Saturday, 27th January 2024

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


Health Ministry’s new Treatment Regimen for Leprosy


Expansion of the jurisdiction of BSF


Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace


Turkey’s parliament approves Sweden’s NATO membership


NFRA to Inspect Big Four Audit Firms


Halwa Ceremony


National Voters’ Day (NVD)


Wandering albatrosses


Disease X

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


ICJ Proceedings: South Africa vs. Israel

3   Weekly Current Affairs Practice


Practice Questions - Current Affairs 27-01-2024

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Daily Current Affairs

Health Ministry’s new Treatment Regimen for Leprosy

In News: The Central government has sanctioned a novel treatment regimen for leprosy with the goal of halting its transmission at the sub-national level by 2027, surpassing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by three years.

Understanding Leprosy: Causes and Effects

Hansen’s Disease Overview

  • Causative Agent and Affected Areas
    • Infection caused by Mycobacterium leprae.
    • Affects nerves, skin, eyes, and nasal mucosa.
  • Symptoms and Consequences
    • Manifests as skin ulcers, nerve damage, and muscle weakness.
    • Untreated cases may lead to severe disfigurement and disability.
  • Importance of Early Treatment
    • Early intervention prevents additional tissue damage.
    • Halts the spread of the disease.

Transmission of Leprosy: Myths and Facts

  • Droplet Transmission
    • Spread through droplets from the nose and mouth.
    • Prolonged, close contact needed for transmission.
  • Misconceptions
    • Not transmitted through casual contact like handshakes or hugging.
    • Disease transmission ceases with the initiation of treatment.

Global Landscape of Leprosy

  • Historical Context
    • One of the oldest diseases, dating back to 600 B.C.
    • A Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) prevalent in 120+ countries.
  • Global Statistics (2022)
    • 182 countries reported 1,65,459 existing cases and 1,74,087 new cases.
    • NTDs encompass various health issues with significant social and economic consequences.

Leprosy in India: Challenges and Efforts

  • Post-Declaration Challenges
    • Despite India being declared "Leprosy Eliminated" in 2005, it still accounts for 52% of global new cases.
  • High-Risk Districts
    • Certain states and union territories have districts yet to achieve leprosy elimination targets (82 districts).
  • National Leprosy Eradication Programme (NLEP)
    • Centrally sponsored scheme under the National Health Mission (NHM).
    • Aims to reduce Prevalence Rate to less than 1/10,000 population at the district level.
  • Key Objectives of NLEP
    • Zero Grade II Disability rate per million population at the district level.
    • Eliminate Grade II Disability among new cases.
    • Achieve zero child leprosy cases.
  • Awareness Initiatives
    • Leprosy Case Detections Campaign (LCDC) in high endemic districts.
    • Focused Leprosy Campaign (FLC) in low endemic districts.
    • Special plans for Hard-to-Reach areas.
    • ASHA Based Surveillance for Leprosy Suspects (ABSULS).
    • Sparsh Leprosy Awareness Campaign on January 30th annually.
    • Active Case Detection and Surveillance in both rural and urban areas.

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-3 Health
Daily Current Affairs

Expansion of the jurisdiction of BSF

In News: The Supreme Court is scheduled to adjudicate the dispute concerning the extension of the Border Security Force (BSF) jurisdiction in Punjab.

Border Security Force (BSF): Safeguarding India's Borders

About BSF

  • Formation and Purpose
    • Established in December 1965 as one of India's Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF).
    • Originated after the 1965 War to ensure border security.
  • Distinct Capabilities
    • The only CAPF with its Water Wing, Air Wing, and ancillary units.
    • Headquarters located in New Delhi, operating under the administrative control of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
  • Operational Responsibilities
    • Manages 6,386.36 km of International Border with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
    • Ensures security during peace and war times.

BSF Operations

  • Peace Time Role
    • Prevents trans-border crimes and unauthorized entries.
    • Combats smuggling and illegal activities.
  • War Time Role
    • Safeguards vital installations, particularly airfields.
    • Engages in limited aggressive actions against enemy forces under the overall Armed Forces plan.
    • Assists in controlling refugees.
  • Overseas Deployment
    • Contributes personnel for UN Missions.
    • Plays a crucial role in securing the Kartarpur Corridor.
  • Additional Roles
    • Deployed on the Line of Control (LoC) in J&K under the Army's operational control.
    • Assists in natural disaster/calamity situations, as witnessed in events like the Kashmir flood (2014) and Kerala flood (2018).

Powers and Jurisdiction

  • Arrest, Search, and Seize Authority
  • Empowered under various laws, including the Criminal Procedure Code, Passports Act 1967, Passport (Entry into India) Act 1920, and the NDPS Act.
  • BSF's authority extends within a specified jurisdiction.

Expansion of Jurisdiction: Background and Rationale

  • Legal Basis for Expansion
    • Section 139 of the Border Security Force Act, 1968, grants the Centre authority to determine the area and extent of BSF's operational mandate.
  • Notification and Parliamentary Oversight
    • Orders issued under Section 139 must be presented before both houses of Parliament.
    • The October 2021 notification expanded the jurisdiction to 50 kilometers from the border.
  • Operational Efficiency and Countermeasures
    • Aimed at enhancing efficiency and curbing smuggling.
    • Addresses challenges such as drug, arms, cattle, and fake currency smuggling.
  • Addressing Security Challenges
    • Responds to security threats posed by drones and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
    • Ensures uniform BSF jurisdiction across states, aligning with the 50-kilometer limit in Rajasthan.
  • Uniform Jurisdiction Across States
    • The notification brings uniformity to BSF's jurisdiction, addressing variations in different states.
    • Notably, it reduced the jurisdiction in Gujarat from 80 km to 50 km.

Source: IE

Keywords: GS-3 Defence and Security
Daily Current Affairs

Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace

In News: The 12th General Assembly of the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP), a voluntary mass movement of Buddhists in Asia, was recently convened in New Delhi.

Major Highlights of the 12th General Assembly of ABCP

Theme: "ABCP - The Buddhist Voice of Global South"

  • India's Commitment to Buddha's Legacy
    • India showcased its dedication to Buddha's principles.
    • Recognition of India's proactive role in developing the Buddhist circuit and establishing the India International Centre for Buddhist Culture.
  • Constitutional Recognition of Buddha's Influence
    • Emphasis on the portrayal of Lord Buddha in the Indian Constitution's artwork.
    • Specific focus on Part V, highlighting Buddha's depiction in the section on Union governance.

Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP): An Overview

  • ABCP's Inception and Collaborative Efforts
    • Founded in 1970 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
    • Collaboration of Buddhist dignitaries from various countries.
    • Headquarters at Gandanthegchenling Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
  • ABCP's Aims
    • Unifying Buddhists for universal peace, harmony, and cooperation.
    • Promoting economic and social advancement, justice, and human dignity.
    • Disseminating Buddhist culture, tradition, and heritage.

Buddhist Teachings and Principles of Good Governance

  • Right View in Policymaking
    • Buddha's emphasis on Right View aligns with governance principles of transparency and evidence-based decision-making.
    • Example: Bhutan's Gross National Happiness index.
  • Right Conduct in Leadership
    • Interpretation of Buddha's Five Precepts as ethical guidelines for public officials.
    • Emphasis on non-violence, non-stealing, non-lying, non-sexual misconduct, and non-intoxication.
  • Compassionate Governance
    • Buddha's teaching of compassion guiding leaders to consider the needs of all citizens.
    • Examples: Universal healthcare and fair taxation policies.
  • Dialogue and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution
    • Buddha's emphasis on Right Speech and Right Action for respectful communication.
    • Applicability in international diplomacy and internal political debates.

Teachings of Buddha in Navigating Present-Day Challenges

  • Compass for Ethical Uncertainty
    • Buddha's teachings provide a path of sustainability, simplicity, and reverence for all life.
    • Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path as a transformative roadmap.
  • Mindfulness in a Distracted World
    • Buddha's emphasis on mindfulness in the age of digital overload.
    • Practices like meditation for reducing stress and cultivating focused attention
  • Compassion in a Polarized Society
    • Buddha's teachings on compassion as an antidote to rising tensions.
    • Recognition of interconnectedness for empathetic communication.
  • The Middle Way in an All-or-Nothing Culture
    • Buddha's concept of the Middle Way for mindful consumption.
    • Balancing personal desires and responsible living in a consumerist society.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2020)

Q. With reference to the religious history of India, consider the following statements: 

  1. Sthaviravadins belong to Mahayana Buddhism.
  2. Lokottaravadin sect was an offshoot of Mahasanghika sect of Buddhism.
  3. The deification of Buddha by Mahasanghikas fostered Mahayana Buddhism.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

Prelims (2016)

Q. With reference to the religious history of India, consider the following statements: 

  1. The concept of Bodhisattva is central to the Hinayana sect of Buddhism.
  2. Bodhisattva is a compassionate one on his way to Enlightenment.
  3. Bodhisattva delays achieving his own salvation to help all sentient beings on their path to it.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only 
(b) 2 and 3 only 
(c) 2 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (b)

Mains (2020)

Q. Pala period is the most significant phase in the history of Buddhism in India. Enumerate. 

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS-1 Art and Culture
Daily Current Affairs

Turkey’s parliament approves Sweden’s NATO membership

In News: A significant obstacle in Sweden's bid to join NATO was overcome as Turkey's parliament endorsed its membership.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): Ensuring Collective Security

Overview of NATO

  • Formation and Membership
    • Established in 1949 with the signing of the Washington Treaty.
    • Security alliance comprising 31 North American and European countries.
    • Finland became the 31st member in April 2023.
  • Fundamental Goal and Collective Defense
    • Aims to safeguard Allies' freedom and security through political and military means.
    • Operates on the principle of collective defense, articulated in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
  • Headquarters and Functions
    • Headquarters located in Brussels, Belgium.
    • Political function: Promotes democratic values, facilitates consultations, and fosters cooperation on defense and security issues.
    • Military function: Committed to peaceful dispute resolution and, if needed, has the capability for crisis-management operations.

Turkey’s Approval of Sweden’s NATO Membership

  • Parliamentary Approval for Sweden's NATO Membership
    • On January 23, Turkey's parliament voted to approve Sweden's NATO membership after a 20-month delay.
  • Sweden's Motivation to Join NATO
    • Historical Neutrality: Sweden, neutral for two centuries, sought NATO membership due to changing geopolitical dynamics.
    • Ukraine Crisis: Russia's invasion of Ukraine prompted Sweden to reconsider its neutrality.
    • Public Opinion Shift: Increasing public support led Sweden to apply for NATO membership in 2022.

Turkey's Opposition to Sweden's NATO Bid

  • Accusations and Disputes
    • Support to Kurdish Militant Outfit: Turkey accused Sweden of being lenient towards groups it deemed terrorists.
    • Quran-Burning Protests: Turkey criticized Sweden for Quran-burning protests, invoking freedom of speech laws.
    • Geopolitical Considerations: Experts linked Turkey's opposition to factors like arms deals with the U.S.
  • US-Turkey Dynamics
    • F-16 Fighter Jet Deal: The US agreeing to sell 40 F-16 fighter jets to Turkey was seen in connection with Sweden's NATO bid.
    • Potential Influence: While not explicitly linked, the deal is expected to proceed following Turkey's support for Sweden.

Sweden's Contribution to NATO

  • Strategic Significance
    • Geographic Advantage: Sweden's NATO membership extends NATO territory along almost the entire Baltic Sea coastline.
    • Strategic Bases: Provides NATO with strategic bases close to Russia, facilitating streamlined supply lines and defense of assets in the Baltic Sea.
  • Military Capabilities
    • Modern and Experienced: Despite a small numerical size, Sweden's military is modern and has experience in past NATO missions.
    • Advanced Technology: Possesses advanced aircraft and submarine capabilities, enhancing NATO's overall capabilities.

Source: IE

Keywords: GS-2 IR
Daily Current Affairs

NFRA to Inspect Big Four Audit Firms

In News: In 2024, the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) is set to conduct inspections of the Big Four audit firms along with other leading auditors responsible for overseeing large listed entities.

National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA): Regulating Financial Standards

Establishment and Objective

  • Statutory Body
    • Constituted under Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013.
    • Independent authority with the mandate to regulate the auditing profession and accounting standards in India.
  • Goal
    • Enhance the quality and consistency of financial statements in India.
    • Ensure businesses and financial institutions provide accurate and fair information.


  • Members and Chairperson
    • Mandated by the Companies Act to have a chairperson appointed by the Central Government and up to 15 members.
    • Qualifications include expertise in accountancy, auditing, finance, or law.
    • Members must declare no conflict of interest or lack of independence.
    • Those in full-time employment should not be associated with any audit firm during their term and two years after.


  • Policy Recommendations
    • Make recommendations on the foundation and establishment of accounting and auditing policies and standards.
  • Compliance Oversight
    • Monitor and enforce compliance with accounting and auditing standards.
  • Quality Oversight
    • Oversee the quality of service provided by professionals like auditors and CFOs.
    • Suggest measures for improving service quality.
  • Other Functions
    • Perform additional functions related to the above objectives.


  • Investigative Authority
    • Empowered to investigate professional or other misconduct by chartered accountants and their firms.
    • Same powers as a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.
    • Authority to impose punishment upon proving misconduct.
  • Appeal Process
    • Dissatisfied parties can appeal NFRA decisions to the Appellate Authority.


  • Investigation Scope
    • Jurisdiction extends to listed companies and large unlisted public companies (thresholds to be prescribed in Rules).
    • Central Government can refer other entities for investigation where public interest is involved.


  • Location
    • Headquartered in New Delhi.

Source: FE

Keywords: GS-3 Economy
Daily Current Affairs

Halwa Ceremony

In News: The Union Finance Minister recently took part in the 'Halwa Ceremony,' a customary event held prior to the annual budget presentation.

Halwa Ceremony: Unveiling the Budget Preparation Tradition

  • Annual Tradition
    • Conducted every year before the budget announcement.
    • Marks the official commencement of printing various budget-related documents.
  • Halwa Preparation
    • Involves cooking the traditional dessert 'halwa' in a large kadhai (wok).
    • The finance minister plays a key role in initiating the process.
  • Symbolic Significance
    • Signifies the official start of budget-related document preparation.
    • Brings together individuals directly involved in the budget-making process.
  • Location
    • Takes place in the basement of the Finance Ministry's North Block in Central Delhi.
    • Special printing press located in this area for budget document printing.
  • Finance Minister's Role
    • Finance minister stirs the kadhai and serves halwa to officials, symbolizing the initiation.
  • Formal Send-Off
    • Acts as a formal farewell for ministry officials and staff engaged in crafting the annual financial statement.
  • Lock-In Period
    • Followed by a designated 'lock-in' period for top officials involved in budget preparation.
    • Officials isolate themselves within the ministry premises, cutting off from families to maintain document confidentiality.
  • Stay Requirement
    • Officials required to remain in the Finance Ministry until the budget is officially presented by the finance minister.

Source: HT

Keywords: GS-2 Budget
Daily Current Affairs

National Voters’ Day (NVD)

In News: The Election Commission of India is set to commemorate the 14th National Voters’ Day (NVD) on January 25, 2024.

National Voters’ Day (NVD): Celebrating Electoral Awareness

  • Foundation Day Significance
    • Observed annually on January 25 since 2011.
    • Marks the foundation day of the Election Commission of India (ECI) on January 25, 1950.
  • Purpose
    • Aims to raise electoral awareness among citizens.
    • Encourages active participation in the electoral process.
  • Dedication to Voters
    • Dedicated to the voters of the country.
    • Focuses on facilitating the enrolment of voters, especially newly eligible young voters.
  • New Voters Recognition
    • New voters are honored and receive their Elector Photo Identity Card (EPIC) during NVD functions nationwide.
  • Celebration Levels
    • Celebrated at national, state, district, constituency, and polling booth levels.
    • One of the largest celebrations in the country, promoting voter engagement.
  • NVD 2024 Theme
    • Theme for 2024: ‘Nothing Like Voting, I Vote For sure.’
    • Coincides with the 75th year celebration of the Election Commission of India on January 25, 2024.

Source: PIB

Keywords: GS-2 Governance
Daily Current Affairs

Wandering albatrosses

In News: Wandering albatrosses face the risk of extinction, and their nesting sites are in jeopardy due to the impact of climate change.

About Wandering albatrosses

  • Wandering albatrosses, recognized as the world's largest flying bird, face a threat of extinction, with climate change posing a risk to their nesting sites.
  • These remarkable birds, boasting a wingspan of up to 3.5 meters, are primarily inhabitants of the Southern Hemisphere, spending most of their approximately 60-year lifespan at sea and returning to land only for breeding.
  • Subantarctic islands, particularly Marion Island and Prince Edward Island, support a significant portion of the global breeding population of wandering albatrosses.
  • Their breeding habitat is characterized by features such as peat soils, tussock grass, sedges, mosses, and shrubs.
  • Wandering albatrosses exhibit monogamous behavior, forming pairs that mate for life.
  • Classified as "Vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), these birds face threats, including the impact of longline fishing and the ingestion of plastics, which can result in fatalities for both chicks and adults.
  • The additional concern of climate change further jeopardizes their existence, specifically putting their nesting sites at risk and contributing to the overall threat of extinction.

Source: DTE

Keywords: GS-3 Environment and Ecology
Daily Current Affairs

Disease X

In News: The World Health Organization (WHO) has underscored the immediate necessity for worldwide readiness in the face of a potential new pandemic known as 'Disease X'.

About Disease X

  • Disease X is a term used to describe a theoretical pathogen or threat with the potential to cause a significant pandemic in the future.
  • It encompasses various possibilities, including a new agent, virus, bacterium, or fungus, for which there is no known treatment.
  • Coined by scientists and acknowledged by the World Health Organization (WHO), Disease X could belong to any of the 25 families of viruses capable of causing illness in humans.
  • The concept of Disease X was introduced in the WHO's updated Blueprint list of diseases in 2018.
  • Scientists express concern that Disease X might be up to 20 times more deadly than the SARS-CoV virus, which led to the recent pandemic.
  • Disease X represents an unidentified illness that poses a potential microbial threat to human health in the future.

Source: DTE

Keywords: GS-3 Economy
Daily Editorial Analysis

ICJ Proceedings: South Africa vs. Israel

In News: A recent article explores the legal steps taken by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the Gaza war. 

South Africa vs Israel Case at ICJ: A Comprehensive Overview

Genocide Convention: A Cornerstone of International Law

  • Introduction to the Genocide Convention
    • The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide is a pivotal international legal instrument.
    • It was the first human rights treaty adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1948.
    • Signifying a commitment to 'never again' after World War II atrocities, it laid the foundation for international human rights and criminal law.
  • Key Features of the Genocide Convention
    • Genocide can occur in both war and peace, according to the Convention.
    • The Convention's definition of genocide is widely accepted globally, including in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
    • States are obligated to prevent and punish genocide, placing responsibility on rulers, officials, and private individuals.
  • International Recognition and India's Ratification
    • The obligations of the Convention are considered customary international law, binding on all states, ratified or not.
    • India has ratified the Genocide Convention, aligning with international efforts to prevent and punish genocide.

'South Africa vs Israel Case' at ICJ: Unpacking the Allegations and Standpoints

  • South Africa's Allegations
    • Accusations involve killings, home destruction, expulsion, and displacement of Palestinians by Israeli forces.
    • Allegations include a blockade on essential supplies, measures hindering Palestinian births, and violation of Genocide Convention rights.
  • Immediate Demands of South Africa
    • Urgent ICJ intervention is sought through "provisional measures" to prevent further Israeli actions violating the Genocide Convention.
    • Emphasis on protecting Palestinian rights from severe and irreparable harm.
  • Israel's Defense and International Community's Response
    • Israel defends itself, considering the allegations preposterous and framing actions as self-defense.
    • International support for South Africa includes countries like Malaysia, Turkey, and criticism from the US, while the EU remains silent.

Concerns in the 'South Africa vs Israel Case': Complex Dynamics

  • ICJ as a Singular Forum
    • Questions raised about the case's focus on Israel, excluding non-state actors like Hamas.
    • ICC's role in dealing with individuals and ongoing investigations noted.
  • Global Split and Historical Dynamics
    • Division among nations echoes historical power dynamics, complicating the understanding of international law.
    • Germany's stance raises questions about its broader position in the case.
  • Challenges to International Law's Legitimacy
    • Perceived challenges to the legitimacy of international law highlighted.
    • France's statements contribute to a sense of discord regarding the case.

Laws and Regulations in India for Genocide: An In-Depth Analysis

Legal Framework in India

  • International Conventions and India's Commitments
    • India's ratification of the UN Convention on Genocide.
    • Signatory status to the UDHR, ICCPR, and ICESCR.
  • Indian Penal Code (IPC) Provisions
    • IPC addresses genocide under Section 153B, focusing on acts promoting enmity between groups.
    • Constitutional provisions ensuring protection against discrimination and upholding the right to life.
  • Statutory Provisions and Human Rights Commission
    • Establishment of the NHRC in 1993 under the PHRA.
    • Legislative measures addressing human rights violations.

Preventing Genocides and War Crimes: A Global Responsibility

Action Plan for Genocide Prevention

  • Prevent Armed Conflict and Address Root Causes
    • Addressing root causes of violence, intolerance, and discrimination to reduce genocide risks.
    • Tackling inequalities in resource access as a critical prevention strategy.
  • Protect Civilians and End Impunity
    • Prioritizing civilian protection when prevention efforts fail.
    • Fighting impunity by ensuring accountability for perpetrators.
  • Special Advisers and Swift Actions
    • Appointment of Special Advisers for early risk detection.
    • Swift actions, including military force if necessary, as decided by the UNSC.

Conclusion: Significance of the ICJ Proceedings

  • ICJ Proceedings and Global Implications
    • Intense global debate surrounding South Africa's case against Israel.
    • The outcome holds significance for Gaza's crisis and tests the foundations of the "rules-based international order."
    • ICJ decisions to shape perceptions of the international legal framework in the coming months.

UPSC Previous Year Questions

Prelims (2020)

Q. Other than the Fundamental Rights, which of the following parts of the Constitution of India reflect/ reflects the principles and provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)? 

  1. Preamble
  2. Directive Principles of State Policy
  3. Fundamental Duties

Select the correct answer using the code given below:

(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only 
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: (d)

Mains (2021)

Q. Though the Human Rights Commissions have contributed immensely to the protection of human rights in India, yet they have failed to assert themselves against the mighty and powerful. Analysing their structural and practical limitations, suggest remedial measures. 

Source: TH

Keywords: GS-2 IR
Weekly Current Affairs Practice

Practice Questions - Current Affairs 27-01-2024

Q 1. Consider the following statements regarding Classical Language 

  1. Early texts or recorded history spanning 500-1000 years is one of the criteria to give classical language status to a language. 
  2. Establishment of a Centre of Excellence for studies in Classical Languages is one of the benefits a language enjoys post classical language recognition. 

Select the correct answer using code given below: 

  1. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  2. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I 
  3. Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect 
  4. Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct 

Q 2. Consider the following statements  

  1. The definition of “Critical Wildlife Habitat” is incorporated in the Forest Rights Act, 2006 
  2. For the first time in India, Baigas have been given Habitat Rights
  3. Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change officially decides and declares Habitat Rights for Primitive and Vulnerable Tribal Groups in any part of India 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 3Consider the following statements regarding Cervical Cancer 

  1. India bears the largest burden of global cervical cancer cases. 
  2. Cervical cancer is particularly dangerous because it cannot be cured completely. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 4. Consider the following statements regarding The CEC and Other ECs (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act 2023 

  1. The CEC and Other ECs (Appointment, Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act 2023 replaced the Election Commission (Conditions of Service of ECs and Transaction of Business) Act 1991 
  2. The Selection Committee includes the Prime Minister, CJI and the Leader of Opposition or the leader of the largest opposition party in the Lok Sabha 
  3. The salary of the CEC and ECs is now equivalent to that of Judges of the Supreme Court 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 5. With reference to Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati Abhuyday Yojana consider the following statements 

  1. Objective of this scheme is to reduce poverty in ST and SC communities through skill development, income-generating schemes, and other initiatives 
  2. Up to 30% of grants are utilised for infrastructure development 

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 6. Consider the following statements regarding Indian Army Day 

  1. Indian Army Day is observed annually on January 15. 
  2. It commemorates the victory of the Indian Army over the Pakistan Army 

Select the correct answer using code given below: 

  1. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  2. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I 
  3. Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect 
  4. Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q 7. Consider the following statements regarding pulse production in India 

  1. Black gram can be cultivated as both kharif and rabi crop. 
  2. Green-gram alone accounts for nearly half of pulse production. 
  3. In the last three decades, while the production of kharif pulses has increased, the production of rabi pulses has decreased 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 8. Consider the following statements regarding Punganur Cow 

  1. They stand tall at a height of 170-180 cm and weighs more than 200 kg 
  2. Their milk is rich in nutrients such as Omega fatty acids, calcium, potassium, and magnesium 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 9. Consider the following statements regarding vaccines manufactured to prevent COVID-19 pandemic 

  1. The Serum Institute of India produced COVID-19 vaccine named Covishield using mRNA platform 
  2. Sputnik V vaccine is manufactured using vector-based platform 
  3. COVAXIN is an inactivated pathogen-based vaccine 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 10. With reference to Mahanadi River Basin consider the following statements 

  1. Mahanadi River Basin is the 8th largest river basin in India, covering approximately 4.28% of the country's total geographical area. 
  2. Mahanadi river originates from the Sihawa range of hills in the Dhamtari district of Chhattisgarh 

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 11. Consider the following statements  

  1. Interim Budget focuses on short-term financial needs of the outgoing government. 
  2. Vote on Account is passed without formal discussion, addressing immediate financial needs. 

Select the correct answer using code given below: 

  1. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  2. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I 
  3. Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect 
  4. Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q 12. Consider the following statements regarding Harvest Festivals in India 

  1. Makar Sankranti denotes the sun's entry into the zodiac sign of Makara (Capricorn) and marks the onset of summers. 
  2. Magh Bihu/Bhogali Bihu marks the Assamese New Year.
  3. Rooster fights, locally known as "Kodi Pandalu” are considered a heritage game are encouraged by the SC as a collective heritage symbol of some communities. 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 13. Consider the following statements regarding Instrument Landing System (ILS) 

  1. Allows pilots to understand their aircraft's position relative to the airport runway, however this system cannot work efficiently in lower visibility conditions like fogs.  
  2. ILS is a standard International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) precision landing aid 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 14. Consider the following statements regarding Swachh Survekshan Awards 2023 

  1. It is conducted by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs since 2016 and is considered as the world's largest urban sanitation and cleanliness survey 
  2. Indore retains the cleanest city title for the 7th consecutive year. 
  3. Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Nagaland, and Tripura rank as the bottom five states in cleanliness. 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 15. With reference to Exercise Ayutthaya consider the following statements 

  1. Exercise Ayutthaya is a bilateral exercise of Indian Navy with Vietnamese Navy 
  2. Aligns with the Government of India's vision of SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region). 

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 16. Consider the following statements regarding Defection 

  1. The 99th Amendment Act in 2003 eliminated the exception provision related to defection in case of a split 
  2. Questions regarding disqualification due to defection are decided by the presiding officer of the respective legislative house. 

Select the correct answer using code given below: 

  1. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation for Statement-I
  2. Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct explanation for Statement-I 
  3. Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect 
  4. Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct

Q 17. Consider the following statements regarding objectives of ‘National Nutrition Mission’ 

  1. To create awareness relating to malnutrition among pregnant women and lactating mothers 
  2. To reduce the incidence of anaemia among young children, adolescent girls and women
  3. To promote the consumption of millets, coarse cereals and unpolished rice 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 18. Consider the following statements regarding Kolam Tribes 

  1. The Kolam tribes, alternatively known as Kolamboli, Kulme, and Kolmi, inhabit a significant part of Kerala 
  2. The Kolam tribal community uses the Devanagari script for written communication 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 

Q 19. Consider the following statements regarding Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana objectives 

  1. Bringing the small entrepreneurs into formal financial system 
  2. Providing loans to poor farmers for cultivating particular crops 
  3. Providing pensions to old and destitute persons 

How many of the statements given above are correct? 

  1. Only one
  2. Only two 
  3. All three 
  4. None

Q 20. With reference to Guru Gobind Singh consider the following statements 

  1. Guru Gobind Singh was the 10th and final human Guru of the Sikhs. 
  2. His notable contributions to Sikhism include the founding of the Sikh warrior community called Khalsa  

Which of the statements given above is/are not correct? 

  1. 1 only 
  2. 2 only 
  3. Both 1 and 2 
  4. Neither 1 nor 2  

Keywords: Weekly Current Affairs Practice
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27th Jan '24 Quiz
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UPSC Daily Current Affairs focuses on learning current events on a daily basis. An aspirant needs to study regular and updated information about current events, news, and relevant topics that are important for UPSC aspirants. It covers national and international affairs, government policies, socio-economic issues, science and technology advancements, and more.

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