Monday, 19th February 2024

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1   Daily Current Affairs


Daily News Paper Snippets - 19th February 2024


Green Hydrogen Integration in the Steel Industry


Tripling Renewables by 2030


Government Doubles Authorized Capital of FCI to Rs 21,000 Crore


Northern Ireland Conflict




MoD Achieves Rs 1 Lakh Crore Milestone on GeM Portal


ICGS Varaha Enhances Maritime Diplomacy in East Africa


Munich Security Conference


Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)


Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


SC Strikes Down Electoral Bonds

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Daily Current Affairs

Daily News Paper Snippets - 19th February 2024

Keywords: Daily News Paper Snippets - 19th February 2024
Daily Current Affairs

Green Hydrogen Integration in the Steel Industry

In News: The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has released guidelines titled "Scheme Guidelines for Implementation of Pilot Projects for the Utilization of Green Hydrogen in the Steel Sector under the National Green Hydrogen Mission."

Key Guidelines Overview

  • Thrust Areas
    • Three pivotal areas identified for pilot projects in the steel sector, focusing on hydrogen utilization.
    • Specific thrust areas include the use of hydrogen in Direct Reduced Ironmaking, Blast Furnace, and gradual substitution of fossil fuels with Green Hydrogen.
    • The scheme supports innovative hydrogen applications for reducing carbon emissions in Iron and Steel Production.
  • Blending Approach
    • Encouragement for steel plants to initiate hydrogen blending, starting with a small percentage.
    • Gradual increase in blending proportion is recommended as cost economics improves and technology advances.
  • Incorporation in New Plants
    • Upcoming steel plants expected to be designed for green hydrogen operation for future participation in global low-carbon steel markets.
    • Support for greenfield projects aiming at achieving 100% green steel production.

Challenges in Adopting Green Hydrogen

  • Technological Adaptation
    • Transitioning to hydrogen-based methods necessitates substantial technological adaptation.
    • Existing steel plants may require significant modifications or complete redesign.
  • Infrastructure Requirements
    • Establishment of hydrogen production, storage, and transportation infrastructure poses challenges.
    • Adds complexity and cost to steel plant operations.
  • Cost Implications
    • Adoption of hydrogen-based processes may incur higher initial capital costs.
    • Financial challenges for steel producers amidst fluctuating market conditions.
  • Supply Chain Constraints
    • Ensuring a reliable hydrogen supply chain crucial for uninterrupted steel plant operations.
    • External dependencies and potential disruptions pose logistical challenges.
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
    • Despite emissions reduction potential, capturing and storing CO2 emissions during hydrogen-based steel production remains a challenge.
    • Development of cost-effective CCS technologies critical for achieving net-zero emissions targets.

Efforts to Promote Green Steel Production

  • International Collaborations
    • India's collaboration with Sweden under the LEAD-IT initiative for industrial decarbonization.
    • Examples from global companies like SSAB and H2-Green Steel leading the way in hydrogen-based steel production.
  • Domestic Companies
    • Initiatives by Indian companies like Tata Steel and ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel towards hydrogen usage.
  • Government Schemes
    • Implementation of schemes like Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) and the Pradhan Mantri Urja Ganga Project.
    • Steel Scrap Recycling Policy, 2019, enhancing scrap availability for reduced coal consumption.

Way Forward

  • Develop Supportive Policies and Regulations
    • India needs a comprehensive policy framework for green hydrogen, learning from international best practices.
    • Setting targets, providing incentives, creating standards, and enforcing regulations are crucial aspects.
  • Implement Pilot Projects and Scale-up
    • Implementation of pilot projects showcasing the feasibility, viability, and benefits of green hydrogen in steel plants.
    • Scale-up based on project outcomes and addressing identified challenges.
  • Increase Investment and Collaboration
    • Boosting public and private investment in green hydrogen projects.
    • Facilitating collaboration among government, industry, academia, and civil society.
  • Enhance R&D and Innovation
    • Strengthening research and innovation capabilities, establishing centers of excellence, supporting startups, and facilitating technology transfer.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2010)

Q. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles produce one of the following as “exhaust” (a) NH3
(b) CH4
(c) H2O
(d) H2O2

Ans: (c)


  • A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy (energy stored in molecular bonds) into electrical energy.
  • It uses Hydrogen gas (H2) and Oxygen gas (O2) as fuel and the products of the reaction in the cell are water (H2O), electricity, and heat.
  • This is a big improvement over internal combustion engines, coal-burning power plants, and nuclear power plants, all of which produce harmful byproducts. Therefore, option (c) is the correct answer.

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS – 2 Government Policies & Interventions GS – 3 Environmental Pollution & Degradation, GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT, Conservation
Daily Current Affairs

Tripling Renewables by 2030

In News: Climate Analytics has released a report titled "Tripling Renewables by 2030," breaking down the regional implications of achieving a 1.5ºC-aligned renewables rollout. 

Report Key Highlights

  • Tripling Renewables for 1.5°C Target
    • Global renewable capacity must grow to 11.5 TW by 2030 for alignment with the 1.5°C target.
    • This represents 3.4 times increase from 2022 levels.
  • Regional Contributions
    • Asia leads, contributing 47% of the needed 8.1 TW global renewable capacity additions by 2030.
    • OECD provides the next significant share at 36%.
    • Sub-Saharan Africa scales quickly at 6.6x due to low existing renewable capacity and high energy access needs.
  • Investment Requirements
    • Achieving the 1.5°C-aligned target demands USD 12 trillion investment in the power system by 2030.
    • Two-thirds allocated to renewables, with the remainder for grid and storage infrastructure.
  • Investment Gap and Solutions
    • A significant USD 5 trillion investment gap exists over 2024-2030.
    • Shifting investments from fossil fuels to renewables and grids could cover the gap.
  • Challenges and Urgency
    • Sub-Saharan Africa faces challenges, requiring urgent action to mobilize finance for renewables deployment.
    • COP28 pledge fulfillment hinges on addressing challenges and ensuring inclusivity.
  • Policy Recommendations
    • Governments must cease public support and subsidies for fossil fuels to effectively reduce emissions.
    • Clear roadmaps and information on investment and climate finance needs are essential, with benchmarks for accountability.

Indian Initiatives towards Clean Energy Transition

  • Ambitious Targets
    • India targets 500 GW of non-fossil energy, including 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030.
    • Complementary policies, legislative mandates, missions, fiscal incentives, and market mechanisms support these goals.
  • Net Zero Target
    • India aims for net zero emissions by 2070.
    • Updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) reflect a goal of 50% cumulative electric power from non-fossil sources by 2030.
  • Energy Conservation Amendment Bill, 2022
    • Passed in August 2022, the bill mandates non-fossil fuel sources, including green hydrogen, green ammonia, biomass, and ethanol for energy and feedstock.
    • Grants power to the Central Government to establish carbon markets.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2016)

Q. With reference to the Agreement at the UNFCCC Meeting in Paris in 2015, which of the following statements is/are correct? 

  1. The Agreement was signed by all the member countries of the UN, and it will go into effect in 2017.
  2. The Agreement aims to limit greenhouse gas emissions so that the rise in average global temperature by the end of this century does not exceed 2ºC or even 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels.
  3. Developed countries acknowledged their historical responsibility in global warming and committed to donate $ 1000 billion a year from 2020 to help developing countries to cope with climate change.

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: B

Mains (2021)

Q. Describe the major outcomes of the 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). What are the commitments made by India in this conference? 

Source: DTE

Keywords: GS – 2 Important International Institutions GS – 3 Conservation
Daily Current Affairs

Government Doubles Authorized Capital of FCI to Rs 21,000 Crore

In News: Ministry Boosts Authorized Capital of FCI from ₹10,000 Crore to ₹21,000 Crore for Enhanced Operational Capabilities

Overview of the Food Corporation of India (FCI)

  • Establishment and Objectives
    • Formed in 1965 under the Food Corporation Act, 1964, it operates under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India.
    • A response to severe grain shortages, especially in wheat, in the country.
  • Mandates and Objectives
    • Core objectives include providing price support to farmers, procuring grains at MSP for PDS distribution, and maintaining a strategic reserve for market stability.

Initiatives for Enhanced Efficiency

  • Integrated IT System
    • Comprehensive initiative to establish an integrated IT system for streamlined operations.
    • Focus on leveraging existing systems and adopting a paperless office culture through e-office implementation.
  • Infrastructure Development
    • Investment in infrastructure, including construction of cement roads, roof maintenance, illumination, and weighbridge upgradation.
    • Purchase of lab equipment and development of a software platform for quality checking.

Significance of Increased Authorized Capital

  • Equity Support and Operational Enhancements
    • The Centre provides equity to meet working capital requirements and create capital assets for FCI.
    • Increased authorized capital aims at enhancing operational capabilities and efficiency.
  • Financial Impacts
    • Reducing interest burden and economic costs through reduced reliance on cash credit and short-term loans.
    • Positive impact on government subsidies.
  • Modernization Initiatives
    • Infusion of capital should be utilized for modernizing storage facilities, improving transportation networks, and adopting advanced technologies.

Government's Commitment and Collaborative Efforts

  • Empowering Farmers
    • The dual commitment to MSP-based procurement demonstrates the government's focus on empowering farmers.
  • Fortifying Agriculture
    • Investment in FCI's operational capabilities contributes to fortifying the agricultural sector.
  • Ensuring Food Security
    • Collective efforts aimed at ensuring food security for the nation through strategic investments and commitments.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-2 Governance
Daily Current Affairs

Northern Ireland Conflict

In News: In a historic moment, a politician advocating Irish unity has created history by becoming the inaugural Nationalist First Minister of Northern Ireland. 

Emergence of Northern Ireland: The Troubles Era

  • Civil Conflict
    • Northern Ireland witnessed a 30-year civil war known as 'The Troubles' (1968-1998).
    • Republicans (mostly Catholic) and Unionists (largely Protestants) engaged in conflict, resulting in over 3,500 casualties.
  • Historical Roots
    • Conflict traces back to the 1609 migration policy of King James I, promoting Protestant migration to Ulster.
    • Resistance against English colonial rule intensified after the Potato Famine (1845).
  • Independence Struggle
    • In 1916, during Easter week, Ireland rose against colonial rule, leading to independence under the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921.
    • Ireland split into two territories, and six counties in Ulster formed Northern Ireland due to a Protestant majority.

Political Deadlock in Northern Ireland: Brexit Impact

  • Brexit Border Controls
    • Disagreement arose over border controls post-Brexit between Britain and Ireland.
    • Northern Ireland Protocol aimed to prevent a hard border by creating a sea border, leading to political deadlock.
  • DUP's Objection
    • Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) opposed the protocol, viewing it as undermining Northern Ireland's status within the UK.
    • DUP withdrew from the power-sharing government, contributing to the deadlock.
  • Resolution through Renegotiation
    • Deadlock resolved through renegotiation addressing concerns about Northern Ireland's status within the UK.
    • DUP agreed to return to government with revised border controls.

Good Friday Agreement: Paving the Path to Peace

  • Historic Peace Treaty
    • Signed on April 10, 1998, the Good Friday Agreement aimed to end decades of violence during 'The Troubles.'
  • Key Provisions
    • Power-sharing government between Unionists and Republicans.
    • Principle of consent for any change in Northern Ireland's status.
    • Emphasis on human rights, equality, and decommissioning of weapons.
    • Encouragement of cross-border cooperation.
  • Path to Reconciliation
    • The agreement's success relies on transcending divisions, embracing diversity, and building a shared future grounded in mutual respect.
    • Sustained commitment to peace and reconciliation is vital for Northern Ireland's prosperity and unity.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-2 IR
Daily Current Affairs


In News: On February 17, 2024, the Indian Space and Research Organisation (ISRO) is poised to launch the GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS mission, aiming to bolster weather forecasting and disaster warning capabilities.

Key Highlights of GSLV-F14/INSAT-3DS Mission

Launch Vehicle Details

  • INSAT-3DS will be launched using the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle F14 (GSLV F14).
  • GSLV-F14 is a three-stage launch vehicle.
  • The first stage (GS1) utilizes a solid propellant motor, while the second stage (GS2) and third stage (GS3) are earth-storable and cryogenic propellant stages, respectively.
  • GSLV-F14 marks the 16th flight of GSLV and the 10th flight with the indigenous cryo stage.

Payloads of INSAT-3DS

  • INSAT-3DS comprises four essential payloads:
    • Imager Payload: Capable of generating Earth images in six wavelength bands.
    • Sounder Payload: Offers data on atmospheric vertical profiles, including temperature and humidity, with a 19-channel configuration.
    • Data Relay Transponder (DRT): Receives global meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic data, relaying it back to user terminals.
    • Satellite-Aided Search and Rescue (SA&SR) Transponder: Relays distress signals for global search and rescue operations in the Ultra High-Frequency band.

Mission Objectives and Significance

  • INSAT-3DS is designed to enhance meteorological observations, improve weather forecasting, and strengthen disaster warning capabilities.
  • Fully funded by the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), it belongs to the Third Generation Meteorological Satellites in Geostationary Orbit.
  • The satellite will monitor land and ocean surfaces, complementing the services of existing INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR satellites.
  • INSAT-3DS aims to provide accurate weather forecasts, contribute to disaster management, and facilitate data collection for emergency response.
  • The satellite will play a crucial role in satellite-aided search and rescue services, bolstering India's capabilities in emergency situations.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-3 Science and Tech.
Daily Current Affairs

MoD Achieves Rs 1 Lakh Crore Milestone on GeM Portal

In News: The Ministry of Defence (MoD) achieves a significant milestone, surpassing the Rs 1 Lakh Crore mark in total order value transacted through the Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal.

Key Achievements of GeM in Defence Procurement

  • The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) serves as a national public procurement portal for the Indian government, initiated in 2016 by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to ensure transparency and openness in government transactions.
  • GeM offers a comprehensive platform for government buyers, enabling procurement activities that span from general store items to critical defence acquisitions, including missile systems and other strategic assets.
  • Leveraging demand aggregation modules, GeM emphasizes cost-effectiveness and efficiency in government transactions, reflecting a commitment to transformative change in procurement practices.
  • The Ministry of Defence (MoD) achieves a significant milestone by becoming the first central government entity to embrace and excel on the GeM platform, underscoring its dedication to optimizing public spending.
  • Social inclusion is a core value of GeM, with 50.7% of total orders awarded to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), showcasing a commitment to fostering economic opportunities for smaller businesses.
  • Defence Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) actively participate on the GeM platform, contributing to both procurement and sales activities. 
    • This engagement marks a paradigm shift in the traditional landscape of defence procurement, showcasing the platform's adaptability and effectiveness.

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS-2 Governance
Daily Current Affairs

ICGS Varaha Enhances Maritime Diplomacy in East Africa

In News: The Indian Coast Guard's Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) ICGS Varaha recently made a noteworthy port call at Maputo Port in Mozambique, marking a strategic step in its overseas deployment to East Africa.

ICGS Varaha Promotes Aatmnirbhar Bharat and Maritime Ties in Mozambique

  • The visit of ICGS Varaha aims to showcase India's shipbuilding capabilities and promote "Aatmnirbhar Bharat."
  • Deployment strengthens ties between the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) and Mozambique's maritime agencies.
  • The visit aligns with ICG's commitment to fostering bilateral relationships with Foreign Friendly Countries (FFCs) through maritime cooperation.
  • It supports India’s maritime vision encapsulated in “SAGAR – Security and Growth for All in the Region” and the concept of “Global South.”
  • ICGS Varaha had previously visited Mombasa, Kenya, demonstrating continued diplomatic engagements in Africa.
  • ICGS Varaha is the fourth in the series of seven 98-m Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) of the Indian Coast Guard.

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS-3 Science and Tech.
Daily Current Affairs

Munich Security Conference

In News: Global leaders convene at the 60th Munich Security Conference amid escalating worries about an ongoing conflict in Ukraine and challenges to the cohesion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

About Munich Security Conference

  • The Munich Security Conference (MSC) is a preeminent global platform focused on discussing international security policy.
  • Established Objective: The conference aims to foster trust and contribute to the peaceful resolution of conflicts through ongoing, curated, and informal dialogues within the international security community.
  • Historical Background: Since its inception in 1963, the MSC has been hosted in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
  • Annual Schedule: The conference takes place annually in February, with the Hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich serving as the venue.
  • Diplomatic Significance: The MSC serves as a venue for diplomatic initiatives, providing a platform to address the world's most critical security concerns.
  • Diverse Participation: The conference brings together a diverse array of participants, including security experts, politicians, military leaders, and representatives from the defense industry, hailing from various parts of the world.
  • Specialized Events: MSC regularly organizes high-profile events focused on specific topics and regions, contributing to in-depth discussions on crucial security challenges.
  • Munich Security Report: As part of its initiatives, MSC publishes the Munich Security Report, an annual compilation featuring relevant figures, maps, and research related to pressing security issues.

Source: WION

Keywords: GS-2 IR
Daily Current Affairs

Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)

In News: Power Grid Corporation (POWERGRID) anticipates that the proposed alterations in Operation & Maintenance (O&M) charge norms by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) will have "no impact," as stated by a senior company executive.

Overview of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC)

  • Establishment: Formed by the Government of India under the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998.
  • Legal Authority: Functions as the Central Commission under the Electricity Act, 2003, replacing the ERC Act, 1998.
  • Composition: Comprises a Chairperson and four other members, including the ex-officio Member, Chairperson of the Central Electricity Authority.


  • Promote competition, efficiency, and economy in bulk power markets.
  • Enhance the quality of power supply.
  • Encourage investments in the power sector.
  • Advise the government on addressing institutional barriers to bridge the demand-supply gap and serve consumer interests.

Mandatory Functions

  • Regulate tariffs of generating companies under Central Government control.
  • Regulate tariffs for generating companies not under Central Government control involved in multi-state electricity generation schemes.
  • Regulate inter-state electricity transmission.
  • Determine tariffs for inter-state electricity transmission.
  • Issue licenses for transmission and electricity trading in inter-state operations.
  • Improve information access for stakeholders.
  • Adjudicate disputes related to generating companies and transmission licensees.
  • Arbitrate disputes referred for resolution.
  • Levy fees as per the Act.
  • Specify Grid Code based on Grid Standards.
  • Enforce standards for service quality, continuity, and reliability by licensees.
  • Set trading margins for inter-state electricity trading if deemed necessary.

Additional Functions

  • Carry out any other functions assigned under the Electricity Act.

Source: ET

Keywords: GS-3 Infrastructure
Daily Current Affairs

Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti

In News: The Chairman of Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti recently emphasized the promotion of Indian languages in education. 

Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti: Promoting Indian Languages

  • Establishment: Constituted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India in 2021, Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti functions as a High Powered Committee for the Promotion of Indian Languages.
  • Mandate: The committee is tasked with exploring and recommending pathways for the holistic and multi-disciplinary growth of Indian languages, aligning with the objectives outlined in the National Education Policy-2020.
  • Advisory Role: Bharatiya Bhasha Samiti is entrusted to provide guidance to the Ministry on matters related to the revitalization of existing language teaching, research, and its extension across various institutions in the country.
  • Sub-Committees/Study Groups: To efficiently carry out its assigned tasks, the committee has the authority to appoint sub-committees and study groups.
  • Events and Coordination: The committee may organize seminars, workshops, conferences, and webinars to emphasize the importance of promoting Indian languages. It is also authorized to interact and coordinate with relevant Central/State Government institutions involved in language teaching, research, and promotion.
  • Secretarial Assistance: Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University (SLBSNSU), New Delhi, provides secretarial assistance and space for the committee, covering associated expenditures in compliance with Government of India rules.
  • Consultants and Experts: SLBSNSU is responsible for appointing consultants, experts, scholars, officials, and young professionals on a short-term basis, as well as conducting various events based on the committee's recommendations. The Ministry of Education (MoE) finances these activities under relevant budget heads.

Source: HT

Keywords: GS-2 Governance
Daily Editorial Analysis

SC Strikes Down Electoral Bonds

In News: The Supreme Court of India struck down the Electoral Bonds Scheme, citing a breach of the right to information. 


  • On February 15, 2024, a significant development unfolded in India's democratic landscape as the Supreme Court delivered a groundbreaking verdict, striking down the Electoral Bonds Scheme. 
  • This landmark decision, grounded in upholding the Constitution's basic structure and democratic principles, addressed various concerns and challenges raised against the scheme.

Electoral Bonds Scheme

  • Overview of Electoral Bonds
    • Electoral bonds, akin to promissory notes, were introduced in 2018 for political funding in India.
    • Purchased from the State Bank of India (SBI), these bonds could be donated to registered political parties for encashment.
    • The scheme aimed at enhancing transparency in electoral funding, aligning with the government's vision of a cashless-digital economy.
  • Amendments in 2022
    • An additional 15-day period was introduced during general elections for Legislative Assemblies.
    • This amendment raised concerns regarding the impact on the electoral process and transparency.

Concerns Raised

  • Contradiction of Transparency
    • Critics argued that the scheme lacked transparency, with anonymity benefiting the ruling party and posing risks to free and fair elections.
  • Potential for Extortion
    • The sale of bonds through a government-owned bank raised concerns about the government's knowledge of funding sources, potentially leading to extortion or bias.
  • Compromising Right to Know
    • Exemption of political parties from disclosing donations contradicted citizens' right to know, a vital aspect of a representative democracy.
  • Crony Capitalism
    • Removal of donation limits facilitated crony capitalism, allowing well-resourced corporations to unduly influence elections.
  • ADR Report Findings (2023)
    • Analysis revealed skewed ratios of donations, highlighting the dominance of Electoral Bonds in political funding.
    • National parties saw a substantial surge in bond donations, raising questions about their influence.

Supreme Court's Decision

  • Violation of Right to Information
    • The court held that anonymous political donations under the scheme violated the fundamental right to information, crucial for participatory democracy.
  • Proportionality Test
    • Relying on a proportionality test, the court emphasized the government's failure to adopt less restrictive methods to achieve transparency in political funding.
  • Privacy vs. Political Contributions
    • The court clarified that the right to privacy did not extend to large corporate donations, emphasizing the need for transparency in such contributions.
  • Unlimited Corporate Donations
    • The court found the amendment allowing unlimited corporate donations manifestly arbitrary, impacting free and fair elections.
  • Quashing Amendments
    • Amendments to Sections 182 and 29C of relevant acts were quashed, restoring disclosure requirements for political contributions.

Court's Instructions and Future Suggestions

  • Immediate Actions
    • The SBI was directed to cease issuing electoral bonds, and details of past bond purchases were to be furnished to the Election Commission.
  • Suggestions for Electoral Funding
    • Regulation of donations and expenditure limits were proposed to prevent undue influence.
    • Public funding options, akin to the German model, were considered for a balanced and fair political financing system.
    • Balancing transparency and anonymity, especially for small and large donors, emerged as a crucial consideration.


  • February 15, 2024, stands as a historic day, with the Supreme Court's unanimous decision dismantling the Electoral Bonds Scheme. 
  • This verdict, founded on constitutional principles, addresses concerns about transparency, privacy, and the impact on democratic processes, signaling a significant stride towards a more accountable and fair electoral financing system in India.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2019)

Q. ‘Right to Privacy’ is protected under which Article of the Constitution of India?

(a) Article 15 
(b) Article 19
(c) Article 21 
(d) Article 29

Ans: (c)

Mains (2018)

Q. The Right to Information Act is not all about citizens’ empowerment alone, it essentially redefines the concept of accountability.” Discuss. 

Source: IE

Keywords: GS – 2 Transparency & Accountability, Government Policies & Interventions, Elections, Issues Arising Out of Design & Implementation of Policies
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