Wednesday, 22nd February 2023

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1   Daily Current Affairs


Speaker: Role in disqualification


Sagar Parikrama Phase-III - Edukemy Current Affairs


Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor


GEOMAGNETIC STORM - Edukemy Current Affairs




AICTE boosts semiconductor curriculum for manufacturing


Shinku La Tunnel - Edukemy Current Affairs


Male contraceptive pill - Edukemy Current Affairs


Tsetse Flies - Edukemy Current Affairs


Teja Variety of Chilli - Edukemy Current Affairs


Rhododendrons - Edukemy Current Affairs


SCO - Edukemy Current Affairs - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Daily Current Affairs

Speaker: Role in disqualification

In News:

The Supreme has remarked that a Speaker of a legislative body, and not a court, should be the first forum for deciding disqualification issues.

About the News:

  • While deciding the Nabam Rebia case in 2016, a five-judge SC bench held that the Speaker cannot decide disqualification proceedings filed under the anti-defection law against an Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA), when a resolution seeking his/her own removal from the post is pending.
  • Recently, hearing a case related to the Maharashtra crisis last year and whether a Speaker facing a notice for his removal can disqualify MLAs in his assembly, the apex court maintained that Speakers should be the first authority to decide on disqualification.

What is the role of the Speaker?

  • The Speaker is the guardian of powers and privileges of the members, the House as a whole and its committees.
  • He/She maintains order and decorum for conducting its business and regulating its proceedings.
  • He/She is the final interpreter of these provisions within the House/Assembly:
    • The Constitution of India,
    • The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of Lok Sabha/Assembly, and
    • The parliamentary precedents.
  • He/She adjourns the House/Assembly or suspends the meeting in absence of a quorum.
  • He/She presides over a joint setting of the two Houses of Parliament.
  • He/She decides whether a bill is a money bill or not and such a decision on this question is final.
  • Speaker of the Lok Sabha acts as the ex-officio chairman of the Indian Parliamentary Group.
  • The Speaker of the Lok Sabha appoints the chairman of all the parliamentary committees of the Lok Sabha and supervises their functioning.
  • Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the chairman of the Business Advisory Committee, the Rules Committee and the General Purpose Committee.

What is the anti-defection law?

  • Anti-defection law is contained in the 10th Schedule of the Constitution and was introduced through the 52nd Constitutional Amendment Act.
  • Conditions for disqualification:
    • If a member of a house voluntarily gives up membership of his political party.
    • If a member of a house votes or abstains from voting in such House contrary to any direction issues by his political party without obtaining prior permission of such party and such act has not been condoned by the party within 15 days.
    • An independent member of a House becomes disqualified if he joins any political party after such an election.
    • A nominated member of a House becomes disqualified if he joins any political party after the expiry of six months from the date on which he takes his seat in the House.
  • Deciding body: Any question regarding disqualification  arising  out  of  defection  is to  be  decided  by  the  presiding  officer  of  the  House
    • The decision of the presiding officer was supposed to be final but in the Kihoto Hollohan case (1993), the  Supreme  Court  declared  this  provision  as unconstitutional and his decision  subject  to  judicial  review  on  the  grounds  of mala  fides,  perversity, 




Keywords: GS Paper-2: Parliament, judiciary, Indian Constitution
Daily Current Affairs

Sagar Parikrama Phase-III - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News:

Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, starts the Sagar Parikrama Phase-III from Hazira Port, Gujarat.


  • Sagar Parikrama focuses on the sustainable balance between the utilisation of marine fisheries resources for the food security of the nation and livelihoods of coastal fisher communities and the protection of marine ecosystems.
  • Objectives:
    • To facilitate interaction with fishermen, coastal communities and stakeholders so as to disseminate information of various fisheries related schemes and programs being implemented by the Government;
    • To promote responsible fisheries,
    • To protect marine ecosystems, and
    • To demonstrate solidarity with all fisher folk and concerned stakeholders
  • Phases:
    • Phase I: It started on 5th March, 2022 from Mandvi in Gujarat and ended on 6th March 2022 at Porbandar, Gujarat.
    • Phase II: It started on 22nd September 2022 from Mangrol to Veraval and ended at Mul Dwarka, on 23rd September 2022.
    • Phase III: It started from Surat in Gujarat and will come to a close on February 21 at Sasson Dock, Mumbai.
  • Bodies involved:
    • Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying,
    • National Fisheries Development Board
  • India’s status in marine production:
    • Gujarat is the leading state in marine fish production, sharing 16.67 per cent of the country's total marine fish productions.
    • Maharashtra state is sixth position in Marine fish production in India which contributes to 4.33 lakh tonnes.
    • Marine capture fisheries in India account for 3.71 million tonnes during 2021.
    • India’s coastline provides livelihood support to 2.8 million coastal fisher folk.
    • The country contributes 8% of the global share of fish production and is ranked third largest fish producer in the world.
    • Exports of fish contribute to about 17% of agriculture exports.
  • Sagar Parikrama program is celebrated in all coastal States/UTs through a pre-decided sea route.
  • Phase I&II have brought initiation of Artificial Reefs and Sea Ranching.




Keywords: GS Paper-3: Economics of animal-rearing
Daily Current Affairs

Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor

In News:

North India’s first nuclear power plant is coming up at Gorakhpur, Haryana.


  • Gorakhpur Haryana Anu Vidyut Pariyojana is in line to focus on increasing India’s nuclear capacity.

  • According to the Department of Atomic Energy, this program will have 2 units of 700 MWe capacity each of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) of indigenous design.
  • In 1954, Homi Bhabha envisioned India’s nuclear power programme in three stages to suit the country’s resource profile.
    • First stage: Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) stage
      • Heavy water (D2O) is used as a moderator and coolant.
    • Second stage: Plutonium fuelled Fast Breeder Reactor stage
    • Third stage: Advanced Heavy Water Reactors (AHWRs) or Thorium Based Reactors stage
      • The thorium transmutes to U-233 as in the second stage, which powers the reactor.
    • Pressurised Heavy Water Reactor was chosen as first stage because:
      • It had the most efficient reactor design in terms of uranium utilisation, and the existing Indian infrastructure in the 1960s allowed for quick adoption of the PHWR technology.
      • It was easier to create heavy water production facilities (required for PHWRs) than uranium enrichment facilities.
      • The Indian government limited the number of PHWRs fuelled exclusively by indigenous uranium reserves to ensure self-reliance.




Keywords: GS Paper-3: Nuclear Technology
Daily Current Affairs

GEOMAGNETIC STORM - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: Recently, a massive X2.2 solar flare erupted from a new sunspot on the face of the sun.


  • The intense solar storm lasted one hour and 12 minutes and created temporary radio blackouts on the sunlit side of Earth.
  • The flare followed a series of strong flares and a coronal mass ejection from the sun in recent days, prompting a geomagnetic storm warning for northern latitudes.
  • The sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year solar cycle, known as Solar Cycle 25.
  • The new flare also unleashed a coronal mass ejection toward Earth, which may supercharge Earth's auroras.

Key points:

  • Geomagnetic storms are caused by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) or high-speed solar wind streams.
  • Massive energy is released due to the interaction of the solar wind with Earth's magnetic field and can last from a few hours to several days.
  • When these hit Earth's magnetic field, they can cause a compression of the magnetosphere and a release of energy.
  • This energy can then cause disturbances in Earth's magnetic field and ionosphere causing auroras, or Northern and Southern Lights, visible at high latitudes.

Impact on Earth:

  • Geomagnetic storms can cause disruptions to power grids, satellite communications, and GPS systems
  • They can also lead to increased radiation exposure for astronauts and airline crews.
  • In extreme cases, geomagnetic storms can cause damage to electrical transformers and other infrastructure. 


Keywords: GS Paper
Daily Current Affairs


In News: India takes additional steps to guarantee the legitimacy of the organic farming certification


  • The Indian government has implemented extra measures to prevent irregularities in organic farming certification following complaints by Sri Sri Sri Swamy Vivekananda Trust (SSVT) to the Prime Minister's office.
  • SSVT expressed regret over the loss of the "Organic India" brand overseas due to irregularities in organic cotton certification.

Key points: Steps taken by Commerce Ministry

  • Certification: The Commerce Ministry has taken preventive measures including onsite verification of organizations that certify organic farming.
  • Leveraging ICT: The Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) is using IT-enabled tools and verification services to strengthen monitoring mechanisms.
  • Action against non-compliant operators: National Accreditation Board (NAB) to take action against non-compliant operators and certification bodies based on the severity of non-compliances.

Suggestions by SSVT:

  • Organic textile standards: Indian government to develop comprehensive statutory organic textile standards for the value chain.
  • Focus on weak organic enforcement: Government should focus on weak organic enforcement to strengthen the Organic India brand and restore consumer trust and credibility.
  • Public notice of suspension/termination: Indian government should make public the notice of suspension or termination of organic certification companies.
  • Playing safe:Government should impose curbs on organic trade in risky products such as cotton, basmati rice, sesame seed, and turmeric.


Keywords: GS Paper
Daily Current Affairs

AICTE boosts semiconductor curriculum for manufacturing

In News: Prime Minister launches SemiconIndia to develop 85,000 semiconductor professionals over 10 years.

Key Takeaways:

  • The All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has launched a curriculum for two new programmes on design and manufacturing in semiconductors.
  • A Tech programme in semiconductors and a diploma in semiconductors have been launched to develop talent.
  • The aim is to provide a variety of employment roles and salary incentives for students.
  • AICTE has launched the curriculum designed for B. Tech Electronics VLSI Design & Technology and Diploma in integrated circuit manufacturing.
  • Three applicants have been approved for setting up semiconductor fabs - a Vedanta-Foxconn joint venture, international consortium ISMC and Singapore-based IGSS Ventures.
  • Previously, the Centre tweaked the Rs 76,000-crore semiconductor production linked incentive (PLI) scheme, allowing for a uniform fiscal support of 50 per cent of project cost for semiconductor fabs across technology nodes and display manufacturing.


Keywords: GS Paper
Daily Current Affairs

Shinku La Tunnel - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news?The Union Cabinet gave its nod for the construction of the 4.1-km Shinku La tunnel on the Nimu-Padam-Darcha road link to provide all-weather connectivity to the border areas of Ladakh.


  • Shinku-La Tunnel, also known as Shinkula Tunnel or Shingo-La Tunnel, is a planned motorable tunnel linking Himachal Pradesh’s Lahaul Valley and Ladakh’s Zanskar Valley in Northern India.
  • The Shinku La tunnel is a part of Project Yojak. This project is implemented by BRO. The main objective of the project is to make sure Manali – Leh route is accessible all through the year.
  • The toughest hurdle is the 15-20 feet of snowfall the region received during winter. Almost all roads are closed during this season. The Shink La Tunnel is to make the Zanskar valley accessible 365 days.

Project Yojak

  • The Shinku La tunnel is a part of Project Yojak. This project is implemented by BRO. The main objective of the project is to make sure Manali – Leh route is accessible all through the year.


Keywords: General Studies - 3 Government policies and interventions
Daily Current Affairs

Male contraceptive pill - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, US researchers report promising development for male contraceptive pill: ‘Stopping sperm in its tracks’

  • An non-hormonal male contraceptive pill may be a real possibility say scientists who have found a cell pathway, or switch, that stops sperm from being able to swim.
  • Tests in mice suggest it keeps sperm stunned for at least a few hours - long enough to stop them reaching the egg.
  • Instead, the "sperm-swim" switch pills are targeting is a cellular signalling protein called soluble adenylyl cyclase or sAC.


Keywords: General Studies -3 Science and Technolgy, Assisted Reproductive Technolgy
Daily Current Affairs

Tsetse Flies - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? A recent study shows that tsetse flies produce volatile pheromones that control their mating behaviour and the dangerous diseases they carry.


  • Tsetse fly belongs to genus Glossina of family Glossinidae and is pronounced tse-tse or teet-see or set-see.
  • They are large biting flies found in Africa that suck blood of vertebrates and transmit several protozoan diseases.
  • Tsetse flies are known to carry parasites called African trypanosomes.
  • When the insects bite humans or animals, they transmit these parasites, spreading diseases such as African sleeping sickness, which can be fatal to humans, and nagana, a disease that affects livestock and other animals.
  • With climate change projected to expand the areas in which tsetse flies can survive, more humans and animals are expected to be affected by these diseases in the coming years.


Keywords: General Studies - 3 Environment and Ecology
Daily Current Affairs

Teja Variety of Chilli - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Telangana’s Teja chilli is hot property in many nations.


  • Teja or S17 is one of the hottest varieties of red chillies produced in India.
  • The chilli is known and liked across the country for its fierce hot flavour and rich aroma.
  • It has a hot tingling taste and an eye-watering peppery flavour.
  • This is a highly pungent chilli.
  • Teja variety of red chilli, famous for its culinary, medicinal and other wide-ranging
  • Khammam district (Telangana), the largest producer of the Teja variety of red chilli, is the leading exporter of the pungent fruit which is not only known for its culinary purpose as a flavouring agent to spice up various delicacies but as a main ingredient in making pepper spray.
  • Teja variety of red chilli is being exported to China, Bangladesh and a few other south Asian countries from Khammam mainly through the Chennai port.


Keywords: General Studies –3 Economy, Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

Rhododendrons - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? The Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas are home to more than one-third of all types of rhododendrons found in India, reveals the latest publication of the Botanical Survey of India (BSI).


  • Rhododendron, meaning rose tree in Greek, is considered an indicator species for climate change.
  • The flowering season for rhododendrons starts in March and continues till May.
  • The phenology of rhododendrons can be an important indicator of climate change.
  • The genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) is represented by about 80 species in India.
  • It is distributed mainly in different regions and altitudes of Himalayas with a greater concentration in the eastern Himalayas.
  • It is the largest genus of the family Ericaceae as well as among one of the largest flowering plant genera in Asia (Cullen and Chamberlain, 1978).
  • The genus is mostly concentrated in the temperate regions of northern hemisphere especially in Sino-Himalayas (Eastern Himalayas and Western China).


  • Of the 45 taxa documented by the BSI, five are facing a high threat due to anthropological pressures and climate change.
  • Rhododendron niveum, with big purple flowers, found in the Lachung area of north Sikkim is facing threats from rampant construction.


Keywords: General Studies -3 Environment and Ecology
Daily Current Affairs

SCO - Edukemy Current Affairs - Edukemy Current Affairs

Context: The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) organized a seminar on building capacities among Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) partner nations


  • SCO is a permanent intergovernmental international organization was created in 2001.
  • It’s a Eurasian political, economic and military organization aiming to maintain peace, security and stability in the region.
  • SCO Secretariat is based in Beijing to provide informational, analytical & organizational support.
  • The SCO currently comprises:
    • Eight Member States (China, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan),
    • Four Observer States interested in acceding to full membership (Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and Mongolia) and
    • Six “Dialogue Partners” (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey)


Keywords: General Studies – 2, International Relation
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