banks, Finance, WLA, ATM, economy, GS Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

India’s Imports by 2050

  • Context: The Global Trade Outlook issued by the UK’s Department of International Trade has projected that India will become the world’s third largest importer by 2050. 
  • Highlights of the Report:
  • At present, India is ranked 8th among largest importing nations with a 2.8% import share and is set to become the 4th largest importer by 2030.
  • India will rank 3rd (currently 5th) among the world’s largest economies, just behind China and the US, with a share of 6.8% in global GDP by 2050.
  • The US’s and the EU’s share of most import sectors like food, travel and digital services is expected to decline out to 2030.
  • The ‘E7 group’ of the seven largest emerging economies-China, India, Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, Mexico and Turkey are projected to equal the G7’s share of global import demand by 2050. 



Keywords: Global Trade Outlook, India highest importer, Export-Import, economy, GS Paper 3
Terms & Concepts

Gaming disorder

  • Context: A number of adolescents are being diagnosed with gaming addiction.
  • The surge in the addiction is Pandemic induced.
  • Gaming addiction is a disorder that causes insomnia, withdrawal from social contacts, academic failure, extreme anger and irritability causing physical, social and emotional damages.
  • According to the All India Gaming Federation, India’s online gaming industry is expected to be worth ₹15,500 crore by 2023.
  • A 2019 survey found that India had the second largest number of gamers after South Korea. It noted that though the time spent online was still not as high as in other countries, almost a quarter of adult Indian gamers had missed work while playing games.
  • Media literacy in schools and digital fasting among families are the steps to combat the disorder.





Image Source:

Keywords: Gaming Addiction, Pandemic, disorder, mental health issue, Health, GS Paper 2
Editorial of the day

The Mahatma and his economic worldview: HT

Essence: The article tries to reflect upon the teaching of Mahatma Gandhi, which are often misinterpreted. Among Mahatma Gandhi’s many ideas, there was excessive focus by observers on political matters ignoring the economic views. He sought a decent standard of living for Indians and emphasized the importance of talented persons who created wealth and prosperity.

Gandhi spoke about stakeholder capitalism and feminism which were forward thinking. Gandhi’s thoughts can also be linked to modern ideas such as Nai Talim — with its emphasis on eye-hand coordination, development of motor skills and implied left brain-right brain balance which can help in dealing with rote learning and examinations. Mahatma’s views must be acknowledged in the field of the economics of human capital development.

Why you should read this article?

  • To understand Mahatma Gandhi’s views on economics and human development.
  • To apply Gandhi's concepts and ideas to resolve the present issues/concerns.



Keywords: Gandhi, Nai Talim, Stakeholder capitalism, Human Economic Development, Paper 3
Editorial of the day

With AUKUS, India must keep its head above water: TH

Essence: The formation of the AUKUS alliance has strategic challenges for allies across the globe, but for India, it has turned up as an opportunity as well as a threshold challenge which depends upon how China will react to it. The US decision to supply nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSN) to its competent allies raises the question of Chinese reaction to it. It appears that AUKUS could be the USA’s stand to strengthen Australia in the Indo-Pacific which could be purportedly due to India’s reluctance of adding a military dimension to Quad. The Quad on one end is taking shape as an organization of broader cooperation among the four countries, while AUKUS, remains an organization for high-end military trade which reflects the USA’s intention of strengthening Australia for larger military roles in the Indo-Pacific region.

Why you should read this article?

  • To understand about regional challenges the AUKUS alliance poses for India.
  • To understand how the emerging military role of Australia in the Indo-Pacific region is a threat to India.



Keywords: AUKUS, Quad, IR, Nuclear-powered attack submarines, Indo-pacific region, Australia, USA, China, Security, GS Paper 2
Editorial of the day

Why India needs a Refugee Law- IE

Essence: In this article, author makes a case for India having a sustainable refugee policy and enabling legislation. It will ensure transparency and predictability in our administrative actions and project us as a global leader in protecting human rights. Every year, millions of people are forced to abandon their homes in search of safer places to rebuild their lives. While India has an illustrious history of welcoming refugees what is puzzling is the absence of a national policy on refugees.

Articles point out need of having a policy which balances India’s humanitarian obligations on the one hand and security and national interest on the other.

Why should you read this article?

  • To appreciate India’s glorious history in welcoming refugees.
  • To understand the need for refugee policy and law.
  • To understand opportunities and challenges associated with welcoming refugees.



Keywords: Refugee in India, Refugee law, refugee and national security, contributions of refugees in India, Human Rights, Afghan refugee crisis, UPSC GS 2, UPSC GS 3
Case Study of the Day

Efforts in Revival of Kalarippayattu


  • Kalarippayattu is an ancient Indian martial art of Kerala was on the verge of extinction.
  • Meenakshi Amma of Kerala took up the initiative to revive the art form.


Efforts of Amma

  • About Amma: The 78 year of lady Meenakshi Amma is the oldest Kalarippayattu artist among women.
  • Need for revival: During British era, the art was banned, but it was practiced underground.
  • Women centric: Violence against women is one reason why Amma insisted upon girls taking up this art.
  • Art of worship: She teaches this art as an offering to the learners without any fees.


The world needs strong women. Women who will lift and build others, who will love and be loved, women who live bravely, both tender and fierce, women of indomitable will.” – Amy Tenney



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Keywords: UPSC, GS, Paper 1, paper 4, History, Art and Culture, Women, Compassion
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