Saturday, 18th May 2024

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


Constitutional Test Mandated for Valid Land Acquisition


IMF's Asia-Pacific Economic Outlook Report


Chabahar Port Agreement


Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation


Apple Cultivation


Swachhata Pakhwada


Digital Arrest Cyber Scams


The Deda Method


Ambaji White Marble


The PREFIRE Polar Mission


Industry and Academia in Biopharma Success

2   Weekly Current Affairs Practice


Practice Questions - Current Affairs 18-05-2024

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Daily Current Affairs

Constitutional Test Mandated for Valid Land Acquisition

In News: The Supreme Court of India issued a landmark verdict emphasizing the necessity for all property acquisitions by the government to adhere to the principles outlined in Article 300A. Specifically, the Court overturned Kolkata Municipal Corporation's decision to acquire private land for a public park, deeming it illegal and unauthorized by law.

The Evolution of Property Rights in India: Transitioning from Fundamental to Constitutional Status

Before the 44th Constitutional Amendment (1978)

  • Part III of the Indian Constitution enshrined property rights in Article 19(1)(f) and Article 31.
  • Article 19(1)(f) granted residents the freedom to buy, own, and sell property.
  • Article 31 safeguarded against arbitrary deprivation of property, seen as an absolute right.

The 44th Amendment to the Indian Constitution

  • Abolished Article 19(1)(f) and redefined Article 31 as Article 300-A, making property rights a legal rather than fundamental entitlement.
  • Article 300-A mandates that property can only be taken away by the government under the authority of law, typically for public welfare purposes.

Judicial Interpretation

  • The Madhya Pradesh High Court (2022) emphasized the need for lawful property acquisition serving a genuine public interest.
  • In Vidya Devi v. the State of Himachal Pradesh (2022), the Supreme Court affirmed the requirement for government entities to follow due process in property seizures.
  • Vimlaben Ajitbhai Patel vs. Vatslaben Ashokbhai Patel underscored property rights as intrinsic human rights, despite losing their fundamental status.

Supreme Court Observations

  • Property rights are now regarded as both constitutional and human rights.
  • Article 300-A establishes seven fundamental procedural rights for landowners, ensuring fairness and transparency in acquisitions:
  • Right to notice
  • Right to be heard
  • Right to a reasoned decision
  • Acquisition solely for public purposes
  • Right to fair compensation
  • Right to efficient conduct of acquisition processes
  • Right to conclusion of proceedings
  • Procedural justice is highlighted as essential, ensuring property acquisitions are conducted fairly and transparently, in accordance with the law.

Source: TOI

Keywords: GS-2 Polity
Daily Current Affairs

IMF's Asia-Pacific Economic Outlook Report

In News: In its April 2024 Regional Economic Outlook for Asia and the Pacific, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted India as consistently exceeding growth expectations, attributed to robust domestic demand. 

Key Highlights of the Report

  • Growth in Asia-Pacific
    • Late 2023 saw Asia-Pacific exceeding expectations with a growth rate of 5.0%, marked by varying inflation rates among economies.
    • Projections for 2024 anticipate a slight growth deceleration to 4.5%, with a balance of near-term risks.
    • Strong private demand primarily supported growth in emerging markets.
  • India’s Growth Forecasts
    • The report raised India's growth forecast for the financial year 2024-25 to 6.8% from the previous 6.5% and maintained the forecast for 2025-26 at 6.5%.
    • India and the Philippines have consistently shown positive growth surprises due to resilient domestic demand.
    • Public investment notably contributed to growth in India and China.
  • Forecast for China
    • China's economy is projected to grow at 4.6% in 2024, a decrease from 5.2% in 2023, with an expected continuation at 4.1% in 2025.
    • The IMF identifies China as both a source of upside and downside risks, particularly due to sectoral policies impacting industries like steel and aluminum.
    • Policies addressing stresses in the property sector and boosting domestic demand are recommended.
  • Inflation Forecast
    • Inflation is currently stable or close to desired levels in emerging markets, but future inflation may be influenced by various factors.
    • Core inflation is anticipated to remain low, while certain economies, like India, may see fluctuations due to food price increases.
    • The distinction between headline and core inflation is explained, with the former encompassing all goods and services, while the latter excludes volatile food and energy sectors.
  • Geoeconomic Fragmentation
    • The IMF underscores geoeconomic fragmentation as a significant risk, referring to escalating economic and trade tensions among countries.
    • Heightened trade risks, illustrated by maritime route diversions, highlight the need for policymakers to avoid exacerbating trade frictions.
  • Public Investment as Key to India’s Growth
    • Public investment is essential for critical sectors like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and technology, shaping the nation's economic trajectory.
    • It facilitates infrastructure development, job creation, poverty alleviation, human capital development, and balanced regional growth.
    • Additionally, public investment can stimulate private investment by enhancing the business environment and productivity.

Sunrise Sectors in India Seeking Substantial Public Investments

  • Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS)
    • CCUS technologies can mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from industries like steel and cement.
    • However, public investment in research and deployment of CCUS projects in India is limited.
  • Cybersecurity and Data Protection
    • Given the rise in cyber threats, public investment is crucial to bolster India's cybersecurity infrastructure and develop robust data protection frameworks.
  • Biotechnology and Precision Medicine
    • Public investment in biotechnology research, especially in genomics and precision medicine, can position India as a leader in healthcare innovation.
  • Circular Economy and Waste Management
    • More public investment is needed to develop a comprehensive circular economy framework, including waste management infrastructure.
  • Blue Economy and Marine Research
    • Public investment in marine research and the development of a blue economy can unlock economic opportunities in sectors like offshore wind energy and marine biotechnology.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2022)

Q. "Rapid Financing Instrument" and "Rapid Credit Facility" are related to the provisions of lending by which one of the following? 

(a) Asian Development Bank
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
(d) World Bank

Ans: (b)

Prelims (2020)

Q2. “Gold Tranche” (Reserve Tranche) refers to 

(a) a loan system of the World Bank
(b) one of the operations of a Central Bank
(c) a credit system granted by WTO to its members
(d) a credit system granted by IMF to its members

Ans: (d)

Prelims (2016)

Q3. ‘Global Financial Stability Report’ is prepared by the 

(a) European Central Bank
(b) International Monetary Fund
(c) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(d) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Ans: (b)

Mains (2013)

Q. The World Bank and the IMF, collectively known as the Bretton Woods Institutions, are the two inter-governmental pillars supporting the structure of the world’s economic and financial order. Superficially, the World Bank and the IMF exhibit many common characteristics, yet their role, functions and mandate are distinctly different. Elucidate. 

Source: IMF

Keywords: GS – 3 Mobilization of Resources, Capital Market, Inclusive Growth
Daily Current Affairs

Chabahar Port Agreement

In News: India and Iran have recently entered into a decade-long agreement for the operation of the Chabahar port in Iran.

Importance of Chabahar Port for India

  • Overview
    • Chabahar Port stands as Iran's sole oceanic port, situated in the Sistan and Baluchistan Province along the Makran coast, within the Gulf of Oman.
    • Comprising two primary ports, namely Shahid Kalantari and Shahid Beheshti, it offers strategic maritime access.
  • Progress and Updates
    • In May 2015, India signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for Chabahar Port development.
    • A trilateral agreement between India, Iran, and Afghanistan in May 2016 established the International Transport and Transit Corridor, enhancing regional connectivity.
    • However, finalizing a long-term agreement faced delays, primarily due to disputes over arbitration venues.

Significance of Chabahar Port

  • Alternative Trade Route
    • It provides India with an alternate route bypassing Pakistan, enhancing trade connections with Afghanistan and beyond.
    • Facilitates access to the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), linking India, Iran, Russia, and Europe.
  • Economic Benefits
    • Enhances India's trade opportunities with resource-rich Central Asian nations and Afghanistan.
    • Expected cost and time savings of 30% and 40%, respectively, through the INSTC route.
    • Interest from Central Asian countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in leveraging Chabahar for market access.
  • Humanitarian Assistance
    • Serves as a critical entry point for humanitarian aid, notably during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Facilitated the trans-shipment of essential goods from India to Afghanistan.
  • Strategic Influence and Regional Stability
    • Strengthens India's strategic position in the Indian Ocean region, countering China's Gwadar port development in Pakistan.
    • Enhances maritime security and serves as a deterrent against sea piracy.

Challenges in Realizing Chabahar Port's Potential

  • US-Iran Relations
    • US sanctions pose risks to India's involvement in Chabahar development.
  • Regional Security Concerns
    • Instability in Afghanistan and tensions with neighboring countries affect trade relations.
  • Competition and Infrastructure Needs
    • Competition from other transport corridors and infrastructure development requirements pose challenges.

Status of India-Iran Economic Ties

  • Bilateral trade during FY 2022-23 stood at USD 2.33 billion, with a focus on agricultural and petroleum-related products.
  • FDI inflows from Iran to India remain modest, and Indian oil imports from Iran ceased due to US sanctions.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2017)

Q. What is the importance of developing Chabahar Port by India? 

(a) India’s trade with African countries will enormously increase.

(b) India’s relations with oil-producing Arab countries will be strengthened.

(c) India will not depend on Pakistan for access to Afghanistan and Central Asia.

(d) Pakistan will facilitate and protect the installation of a gas pipeline between Iraq and India.

Ans: (c)

Mains (2018)

Q. In what ways would the ongoing U.S-Iran Nuclear Pact Controversy affect the national interest of India? How should India respond to this situation?

Mains (2017)

Q. The question of India’s Energy Security constitutes the most important part of India’s economic progress. Analyse India’s energy policy cooperation with West Asian countries. 

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-2 IR
Daily Current Affairs

Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation

In News: A recent publication titled "Amplifying the Global Value of Earth Observation," released by the World Economic Forum, has spotlighted the vast potential of Earth Observation (EO) data in fostering global economic growth and sustainability.

Key Highlights of the Report

  • Potential Economic Impact of Earth Observation (EO) Data
    • EO data could yield over USD 3 trillion in economic benefits globally by 2030, with an expected value growth to over USD 700 billion by 2030.
    • It has the potential to contribute a cumulative USD 3.8 trillion to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030.
  • Environmental Benefits
    • EO data can help eliminate 2 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions annually by 2030, equivalent to the emissions of 476 million gasoline-powered cars.
    • Monitoring of climate variables, emissions, ecosystems, and biodiversity aids in mitigating climate change and preserving natural habitats.
  • Regional Opportunities
    • The Asia Pacific region is projected to capture the largest share of EO's value by 2030, reaching a potential value of USD 315 billion.
    • Africa and South America are anticipated to experience the most significant percentage growth in EO data value.
  • EO Blended with Enabling Technologies
    • Enabling technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and digital twins can accelerate EO data adoption.
    • Digital twins, representing physical objects or systems, offer real-time data updates and utilize simulation and machine learning for decision-making.

Key Areas of Application of Earth Observation Data

  • Environmental Monitoring and Management
    • EO aids in monitoring deforestation, desertification, and coastal ecosystems, facilitating informed environmental management decisions.
  • Agriculture and Precision Farming
    • It supports crop health monitoring, yield estimation, and precision agriculture practices to optimize agricultural productivity.
  • Urban Planning and Development
    • EO enables urban sprawl monitoring, infrastructure planning, and land use pattern analysis for sustainable urban development.
  • Natural Resource Management
    • EO assists in mapping mineral resources, monitoring water resources, and tracking changes in land use patterns.
  • Climate Change Studies
    • It helps monitor changes in glaciers, sea ice, global temperatures, and atmospheric conditions to understand climate change impacts.
  • Disaster Management and Emergency Response
    • EO aids in assessing disaster damage extent and facilitating targeted relief efforts during natural disasters.
  • Defence and Security
    • It supports border monitoring, troop movement tracking, and military activity surveillance for defence and security purposes.
  • Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
    • EO assists in identifying archaeological sites, monitoring historical preservation, and safeguarding cultural heritage.

India's Handling of Earth Observation Data

  • Satellites
    • ISRO operates an array of EO satellites, including recent launches such as EOS-07 and EOS-06, alongside RESOURCESAT and OCEANSAT series for comprehensive land and ocean monitoring.
  • EO Platforms
    • Initiatives like VEDAS, Bhuvan, and MOSDAC provide access to thematic spatial data and satellite imagery for various applications.
  • Future Projects
    • The joint NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) project aims to develop and launch an advanced radar imaging satellite to enhance global resource management and climate change understanding.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2017)

Q. Which of the following gives ‘Global Gender Gap Index’ ranking to the countries of the world? 

(a) World Economic Forum
(b) UN Human Rights Council
(c) UN Women
(d) World Health Organization

Ans: (a)

Prelims (2009)

Q2. Who among the following is the founder of World Economic Forum?

(a) Klaus Schwab
(b) John Kenneth Galbraith
(c) Hobert Zoellick
(d) Paul Krugman

Ans (a)

Prelims (2019)

Q3. The Global Competitiveness Report is published by the 

(a) International Monetary Fund
(b) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(c) World Economic Forum
(d) World Bank

Ans: (c)

Source: ET

Keywords: GS – 3 Important International Institutions, Growth & Development GS – 2 Disaster Management, Space technology
Daily Current Affairs

Apple Cultivation

In News: Over the past few decades, a gradual warming of temperatures has been observed, enabling the viability of apple cultivation in lower regions of Spiti, extending up to an elevation of 3,400 meters above sea level.

About Apple Cultivation

  • Apple (Malus pumila) is a significant temperate fruit, although in India, the regions where it is grown do not naturally fall within the temperate zone. 
  • However, the prevailing temperate climate in these areas is attributed to the presence of the Himalayan ranges and high altitudes.

The climatic conditions necessary for apple cultivation include specific temperature, rainfall, and soil characteristics:

  • Temperature: The ideal average summer temperature during the active growth period ranges from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius. Apple trees thrive at altitudes ranging from 1500 to 2700 meters above sea level.
  • Rainfall: Optimal apple growth and fruitfulness require well-distributed rainfall of 1000 to 1250 millimeters throughout the growing season.
  • Soil: Apple trees prefer well-drained loamy soils for optimal growth.

Apple cultivation in India is primarily concentrated in several regions:

  • Jammu & Kashmir
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • The hills of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand

Additionally, apple cultivation occurs to a lesser extent in other regions such as:

  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Nagaland
  • Punjab
  • Sikkim

Source: DTE

Keywords: GS – 3 Environment, agriculture
Daily Current Affairs

Swachhata Pakhwada

In News: The Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (MDoNER) has initiated efforts to foster cleanliness and environmental sustainability by launching Swachhata Pakhwada, scheduled to run from May 16th to May 31st, 2024.

Overview of Swachhata Pakhwada and Swachh Bharat Mission

Swachhata Pakhwada

  • Swachhata Pakhwada is an initiative launched in April 2016 under the Swachh Bharat Mission.
  • The primary objective of Swachhata Pakhwada is to bring a fortnight of concentrated focus on Swachhata issues and practices by involving central government ministries and departments.
  • It aims to engage all ministries and departments in a common programme to contribute to the Swachh Bharat Mission.
  • Ministries receive an annual calendar in advance to plan their Pakhwada activities effectively.
  • Swachhata Pakhwada activities of observing ministries are closely monitored using the online monitoring system of Swachhata Samiksha, where they upload action plans, images, and videos related to Swachhata activities.
  • Ministries observing Swachhata Pakhwada are designated as ‘Swachhata Ministries’ during the fortnight and are expected to make qualitative Swachhata improvements in their respective areas.

Key Facts about Swachh Bharat Mission

  • The Swachh Bharat Mission was launched by the Indian government on October 2, 2014.
  • It covers both rural and urban areas, with the urban component managed by the Ministry of Urban Development and the rural component overseen by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.
  • The mission aims to achieve various objectives including the elimination of open defecation, conversion of unsanitary toilets to pour flush toilets, eradication of manual scavenging, municipal solid waste management, and promoting behavioral changes towards healthy sanitation practices.

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS-2 Governance
Daily Current Affairs

Digital Arrest Cyber Scams

In News: In response to rising instances of "digital arrests" perpetrated by cybercriminals, the central government has partnered with Microsoft to disable over 1,000 Skype IDs utilized for online intimidation, blackmail, and extortion.

Safeguarding Against Digital Arrest Cyber Scams


Digital Arrest is a novel tactic utilized by cybercriminals to deceive unsuspecting individuals and extort money from them.

Modus Operandi

  • Impersonation: Fraudsters masquerade as law enforcement officials like police, Enforcement Directorate, or CBI, convincing victims they've committed serious crimes.
  • Digital Detainment: Victims are coerced into believing they're under "digital arrest," often via Skype or similar platforms, until ransom demands are met.
  • Coerced Compliance: Victims are threatened with prosecution unless they pay exorbitant sums of money.
  • Self-Arrest Tactics: Cybercriminals trick victims into self-quarantine or confinement, exploiting their fear of legal repercussions.

Preventive Measures

  • Cyber Hygiene: Regularly update passwords and software, and enable two-factor authentication for enhanced security.
  • Avoid Phishing: Refrain from clicking suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources, and verify the authenticity of emails and messages before sharing personal information.
  • Secure Devices: Install reputable antivirus and anti-malware solutions, and keep operating systems and applications up to date with the latest security patches.
  • Use VPNs: Employ Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to encrypt internet connections and enhance privacy, but exercise caution with free VPN services and opt only for trustworthy providers.
  • Secure Communication: Utilize encryption for sensitive information sharing, especially in public forums, to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Promote Awareness: Increase public awareness and educate individuals on preventive measures to combat digital arrest scams.

Source: IE

Keywords: GS-3 Science and Tech.
Daily Current Affairs

The Deda Method

In News: A Muria tribal farmer, who relocated from Chhattisgarh and established residence in the dense forests of the Godavari Valley, is employing the 'deda' method for seed preservation.

The Deda Method: Traditional Seed Preservation Technique of the Muria Tribe

  • Description
    • The Deda method is a traditional seed preservation technique passed down through generations among the Muria tribe.
  • Preservation Process
    • Seeds are carefully stored in leaves and tightly packed to resemble boulders from a distance.
    • Siali leaves, locally known as 'addakulu,' are woven around the packaged seeds to create the deda.
    • Each deda comprises three layers: wood ash spread inside Siali leaves, lemon leaves forming a casing over the ash, and seeds sealed within the casing. Each deda can support up to 5kg of seeds. 
  • Advantages
    • The Deda method ensures protection of seeds from pests and worms.
    • Seeds preserved using this method remain viable for cultivation for up to five years.
    • It is particularly effective for preserving pulses like green gram, red gram, black gram, and beans.
  • Key Facts about the Muria Tribe
    • Location: The Muria tribe resides in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha, and they speak the Koya language, which is Dravidian.
    • Muria settlements are known as habitations of Internally Displaced People (IDPs), with approximately 6,600 residing in Andhra Pradesh, referred to as 'Gutti Koyas' by native tribes.
    • The Muria tribe has progressive views on marriage and life, exemplified by the Ghotul, a communal dormitory that fosters understanding of sexuality among Muria youth.
    • While the Gutti Koyas hold Scheduled Tribe (ST) status in Chhattisgarh, they have not been granted the same status in migrated states like Telangana.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-3 Agriculture
Daily Current Affairs

Ambaji White Marble

In News: The Central Government recently granted the Geographical Indication (GI) tag to marble mined in Gujarat's Ambaji.

Exploring Ambaji White Marble: A Marvel of Nature's Beauty

  • About Ambaji White Marble
    • Ambaji White Marble, renowned for its stunning white appearance and distinctive natural patterns, derives its name from the town of Ambaji in Gujarat, where it is primarily quarried.
    • Also referred to as Amba White Marble and Ambe White Marble, it exhibits a pristine white color with subtle gray or beige veining, ranging from delicate to bold, resulting in each slab possessing a unique character.
    • These natural variations arise from mineral presence and impurities during the marble's formation process, enhancing its individualistic appeal.
    • Known for its enduring shine and durability, the marble's smooth, polished surface adds to its allure and sophistication.
    • Widely favored for luxury architectural endeavors, sculptures, and monuments, Ambaji White Marble remains a sought-after material for various prestigious projects.
  • Key Facts about Marble
    • Marble, a metamorphic rock, forms through the metamorphism of limestone under heat and pressure.
    • Primarily composed of calcite (CaCO3), marble may contain other minerals like clay, micas, quartz, pyrite, iron oxides, and graphite.
    • During metamorphism, calcite recrystallizes to form interlocking crystals, resulting in the marble's characteristic texture.
    • Dolomitic marble, produced from dolostone under similar conditions, is another variant of marble.
    • Marble transformation typically occurs at convergent plate boundaries, where large areas of Earth's crust experience regional metamorphism.
    • Contact metamorphism, induced by hot magma bodies heating adjacent limestone or dolostone, also leads to marble formation, often at convergent plate boundaries.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-3
Daily Current Affairs

The PREFIRE Polar Mission

In News: Recently, a NASA PREFIRE polar mission is scheduled for launch from New Zealand.

Unveiling Earth's Polar Heat Loss: The PREFIRE Polar Mission

  • Overview
    • The PREFIRE Polar Mission, or Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment, involves twin satellites equipped with instruments to measure Earth's poles approximately six hours apart.
  • Objective
    • The primary objective is to comprehensively assess the heat loss spectrum from Earth's polar regions, offering crucial insights to refine climate models.
  • Aim
    • The mission aims to bridge existing knowledge gaps and furnish data for enhancing climate change and sea level rise predictions.
    • Specifically, it seeks to unveil how Earth's atmosphere and ice impact the emission of heat into space from both the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
  • Satellite Operations
    • Cube satellites, each resembling a shoebox, will be deployed via an Electron launch vehicle.
    • Outfitted with validated Mars-tested technology, these satellites will scrutinize an understudied segment of Earth's radiant energy.
    • The twin satellites, carrying thermal infrared spectrometers, will orbit asynchronously near the poles, overlapping every few hours to optimize coverage.
    • Weighing less than 6 pounds (3 kilograms) each, the instruments will utilize thermocouples, akin to those found in household thermostats, for data collection.
  • Mission Significance
    • Shedding light on why the Arctic has warmed significantly faster than other regions since the 1970s.
    • Providing insights into the emission efficiency of far-infrared heat by substances like snow and sea ice, along with the influence of clouds on far-infrared radiation.
    • Enhancing future predictions regarding the exchange of heat between Earth and space, and its implications for phenomena like ice sheet melting, atmospheric temperatures, and global weather patterns.

Source: IE

Keywords: GS-3
Daily Current Affairs

Industry and Academia in Biopharma Success

In News: The Indian biopharma industry grew to $92 billion in 2023, showing a 15% increase from the previous year. Despite this growth, the author emphasizes the need for collaborative efforts between industry and academia to drive further research and innovation in the biopharmaceutical sector.

The Crucial Role of Industry-Academia Collaboration in Advancing the Biopharmaceutical Sector


  • The biopharmaceutical sector encompasses drugs and therapies derived from living organisms, including vaccines, biologics, biosimilars, and emerging treatments like cell and gene therapies. 
  • Its growth potential is substantial, with the global industry valued at $528 billion and projected double-digit annual growth.

Industry-Academia Collaboration

  • The development and commercialization of bio-therapeutic products necessitate extensive research, clinical trials, and adherence to regulatory norms, underscoring the need for collaboration between academia and industry.
  • Academia contributes research expertise, while industry plays a pivotal role in commercializing research through manufacturing, testing, approval, and marketing.
  • Such collaborations facilitate talent development aligned with industry demands, fostering innovation-driven progress.

Examples and Benefits

  • Collaborations during the COVID-19 pandemic led to rapid vaccine and therapy development, showcasing the efficacy of industry-academia partnerships.
  • India’s first indigenous gene therapy for cancer resulted from collaboration between IIT Bombay, Tata Memorial Centre, and ImmunoACT.
  • Initiatives like the Pfizer-IIT Delhi Innovation and IP Programme promote domestic innovation, yielding substantial intellectual property filings and healthcare innovations.

Academia's Contribution

  • Drugs like Paclitaxel and Vorinostat trace their origins to academia, demonstrating its significant role in drug discovery.
  • Academic drug discovery offers novel approaches to drug development, leveraging innovation to meet evolving healthcare needs.

Private Investment and R&D Support

  • Global pharmaceutical companies have established R&D centers in India, contributing to innovation and employing a sizable workforce.
  • These centers engage in diverse functions across the R&D value chain, enhancing India's biopharmaceutical capabilities.

Government Initiatives

  • The Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) and National Biopharma Mission (NBM) bolster India’s biopharmaceutical capabilities, fostering global competitiveness and healthcare standards.

Future Directions

  • Encouraging further research and innovation in the biopharmaceutical sector is imperative.
  • Empowering academic institutions, establishing technology transfer offices, and enhancing funding for innovation schemes are crucial steps.
  • Recruitment programs, specialized training, and curriculum integration on legal and regulatory frameworks can nurture a skilled workforce.


  • Collaboration between academia and industry is pivotal for advancing the biopharmaceutical sector in India. 
  • A holistic approach involving multiple stakeholders is essential to address challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth and development.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-3
Weekly Current Affairs Practice

Practice Questions - Current Affairs 18-05-2024

Q1. Consider the following statements regarding the Effective Exchange Rate (EER):

Statement-I: The Effective Exchange Rate (EER) is a weighted average of a currency's exchange rates against other currencies, adjusted for inflation and trade competitiveness.

Statement-II: The Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) adjusts NEER for differences in inflation rates between the domestic economy and its trading partner.

Select the correct answer using code given below:

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q2. Consider the following statements regarding the key highlights of World Bank's Report on Creating a Sustainable Planet:

1. India ranks among the top three countries in terms of total annual agrifood system emissions, offering significant cost-effective mitigation potential through adopting measures like better livestock feeding and breeding.

2. The adoption of interventions such as intermittent irrigation and promoting methane-reducing crop varieties can substantially cut agrifood emissions by 2030.

3. International financial and technical support will be crucial for India to realize its agrifood mitigation potential.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q3. Consider the following statements regarding Kamikaze drones

1. Kamikaze drones, also known as Switchblade drones, represent small unmanned aircraft armed with explosives

2. Utilizing facial recognition technology, these drones can be programmed to autonomously identify and strike targets even without human intervention

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q4. Consider the following statements regarding auroras:

1. Auroras are natural light displays visible primarily in high-latitude regions such as the Arctic and Antarctic, manifesting as dynamic patterns of brilliant lights covering the entire sky.

2. The Northern Lights, also known as Aurora Borealis, occur in the northern hemisphere near the Arctic Circle, while the Southern Lights, or Aurora Australis, appear in the southern hemisphere around the Antarctic Circle.

3. Auroras are caused by activity on the surface of the Sun, where charged particles and magnetic fields called the solar wind interact with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, producing colourful displays primarily in green, red, and purple hues.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q5. With reference to the sperm whale consider the following statements

1. The sperm whale stands as the largest of the toothed whales.

2. Ambergris, found in bile duct of sperm whale, finds its predominant use in the creation of medicines and vaccines.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q6. Consider the following statements regarding investment models in infrastructure development:

Statement-I: Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) involve contracts between the government and private entities, aiming to efficiently distribute funds for infrastructure projects.

Statement-II: The Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) combines elements of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) and Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), mitigating risks by spreading them between developers and the government.

Select the correct answer using code given below:

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q7. Consider the following statements regarding India's bilateral trade relations:

1. In FY24, India's bilateral trade with China amounted to $118.4 billion.

2. India experienced a trade surplus in its two-way trade with the United States in FY24.

3. India's trade deficit with Russia widened significantly from 2019 to 2024.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q8. Consider the following statements regarding Leopard Cats

1. Leopard Cats primarily inhabit agricultural areas and rarely dwell in forested habitats.

2. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categorizes Leopard Cats as Endangered on the Red List.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q9. Consider the following statements regarding current trends in the cultivation of sugarcane in India

1. A substantial saving in seed material is made when ‘bud chip settlings’ are raised in a nurse, and transplanted in the main field.

2. When direct planting of setts is done, the germination percentage is better with single budded setts as compared to setts with many buds.

3. If bad weather conditions prevail when setts are directly planted, single-budded setts have better survival as compared to large setts

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q10. With reference to The Mammoth carbon capture plant consider the following statements

1. The Mammoth carbon capture plant is the first facility of its kind, situated on a dormant volcano in Iceland.

2. Climeworks developed the Mammoth carbon capture plant in collaboration with an American company called Carbfix.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q11. Consider the following statements regarding Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) in India:

Statement-I: BRSR disclosures are mandated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) for all listed companies in India.

Statement-II: 51% of India’s top 100 listed companies by market capitalization disclosed their data for FY23, despite BRSR being a voluntary disclosure.

Select the correct answer using code given below:

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q12. Consider the following statements regarding The Smart Cities Mission

1. The Smart Cities Mission was launched by the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on 25 June 2015, with the goal of enhancing cities through the implementation of smart solutions.

2. Under the SCM, the Central Government provided financial support of Rs. 48,000 crores over five years, with an equal contribution required from State/Urban Local Bodies.

3. The SCM selected 200 cities over five years and defined a smart city precisely, aiming to complete the mission by 2022.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q13. Consider the following statements regarding Mahi River

1. The Mahi River is recognized as one of the prominent west-flowing interstate rivers in India.

2. Mahi River hosts the Mahi Bajaj Sagar Dam, which serves as a critical source of water supply and electricity generation for the entirety of Rajasthan.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q14. Consider the following statements regarding Xenotransplantation

1. Xenotransplantation involves the transplantation, implantation, or infusion of live cells, tissues, or organs from nonhuman animal sources into human recipients.

2. Pig organs are preferred for xenotransplantation due to their historical use in human surgeries and their anatomical and physiological similarities to humans.

3. Xenotransplantation procedures have never been attempted in India due to regulatory restrictions and ethical concerns.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q15. With reference to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime consider the following statements

1. UNODC was established in 1997 by merging the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention.

2. The primary funding mechanism for UNODC is through mandatory contributions from member states.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q16. Consider the following statements regarding the regulation of advertisements in India:

Statement-I: The Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) regulates matters concerning consumer rights violations and unfair trade practices.

Statement-II: The Enforcement Guidelines enforced by the CCPA aim to prevent false or misleading advertisements and safeguard consumer rights.

Select the correct answer using code given below:

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I

Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect

Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q17. Consider the following statements regarding the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002:

1. The PMLA, enacted in January 2003, aims to combat money laundering in India with three main objectives: prevent and control money laundering, confiscate and seize property obtained from laundered money, and address any other issues related to money laundering in the country.

2. Section 3 of the Act defines the offence of money laundering as any attempt, assistance, or involvement in activities related to proceeds of crime to present them as untainted property.

Political parties can potentially face prosecution under the PMLA, as Section 70 of the Act deals with offences by companies, and the Act's explanation broadens the definition of "company" to include associations of individuals, potentially encompassing political parties.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q18. Consider the following statements

1. The most severe geomagnetic storms are linked to solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs), where massive amounts of plasma from the sun, along with its embedded magnetic field, reach Earth

2. Solar wind is a erratic and irregular flow of protons and electrons emitted from the sun's outermost atmosphere, the corona.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Q19. Consider the following statements regarding India's toy industry:

1. India holds a marginal position in the global toy trade, with only 0.3% share in exports and 0.1% share in imports, according to the Global Trade Research Initiative report.

2. The Indian toy industry is projected to reach USD 3 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12% between 2022-2028.

3. Lack of infrastructure, including testing labs, toy parks, clusters, and logistics support, poses significant challenges for the Indian toy industry.

How many of the statements given above are correct?

Only one

Only two

All three


Q20. With reference to Strait of Gibraltar consider the following statements

1. The Strait of Gibraltar is situated as a narrow waterway separating Europe from Africa, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.

2. Geological studies have unveiled that the Strait was formed due to the southward movement of the European Plate towards the African Plate.

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct?

1 only

2 only

Both 1 and 2

Neither 1 nor 2

Keywords: Practice Questions - Current Affairs 18-05-2024
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18th May '24 Quiz
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