Thursday, 29th June 2023

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


Flash Floods - Edukemy Current Affairs


Global Financial Pact on Climate Change


Wild foods for dietary diversity


Rani Durgavati (1524 – 1564) - Edukemy Current Affairs


Tectonic Deformation - Edukemy Current Affairs


Odisha Gunvatta Sankalp - Edukemy Current Affairs


Greedflation - Edukemy Current Affairs


Taiwan Strait - Edukemy Current Affairs


EHAGL region - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


A future-ready Digital India - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Daily Current Affairs

Flash Floods - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: The Chandigarh-Manali highway was blocked on Monday (June 26) following flash floods and landslides since Sunday morning in parts of Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.


  • According to the US meteorological agency, flash floods are caused when rainfall creates flooding in less than 6 hours. It adds that flash floods can also be caused by factors apart from rainfall, like when water goes beyond the levels of a dam.
  • Excessive or continuous rainfall over a period of days, or during particular seasons, can lead to stagnation of water and cause flooding. Flash floods refer to such a situation, but occur in a much shorter span of time, and are highly localized.
  • In India, flash floods are often associated with cloudbursts – sudden, intense rainfall in a short period of time. Himalayan states further face the challenge of overflowing glacial lakes, formed due to the melting of glaciers, and their numbers have been increasing in the last few years.
  • Flash floods are accompanied by landslides, which are sudden movements of rock, boulders, earth, or debris down a slope.
  • Natural causes that trigger landslides include heavy rainfall, earthquakes, snow-melting, and undercutting of slopes due to flooding.
  • Flash flooding commonly happens more where rivers are narrow and steep, so they flow more quickly. They can occur in urban areas located near small rivers since hard surfaces such as roads and concrete do not allow the water to absorb into the ground.

Causes of flash floods in India:

  • Monsoon Rains: India experiences a monsoon season, typically from June to September, during which heavy rainfall occurs. Intense and prolonged monsoon rains can result in flash floods, especially in areas with poor drainage systems or located near rivers, streams, or hilly terrain.
  • Cyclones and Tropical Storms: Cyclones and tropical storms in the coastal regions of India can bring torrential rains, leading to flash floods. These weather systems are prevalent in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, affecting coastal states like Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Gujarat.
  • Dam Failures: Failure or breach of dams or reservoirs can result in sudden releases of large volumes of water downstream, causing flash floods. Poor maintenance, inadequate infrastructure, or extreme weather events can contribute to dam failures.
  • Deforestation and Soil Erosion: Excessive deforestation and soil erosion reduce the ability of the land to absorb and retain water. When heavy rainfall occurs, the runoff is intensified, leading to flash floods. Areas with rampant deforestation and improper land management practices are more susceptible to flash floods.
  • Urbanization and Encroachment: Rapid urbanization, particularly in low-lying areas or floodplains, often leads to the construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure without adequate consideration for proper drainage systems. This hampers natural water flow and increases the risk of flash floods during heavy rains.
  • River Blockages and Embankment Failure: Blockages in rivers due to landslides, debris, or human-made structures can impede the flow of water, leading to increased water levels upstream and potential flash floods downstream. Failure or breaches in river embankments can also cause sudden flooding in nearby areas.
  • Climate Change: Climate change can alter rainfall patterns, intensify extreme weather events, and contribute to the frequency and severity of flash floods. Rising global temperatures can lead to increased evaporation, atmospheric moisture, and the potential for heavier rainfall during monsoons.

According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority, India is one of the most flood-affected countries globally, accounting for a significant portion of global flood-related deaths after Bangladesh.

Cities like Chennai and Mumbai have witnessed flash floods in the past. Coastal regions, including Orissa, West Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh, among others, are susceptible to flash floods caused by depression and cyclonic storms.

The National Disaster Management Authority reports that around 75% of India's total rainfall occurs during the monsoon season, leading to heavy river discharge and increased flood risk. The National Flood Commission estimates that about 40 million hectares of land in India are prone to floods, with approximately 18.6 million hectares affected annually.

Keywords: GS-1 Geography
Daily Current Affairs

Global Financial Pact on Climate Change

In News: A summit on ‘Global Financial Pact on Climate Change’ was held in Paris, where vulnerable countries reiterated their requirement of grants, technology transfers and financial support.

About Global Financial Pact on Climate Change:

  • The Global Financial Pact on Climate Change was aimed at boosting crisis financing for low-income states and easing their debt burdens, reforming post-war financial systems and freeing up funds to tackle climate change.
  • There is a need of additional $4 trillion every year to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals, COP21 and Biodiversity COP15 objectives. However only $204 billion official development assistance was collected in 2022-23.
  • Only 25% of global climate investment goes to South Asia, Latin America, and Africa, which house some of the most vulnerable regions.

Key highlights of the Summit:

  • The New global financing pact consisted of three components, i.e.
    • Pact for global flows of finance that covers two levels of social contracts domestic and international levels.
    • Platform to de-risk finance and attract private investment in sustainable infrastructure.
    • Political pathway that creates time-bound deliverables on climate finance from one summit to another is required.
  • The demands of Global South governments revolve around financial system reforms and include increased concessional and grant financing, debt reduction, and debt cancellation for least-developed countries.
  • The failure to collect 100 billion $ funds by 2020 represented failure of the global climate financing system and aggravated the atmosphere of mistrust in climate negotiations
  • The World Bank said it will pause repayments for countries struggling with climate disasters.
  • Calls were made for polluter taxes, including a tax on shipping emissions, and financial transactions.
  • The EU called for increased coverage of global emissions with carbon pricing mechanisms and allocation of a proportion of revenues to climate finance.
  • However despite these measures, there is a need for structural discussions to address the inequities that prevent countries in the Global South from affording the costs of adaptation and mitigation.



Keywords: GS-3 Environment Conservation and Climate Finance
Daily Current Affairs

Wild foods for dietary diversity

In News: A recent report published in journal Nature, titled “Wild foods contribute to women’s higher dietary diversity in India” highlights the role of food items collected from forests and common lands in women’s diets in rural India.

About the Report:

  • The report was a result of collaboration between researchers from Indian School of Business, Universities of USA, Germany, UK and Denmark.
  • The results put a spotlight on the need to have public policies that promote knowledge of wild foods and protect people’s rights to access forests and common lands as an instrument to improve nutrition.
  • The monthly data on diet was collected from 570 households across two tribal dominated and forested districts in Jharkhand and West Bengal.

Key Highlights of the report:

  • The report revealed that women who consumed wild foods had higher average dietary diversity scores (13% and 9% higher in June and July, respectively) than those who did not collect wild foods.
  • The research reports that 40% of the women in the study group never met the minimum dietary diversity over the one-year period, highlighting the dire need to address poor diets.
  • The findings suggest that consumption of wild foods is important to vulnerable women in tribal areas, particularly during June & July when other crops are still in the growing stages.
  • Wild foods act as a source of nutrition security for forest-dwelling communities and poor people.
  • These wild foods and knowledge associated with their distribution, seasonality, and abundance needs to be included in analysis of food systems and interventions to improve nutrition.
  • Wild foods can act as an active hedge against rainfall dependent crops and can stabilize food consumption for the poorest households.



Keywords: GS-3 Food Security
Daily Current Affairs

Rani Durgavati (1524 – 1564) - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, the Madhya Pradesh government launched a six-day rally called the Rani Durgavati Gaurav Yatra to commemorate the life and legacy of the 16th-century queen, Rani Durgavati, who fought against the Mughals.


  • Rani Durgavati was the ruling Queen of Gondwana from 1550 until 1564.
  • She is chiefly remembered for defending her kingdom against the Mughal Empire.
  • Rani Durgavati, born in Mahoba's Chandela dynasty (present-day Uttar Pradesh, near the border with Madhya Pradesh), was a symbol of India's self-determination.
    • Chandel dynasty known for its brave king Vidyadhar and architectural marvels like Khajuraho.
  • She married Dalpat Shah, the son of Gond King Sangram Shah, and ruled the kingdom of Garha-Katanga after the death of her husband.
    • The Kingdom of Garha-Katanga included the regions of Narmada Valley and parts of Northern Madhya Pradesh.
  • She strengthened the alliance between the Chandel and Gond dynasties.
  • Rani Durgavati displayed strong leadership while fighting against Akbar's commander Asaf Khan and the neighboring Malwa Sultan Baz Bahadur.
    • She defeated Baz Bahadur, who took control of the Malwa province in 1556.
  • She defended her realm from the Mughal army and set up camp in Narrai valley. She refused to leave the battlefield and killed herself with a dagger.
  • She described as a combination of beauty, grace, courage, and bravery by Abul Fazl, the court historian of Akbar.

Keywords: General Studies – 1 History, IMPORTANT PERSONALITIES
Daily Current Affairs

Tectonic Deformation - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, A study has found signs of active tectonic deformations in the Piedmont alluvial plains of northern Haryana.


  • The piedmont zone of the present study area lies in seismic zone IV in the zonation map of India.

Tectonic Deformation

  • Tectonic deformation refers to the changes in the Earth’s crust caused by the movement and interaction of tectonic plates.
  • It includes processes such as folding, faulting, and uplift, which shape the Earth’s surface and give rise to features like mountains, valleys, and earthquakes.

Key findings:

  • The study investigated the piedmont zone between the Ghaggar and Yamuna River basins in the frontal parts of the northwest Himalayas of Haryana and found clear evidence of ongoing tectonic activity.
  • This active deformation has the potential to turn the Piedmont zone into a future seismic hazard area.
  • It focused on the piedmont alluvial plains and covered parts of Panchkula, Ambala and Yamunanagar districts in Haryana and Mohali district in Punjab.
  • Research also suggests that the active tectonics and geodynamic framework of the area may have played a role in the extinction of the Vedic Saraswati River that once flowed through the region.

Keywords: General Studies –1 Geography
Daily Current Affairs

Odisha Gunvatta Sankalp - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, The Government of Odisha & the Quality Council of India, in collaboration with industry associations – ASSOCHAM, FICCI, EEPC, OASME, PHDCCI, CIPET, FHRAI - launched the Odisha Gunvatta Sankalp (Odisha Quality Mission) at Bhubaneswar.


  • The initiative aims to promote and prioritize quality across various sectors in Odisha, creating an ecosystem of quality for a progressive and empowered Odisha.
  • This includes areas such as public service delivery, heritage tourism, healthcare, education, skilling, and infrastructure development.

Quality Council of India:

  • QCI is a non-profit organization registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860.
  • Nodal Ministry is the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • QCI established in 1997, is responsible for national accreditation, improving quality across sectors, and advising the government on quality-related matters.

Keywords: General Studies –2 Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

Greedflation - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Greedflation is in the news due to increasing inflation in India and around the world.


  • Greedflation is a term that describes a situation where inflation is driven by excessive greed and speculation rather than by supply and demand factors.
  • It occurs when investors, consumers and businesses expect prices to rise continuously and act accordingly, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  • Instead of the traditional wage-price spiral, it is the profit-price spiral that drives inflation.
  • In developed countries like Europe and the US, there is a growing consensus that greedflation is a significant factor contributing to inflation.
  • Impact of Greedflation:
    • It leads to higher inflationary pressures, financial strain on individuals, income inequality, social unrest and reduced purchasing power.
    • It undermines trust in businesses, distorts market dynamics, and hampers economic stability and growth.

Keywords: General Studies –3 Economy
Daily Current Affairs

Taiwan Strait - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? The Taiwan Strait holds significant importance for India, and India is well-positioned to lead a collaborative effort among Indo-Pacific states to ensure peace in this crucial sea route.


  • Taiwan Strait is also referred to as the Formosa Strait, the Taiwan Strait is a 180-kilometer-wide strait separating the island of Taiwan and continental Asia.
  • It runs between the coast of the Fujian (Fukien) Province and the island of Taiwan.
  • The strait is part of the South China Sea and connects to the East China Sea to the north. The narrowest part is 130 km wide.
  • The entire strait is on Asia's continental shelf.

Keywords: General Studies –1 Geography
Daily Current Affairs

EHAGL region - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? There were approximately 11.71 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in East and Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes (EHAGL) region according to a situation report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) at the UN Refugee Agency.


  • The displacement is primarily caused by climate shocks such as floods and droughts, as well as conflicts and violence.
  • Countries like Burundi, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan have the highest numbers of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Horn of Africa

  • It is a region in eastern Africa.
  • Countries included - Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
  • Coastlines included - Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean.
  • Rivers flowing in the region – Blue Nile, White Nile, Dawa river.
  • Lakes present in the region –Lake Tana, Lake Turkana.

Great Lakes Region

  • The African Great Lakes are a series of lakes constituting the part of the Rift Valley lakes in and around the East African Rift.
  • Lists of the African Great Lakes (in order of size from largest to smallest)- Lake Victoria, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Malawi, Lake Turkana, Lake Albert, Lake Kivu, and Lake Edward.
    • Lake Victoria is a 2nd largest freshwater lake in the world in terms of surface area.
    • Lake Tanganyika is a world's second largest in volume as well as the second deepest.
  • The four countries that make up the Great Lakes region are: the Democratic Republic of the Congo (D.R.C.), Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda.

Keywords: General Studies –1 Geography
Daily Editorial Analysis

A future-ready Digital India - Edukemy Current Affairs

Exam View: Digital India Bill; Intermediaries in current regime; Issues for intermediaries; Focus areas for India; Around the world.

Context: The Ministry of Electronics and IT has been organising consultations on the proposed “Digital India Bill” to build conceptual alignment on a new law that will replace India’s 23-year-old Information Technology (IT) Act.

Decoding the editorial: Digital India Bill

Intermediaries in current regime

  • The current IT Act defines an “intermediary” to include any entity between a user and the Internet, and the IT Rules sub-classify intermediaries into three main categories:
    • Social Media Intermediaries (SMIs),
    • Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) and
    • Online Gaming Intermediaries.
  • SMIs are platforms that facilitate communication and sharing of information between users, and SMIs that have a very large user base (above a specified threshold) are designated as SSMIs.

Issues for intermediaries

  • Broad definition:
    • The definition of SMIs is so broad that it can encompass a variety of services such as video communications, matrimonial websites, email and even online comment sections on websites.
  • Stringent obligations:
    • The rules lay down obligations such as a 72-hour timeline for responding to law enforcement and resolving ‘content take down’ requests.
    • Unfortunately, ISPs, websites, e-commerce platforms, and cloud services are all treated similarly.
  • Un-ease of doing business:
    • Platforms such as Microsoft Teams or customer management solutions such as Zoho have a closed user base and present a lower risk of harm from information going viral.
    • Treating these intermediaries like conventional social media platforms not only adds to their cost of doing business but also exposes them to greater liability without meaningfully reducing risks presented by the Internet.

Focus areas for India

  • Few defined categories:
    • As technology evolves, the specific categories defined today may not work in the future.
    • Therefore, the classification framework should have a few defined categories that require intermediaries to undertake risk assessments and use that information to bucket them into relevant categories.
  • Minimise obligations on certain intermediaries:
    • The goal should also be to ensure that regulatory tasks are proportionate to ability and size. Government can go ahead with:
      • Exempting micro and small enterprises, and caching and conduit services from any major obligations, and
      • Clearly distinguishing communication services from other forms of intermediaries such as search engines and online-marketplaces.
    • Given the lower risks, the obligations placed on intermediaries that are not communication services should be lesser, but they could still be required to appoint a grievance officer, cooperate with law enforcement, identify advertising, and take down problematic content within reasonable timelines.
  • Risk assessments by certain intermediaries:
    • Intermediaries that offer communication services could be asked to undertake risk assessments based on
      • the number of their active users,
      • risk of harm and
      • potential for virality of harmful content.
    • The largest communication services (platforms such as Twitter) could then be required to adhere to special obligations such as
      • Appointing India-based officers and
      • Setting up in-house grievance appellate mechanisms with independent external stakeholders to increase confidence in the grievance process.
      • Alternative approaches to curbing virality, such as circuit breakers to slow down content, could also be considered.
    • Metrics for risk assessment and appropriate thresholds would have to be defined and reviewed on a periodic basis in consultation with industry.

Around the world

  • The European Union’s Digital Services Act is one of the most developed frameworks for us to consider.
    • It introduces some exemptions and creates three tiers of intermediaries, which are hosting services, online platforms and “very large online platforms”, with increasing legal obligations.
  • Australia has created an eight-fold classification system, with separate industry-drafted codes governing categories such as social media platforms and search engines.
    • Intermediaries are required to conduct risk assessments, based on the potential for exposure to harmful content such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or terrorism.




Keywords: GS Paper-2: Government Policies & Interventions. GS Paper-3: Cyber Security; IT & Computers.
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29th Jun '23 Quiz
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