Tuesday, 26th July 2022

Table of contents

1   News Snapshot


Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS)


New VPN Rules - Edukemy Current Affairs


Solid- state batteries - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   This Day in History


Kargil Vijay Diwas - Edukemy Current Affairs

3   Terms & Concepts


‘Ujjwala Effect’ - Edukemy Current Affairs


Hatti community - Edukemy Current Affairs


Amarnath Yatra & Amarnath Shrine


Surety Bonds: - Edukemy Current Affairs

4   Editorial of the day


India & Japan Reconsider Nuclear Policy: IE


Global Warning: Facing the heat: Economic Times

5   Case Study of the Day


Supriti Kachhap: From Tragedy to Triumph

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News Snapshot

Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS)

In News:

Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS) has been recently concluded at the World Trade Organization (WTO), Ministerial Meeting.

About the Agreement:

  • It is thefirst-of-its-kind, sustainability-driven trade agreement.
  • Global fisheries subsidieswere estimated at $35.4 billion in 2018, of which $22.2 billion were capacity-enhancing subsidies. 
  • TheWTO, in this backdrop, was tasked by the UN General Assembly to deliver an agreement to prohibit harmful fisheries subsidies
  • Features of this Agreement include:
    • AFS prohibits three kinds of subsidies: 
      • Illegal, unreported, or unregulated (IUU) fishing
      • Fishing of already over-exploited stocks
      • Fishing on unregulated high seas. 
    • Developing country memberswill enjoy a two-year exemption for subsidies granted within their exclusive economic zones (up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts). 
    • No member will be allowed to provide subsidies to fishing in the high seas, other than where regulated by afisheries management organisation. 
    • The agreement contains notification requirements and sets up a voluntary funding mechanism to assist developing countries.
    • There would be no limitation on subsidies granted or maintained by developing or least-developed countries for fishing within their exclusive economic zones (EEZ).  
  • Exempted Areas:
    • No prohibitionhas been imposed on a WTO Member regarding granting or maintaining subsidy to its vessel or operator as long as it is not carrying out IUU.
    • No prohibitionon providing subsidies has been imposed for fishing regarding overfished stocks as long as such subsidies are implemented to rebuild the stock to a biologically sustainable level.
  • Benefits:
    • The aim of AFS as echoed by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14.6 is to address harmful fisheriessubsidies provided by countries towards marine fishing and to save the world’s fish stocks from further depletion.
    • It would curb and eliminate ‘harmful’ subsidies on illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing to better protect global fish stocks. 
    • It will check large-scale IUU fishingwhich deprives coastal countries like India of fisheries resources, thereby significantly impacting the livelihoods of the fishing communities.
  • India’s Demand:
    • India has been steadfastly demandingthat developing countries be given a longer transition period of 25 years to put an end to OCOF subsidies within their EEZ.
      • India’s stand on this issue is rooted in its national interest. 
      • Given its long coastline of nearly 7,500 kilometres, the blue economy — sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth — occupies a cardinal place in India’s development trajectory. 
    • India has set a target of exporting marine products worth $14 billion by 2025.
      • India needs the policy space to invest in developing the marine infrastructure to harness the full potential of the blue economy. 
      • India needs toprotect the livelihood concerns of close to four million marine farmers, the majority of whom are engaged in small-scale, artisanal fishing, which does not pose a great threat to sustainability.
  • India’s demand for a longer transition period was not acceptable to many countries who insisted on this period being seven years


Keywords: GS Paper 3: Economy: Fisheries sector, World Trade Organization (WTO), Ministerial Meeting, Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (AFS)
News Snapshot

New VPN Rules - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (Cert-In) a wing of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, issued new directives, that require Virtual Private Network (VPN) providers to store user data for five years.

About the new Rules

  • Under the new directions, VPN providers will need to store the following data of the customers for 5 years:
    • validated customer names, their physical addresses, email ids, phone numbers
    • the reason they are using the service, along with the dates they use it and their “ownership pattern"
    • a record of the IP and email addresses that the customer uses to register the service, along with the timestamp of registration.
    • VPN providers will have to store all IP addresses issued to a customer and a list of IP addresses that its customers generally use.
  • The mandate applies to Virtual Private Server (VPS) providers, VPN service providers, cloud service providers, data centres, and is aimed at maintaining accurate information on customer registrations details.
  • The order will become effective after 60 days and failure to furnish the information or non-compliance with the directions, may invite punitive action, CERT-In said.

What kind of data do VPNs log?

  • Some VPNs log data required to enforce device caps, measure how much data they have used, and monitor network performance.
  • However, many services log browsing data, metadata about a person’s usage, websites they have visited, IP addresses involved, and more.

Rationale behind Government’s mandate

  • One of the main reasons that Cert-In provided for seeking these details is that it will help to effectively trace anti-social elements and cybercriminals indulging in various nefarious activities online.
  • It also said that these details are necessary to prevent incitement or commission of any cognisable offence using computer resources or for handling of any cyber incident which may lead to any disturbance in the sovereignty or integrity of India, defence of India, security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states or public order.
  • It is yet unclear whether the Centre will use this to take action against users accessing content that is blocked in India using VPNs, such as the game PUBG Mobile.

Objections to the move

  • Experts have pointed out that governments and their agencies can easily misuse such a rule.
    • Journalists, activists, and others who use such services to hide their internet footprint will have difficulty in operating independently.
  • They also pointed out that this may actually drive such users towards the dark and deep web, which are much tougher to police than VPN services.


Keywords: MeitY, Internet, Security, Dark Web, Rules, regulations, CERT-In, UPSC GS paper 2
News Snapshot

Solid- state batteries - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News

Solid state batteries can be the alternative to the current lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries with liquid electrolytes.

About the News

  • In recent times, a number of Electric vehicles powered by Li-ion batteries have erupted into flames.
  • Although the electric vehicles story is taking off rather nicely in India however, issues like fire in EVs especially scooters can be the dampener to this heartening data is in the form of safety concerns.

  • The government of India recently announced research in solid-state battery. This initiative of the Department of Science and Technology is one of three that constitute the ‘Integrated Clean Energy Material Acceleration Platform’.
    • The research aims to accelerate the development of solid-state battery technology using AI [artificial intelligence] and ML [machine learning], through automated processes

What is the Mechanism through which EVs catch fire?

  • Typically, in Li-ion batteries the liquid electrolytes are organic solvents, which are highly flammable. If current distribution is uneven, filament-like structures called dendrites can form, connecting the two electrodes and causing a short-circuit.
  • The dendrites connect the anode and cathode through the separator, providing a low-resistance path for electron transport, resulting in high self-discharge currents to ignite the flammable electrolyte and leading to explosions.

How Will Solid state batteries solve the problem?

  • Solid-state batteries have only solid components which have even distribution which are more stable and have an energy density of 350 watt-hour per kg, as opposed to 100-260 Whr/kg of the conventional lithium-ion batteries.
  • The absence of a liquid electrolyte in all-solid-state lithium batteries simplifies the packaging and reduces dead weight in the battery, resulting in improved energy density.

  • Solid-state electrolytes are typically less reactive than today’s liquid or gel-type electrolytes; they will last longer.
  • Solid-state batteries combine the performance of conventional lithium-ion/lithium polymer systems with higher safety for usage and flexibility in form-factor, to target versatile applications.

Way forward

  • The major challenges in solid-state batteries arise out of the basic differences in the electrochemical, mechanical and electrical properties of the solid electrolytes, compared with the conventional liquid electrolytes.
  • A big question is whether the existing infrastructure for lithium-ion battery production could be exploited for making solid-state batteries.

For reading the article on EVs catching fire, refer to:


Keywords: Solid State batteries, Electric vehicles, Li-ion batteries, Science and Technology, GS Paper 3
This Day in History

Kargil Vijay Diwas - Edukemy Current Affairs

On July 26, 1999, India successfully regained command over all the high outposts, during the Kargil War. To commemorate this day, India celebrates July 26 as Kargil Vijay Diwas. Named after the successful 'Operation Vijay', Kargil Vijay Diwas is the day when the country pays homage to the Kargil War heroes and celebrates victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War. 'Operation Vijay' was the name given to India's limited war against Pakistan after the neighbouring country occupied the high outposts in Jammu and Kashmir's Kargil in 1999.


Keywords: History, Kargil Vijay Diwas, GS Paper 1
Terms & Concepts

‘Ujjwala Effect’ - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: According to the first independent impact assessment of the Ujjwala programme, the scheme is noted to have prevented at least 1.5 lakh pollution-related premature deaths in 2019.

  • This attributes to the greater penetration and usage of LPG as a cooking fuelthat in addition to preventing deaths (13% reduction in deaths), has also helped in avoiding at least 1.8 million tonnes of PM2.5 emissions that year.
  • The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) was launched in 2016 with the objective of providing LPG connection to households that were using traditional fuels like wood, cow-dung cakes or coal for cooking purposes which release lot of pollutants and are damaging to the health of the people, particularly women engaged in kitchen.
  • The target was to provide 8 crore new LPG connections by 2020.
  • This target was achieved way back in 2019 and the current data shows that 8% of the 28 crore households in India now have access to LPG, up from 61.9% in 2015.


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Keywords: GS paper 2- Governance- Policies to improve the living of vulnerable sections, Air pollution, emissions of GHG, pollution related death, PMUY, rural household, Women Empowerment
Terms & Concepts

Hatti community - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context:The Central Government is considering granting Tribal status to the Haithi Community of the Tans-Giri region of Himachal Pradesh’s Sirmaur district.
  • The Hatti community is largely concentrated in theTrans-Giri area of the Sirmaur district of Himachal Pradesh. 

  • Members of the community have settled in and around Shimla as well as theSolan district over time. 
  • The community, which has over three lakh people, is named after their age-old professional practiceof selling their home grown crops at small markets called ‘Haat’ in nearby cities. 
  • Till date, the members of this community haven’t been mainstreamed and most are dependent onanimal rearing and agriculture.  
  • They still follow theKhumbli-the traditional council despite the establishment of the panchayat system. 
  • It is reported that the Hatti community of the Trans-Giri region of Himachal Pradesh share social as well ascultural similarities with the Jaunsar community of the Jaunsar-Bawar area of Uttarakhand.  
  • Incidentally, those who crossed over to the Jaunsar Bawar area, which is now in Uttarakhand enjoy tribal status since 1967. 
  • However, the Hatti community of the Himachal weren’t accorded this status and thus the demand. 


Image source:

Keywords: GS Paper 2: Polity and Governance: Scheduled Tribes (ST), Hatti community, Himachal Pradesh, ‘Haat’ markets, Khumbli, Jaunsar community
Terms & Concepts

Amarnath Yatra & Amarnath Shrine

  • Context: The government has decided to track all pilgrims to Amarnath, using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags.
  • Amarnath Shrine is located in the upper reaches of the Anantnag district, at a height of 3880m in the South Kashmir Himalayas.

  • The cave is located in Lidder Valley and is surrounded by glaciers and snowy mountains.
  • Inside the temple is a cave, where there is a Shiva Lingam, which is a Stalagmite, formed due to the freezing of water drops from the top of the cave.
  • Millions of devotees trek through the Himalayas to the Shrine, in form of the Amarnath Yatra to pay obeisance.
  • The 43-day holy pilgrimage generally commences in June and culminates, as per the tradition, on the day of Raksha Bandhan.
  • Further, the decision to track all Amarnath Yatris using RFID tags was taken amid heightened security threats to the pilgrimage.


Image source:

Keywords: GS1: Indian Culture, Salient aspects of Architecture: Amarnath Yatra & Amarnath Shrine
Terms & Concepts

Surety Bonds: - Edukemy Current Affairs

  • Context: The government in its 2022-23 budget, has allowed the use of surety insurance bondsas a substitute for bank guarantees in case of government procurement and also for gold imports.
  • Asurety bond is a legally binding contract entered into by three parties—the principal, the obligee, and the surety.

  • The obligee, usually a government entity, requires the principal, typically a business owner or contractor, to obtain a surety bond as a guarantee against future work performance.
  • Surety bonds are majorly aimed at infrastructure development, mainly to reduce indirect cost for suppliers and work-contractors thereby diversifying their options and acting as a substitute for bank guarantee.
  • This bond is provided by the insurance companyon behalf of the contractor to the entity which is awarding the project.
  • Surety bondsprotect the beneficiary against acts or events that impair the underlying obligations of the principal.
  • They guarantee the performance of a variety of obligations, from construction or service contracts to licensing and commercial undertakings.


Image source:

Keywords: GS Paper 3: Economy- Surety Bonds, Infrastructure development, sustainable infrastructure, insurance companies, bank guarantee substitute.
Editorial of the day

India & Japan Reconsider Nuclear Policy: IE

Essence: The article talks about India and Japan’s position w.r.t. nuclear capability. The author expresses that India will have to respond to the dramatic changes in the global environment triggered by the rise and assertion of China. Even the Ukraine crisis has revealed that if a nuclear weapon power invades and seizes the territory of a neighbour, the rest of the world is reluctant to directly confront the aggression for fear of an escalation to the nuclear level.

 In such a situation, India and Japan can form credible deterrence.

Why should you read this article?

  • To understand the current geo-political situation.
  • To understand the need for India and Japan to create a strong force against the rise in nuclear armaments.


Keywords: India- Japan, IR, GS Paper 2
Editorial of the day

Global Warning: Facing the heat: Economic Times

Essence: Global warming has raised global temperature by an average of 1.1° C. Human-induced climate change resulting from unabated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are driving - and exacerbating - these conditions. Changes in weather systems and geographical conditions make some regions more vulnerable. Combined with biodiversity loss, increased concretisation of settlements and higher cooling demands, an already precarious situation just keeps getting worse. Thus, there is need to take some action against such changes.

Why should you read this article?

  • To understand the worsening impact of climate change


Keywords: global warming, environment, Ecology, GS Paper 3
Case Study of the Day

Supriti Kachhap: From Tragedy to Triumph


Supriti Kachhap recently won gold in the Khelo India race at the age of 19, only breaking records.

About her journey

  • Supriti Kachhap was just an infant when her father Ramsewak Oraon, was killed by Naxals in Burhu village, in Gumla district of Jharkhand. Her mother Balmati Devi raised her with 4 siblings with the support of a government job at the Block Development Office.
  • Supriti was always good at running. It was during an inter-school competition that she was spotted by coach Prabhat Ranjan Tiwari, who took her under his wings at the Jharkhand Sports Training Centre in Gumla in 2015.

  • Running long distance came naturally to her and she could graduate from small distance to long distance running, like 3000m, within a very short interval of training.
  • She has won many medals in different competitions across the country with her dedication and hardwork.

Quote: A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. -Colin Powell


Keywords: UPSC, GS Paper 1, GS Paper 2, paper 4, Jharkhand, Race, Khelo India, Human Resource, Dedication, Case study
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