Tuesday, 30th May 2023

Table of contents

1   Editorial of the day


Menstrual Health - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Current Affairs


IRDAI Vision 2047 - Edukemy Current Affairs


National Rare Diseases Committee


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Plus


‘Route of Development’ - Development Road Project of Iraq


Dengue Infection Geography - Edukemy Current Affairs


Global Annual to Decadal Climate - WMO Update


Second Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity


Somalia Implements Universal Suffrage


Allama muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)


Gongadi shawls - Edukemy Current Affairs


International Organization for Standardization - ISO


REWARD Program - Edukemy Current Affairs


The Foucault pendulum - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Editorial of the day

Menstrual Health - Edukemy Current Affairs

Exam View: Menstrual Hygiene in India; ‘Period Poverty’ in urban areas; Barriers to menstrual hygiene in urban dwellings; Way forward.

Context: May 28th has been marked as Menstrual Hygiene Day. Menstrual health is vital to personal health, public health, and human rights. Despite many initiatives by governments and NGOs, prominent gaps remain unaddressed in urban spaces.


  • India has been a front runner for action on menstrual hygiene. Governments, NGOs and the private sector have all played an important role in spreading awareness and providing menstrual products.
  • But the focus has often been on India’s rural population, and for good reasons.
  • However, India’s large, rapidly growing urban population also calls out for attention.

Decoding the editorial: ‘Period Poverty’ in urban areas

The popular belief is that rural areas are hubs for ‘period poverty’, while urban areas are progressive, with access to modern period products. However, the lived experiences of many urban dwellers show otherwise.

Barriers to menstrual hygiene in urban dwellings:

  • Lack of awareness
    • The understanding of periods is still limited, especially among low-income groups.
    • There are unaddressed gaps in urban spaces like reaching people living in unregistered slums, pavements, refugee camps and other vulnerable conditions in urban areas.
    • Worksites, both formal and informal, need to cater to the menstrual needs of women who work.
  • Discrimination
    • Periods are normal, but continue to be shrouded by shame and stigma.
    • Consequently, people face barriers in getting accurate information about periods and related products, using toilets, and seeking help when needed.
    • Period products may be more easily available in local kirana shops, chemists and online channels, but continue to be wrapped in paper or black plastic bags due to the associated shame.
  • Lack of toilet and water facilities
    • While many urban homes have toilets, residents of low-income slums, pavement dwellers, and some educational institutions and workplaces still do not have toilets, or have toilets that are not easily accessible, safe or clean and convenient.
    • The community toilets close by 11 p.m. and are often unclean. During summer, the water supply is limited, and bathing daily may not be possible.
  • Limited access to products
    • Several women still do not have access to sanitary napkins and use waste cloth during periods.
  • Lack of personal hygiene
    • Use of waste clothes during periods due to lack of access to pads, or wearing sanitary pads for 10-12 hours at a stretch due to lack of access to toilets, deteriorate personal hygiene.
  • Difficulties in disposing pads
    • Routine garbage collection exists in many urban residential areas, but not in low-income areas.
    • Where waste collection mechanisms exist, users don’t always segregate pads. Sanitation workers are then forced to sort through waste with their bare hands. This task undermines their health and dignity.

Way forward:

  • Awareness about periods is a key pillar of action: It must be continued, along with efforts to address harmful social and gender norms.
  • Menstrual products, both reusable and disposable, must be more available: It can be made available through retail outlets, social enterprises, government schemes and NGOs.
    • People should have the right to choose the products that they want to use.
  • Citizen movements: ‘Green the Red’ movement supports urban populations to use menstrual cups and cloth pads, providing that much-needed exposure to reusable products.
  • Female-friendly community and public toilets: ‘She Toilets’ in Telangana and Tamil Nadu and ‘Pink Toilets’ in Delhi provide safe, private, clean facilities with essential amenities needed to manage periods.
  • Promising practices to dispose sanitary pads: It includes the provision of dustbins and incinerators in female toilets, which promote waste segregation at source through initiatives like the ‘Red Dot Campaign’ and innovations like ‘PadCare Labs’.




Keywords: GS Paper-1: Issues related to women, Social Empowerment.
Daily Current Affairs

IRDAI Vision 2047 - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: IRDA is devising an affordable product covering health, life, property, accident risks to give citizens protection, expedite claim settlements by linking death registries onto one industry platform.


  • The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has undertaken the initiative of "Vision Insurance for all" by 2047, which involves the allocation of states and union territories to insurers in order to enhance insurance penetration across India.
  • IRDAI is planning the launch of Bima Trinity - a collaborative effort with general and life insurance companies. This initiative aims to streamline insurance activities and make them more convenient for individuals.

The Bima Trinity comprises three components:

  • Bima Sugam
  • Bima Vistar
  • Bima Vaahaks.

Aims and Objective of IRDAI Vision 2047:

Insurance for All by 2047 aims that every citizen has an appropriate life, health and property insurance cover and every enterprise is supported by appropriate insurance solutions. It also aims to make the Indian insurance sector globally attractive.

Pillars of the new Vision

Focus Areas of the Policy:


  • The initiative can provide households across the nation with affordable insurance policies that encompass health, life, property, and accident coverage.
  • These policies would not only ensure accessibility but also offer expedited claim settlements, occasionally within hours, along with supplementary perks such as gym or yoga memberships.

Bima Trinity

  • Bima Sugam: It is a unified platform that combines insurers and distributors.It simplifies policy purchases, service requests, and claims settlement for customers in one convenient portal.
  • Bima Vistar: It is a comprehensive bundled policy that covers life, health, property, and accidents. It providesdefined benefits for each risk category, ensuring quick claim payouts without surveyors.
  • Bima Vaahaks: It is a women-centric workforce operatingat the Gram Sabha level. They will educate and convince women about the benefits of comprehensive insurance, particularly Bima Vistar. By addressing concerns and emphasizing advantages, Bima Vaahaks empower women and enhance their financial security.




Keywords: GS -3 Indian Economy
Daily Current Affairs

National Rare Diseases Committee

In News: Delhi High Court establishes panel to ensure effective implementation of Centre's policy on Patients of Rare Diseases

About National Rare Diseases Committee:

  • It is a five-member panel established by the Delhi High Court to implement the Centre's rare diseases policy in an efficient manner and ensure that its benefits reach the patients.
  • The committee will specifically focus on the cases of patients enrolled with the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi.
  • Its goal is to explore and facilitate the procurement of therapies and drugs required for rare disease treatment.
  • The committee will work towards creating a logistical framework to administer treatment effectively and efficiently.
  • It is tasked to address the lack of central coordination among Centres for Excellence, which has led to delays in therapy availability.
  • It will also collaborate closely with the medical community, therapy providers, and governmental agencies to coordinate efforts.
  • Overall, the committee will operate under the guidance and supervision of the Delhi High Court to facilitate the implementation of the rare diseases policy.

Rare Diseases:

  • These are medical conditions that have a low prevalence in the population.
  • They are often chronic, debilitating, and life-threatening conditions that require specialized medical care.
  • Some common examples include: Huntington's disease, Cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Gaucher disease, Wilson disease etc.




Keywords: GS-2: Important Judgements
Daily Current Affairs

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Plus

In News: US House panel suggests NATO Plus status for India

About NATO Plus:

  • NATO Plus is a security arrangement that extends beyond the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and includes additional aligned nations.
  • The addition of India has been recommended by a US Congressional Committee to enhance NATO Plus which aims to boost global defense cooperation and strengthen collective security.
  • The current members of NATO Plus are Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea.
  • India’s inclusion in NATO Plus would facilitate seamless intelligence sharing and cooperation among member countries.
  • It would also provide India with access to the latest military technology and strengthen its defense capabilities.
  • The proposal to include India in NATO Plus is driven by the goal of countering the strategic competition with the Chinese Communist Party.
  • The recommendation emphasizes the need to strengthen ties with allies and security partners, including India, to ensure the security of Taiwan and deter CCP aggression in the Indo-Pacific region.
  • The decision regarding India's inclusion in NATO Plus would require the support and cooperation of existing member nations and the approval of relevant legislative bodies.
  • Overall, the inclusion of India in NATO Plus would further strengthen the US-India partnership and contribute to global security efforts.

Non-NATO ally

  • It is a designation is given by the United States to certain countries having strategic partnership and close cooperation with the U.S.
  • It carters to areas including defense and security matters, despite not being members of NATO.
  • The major "non-NATO Ally" countries include: Australia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Argentina, Pakistan, Thailand among others.

Keywords: GS-2: IR
Daily Current Affairs

‘Route of Development’ - Development Road Project of Iraq

In News: Iraq proposes $17 billion Transport Project linking Europe and the Middle East

About “Route of Development” Project:

  • It is a significant road project in Iraq aimed at transforming the country into a regional transportation hub.
  • The project spans 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) from the northern border with Turkey to the Gulf in the south.
  • It is a key part of Iraq's plan to enhance its road and rail infrastructure and will be developed at an estimated cost of the project is $17 billion.
  • Its main objective is to improve Iraq's connectivity with neighbouring countries and become a vital transportation link between Europe and the Middle East.
  • The project will include the construction of around 15 train stations along the route, including major cities such as Basra, Baghdad, and Mosul.
  • The project will also include expansion of the commercial port of “Al-Faw” to accommodate increased cargo flow.
  • Overall, the project aligns with Iraq's vision to diversify its economy, reduce dependence on oil and enhance infrastructure and promoting regional connectivity.




Keywords: GS-2: IR
Daily Current Affairs

Dengue Infection Geography - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: Ahead of the monsoon, ICMR confirmed that the infection geography of dengue, which was restricted to eight States in 2001, currently covers all the States and Union Territories in India.

About the spread of Dengue Virus:

  • Vector: The dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes, mainly of the species Aedes aegypti and to a lesser extent, Aedes albopictus. These mosquitoes are also vectors of the chikungunya, yellow fever and Zika viruses.
  • At Risk: According to ICMR the risk due to dengue is now endemic in more than 100 countries and the World Health Organization estimates that the global incidence of dengue has grown over recent decades, with half of the world population now at risk.
  • Factors propelling the spread of Dengue:
    • Shortage of entomologists in the country,
    • Climate change and increased global warming
    • Increased urbanisation where environments are temperature controlled.
    • Increased travel and regional connectivity
  • Challenges in the control of Aedes borne disease:
    • Day biting habit and multiple biting
    • Long incubation period and fast transport
    • Eggs retained up to one year and container breeding,
    • Human environment and intermittent water supply
    • Poor waste management at construction sites add to the problem
  • Way Forward: Besides the work on vaccines, effort needs to be directed towards increasing awareness and promoting prevention, people’s participation, and the use of the latest technology, including satellite imaging and drones to map vulnerable areas.



Keywords: GS-2 Health
Daily Current Affairs

Global Annual to Decadal Climate - WMO Update

In News: World Meteorological Organization (WMO) released two reports “Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update 2023-2027” and “State of Global Climate 2022” which highlighted that the mean global temperature by 2027 will be 1.1º -1.8º C higher than baseline temperature of pre-industrial levels.

About the Climate Change and 1.5 degree Celsius target:

  • The 5 degree Celsius target is the global climate target that aims to limit warming to said level by 2100, in order to prevent the planet from slipping into further climate crises.
  • Polar Amplification is the greater than average warming experienced in the Arctic regions indicating that the warming trend is not uniform across the planet.

Impacts of global rise in temperature:

  • Shrinking of Cryosphere and mass loss of glaciers in High-mountain and Polar Regions like the Greenland ice sheet, contributing to the increase in sea level.
  • Climate risks and hazards impact human population and the ecosystem depending on exposure, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity leading to hunger, poverty and displacement.
  • Food Security is compromised as climate change negatively affects crop yield with increased risks posed by agricultural pests and diseases in the past few years.
  • Phenological shifts and mismatches have been recorded in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems due to climate change. The population of migratory species has declined in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Warming above 1.5º Celsius can prove lethal for coral reefs which are already prone to bleaching.
  • Extreme weather anomalies have caused the deaths of 2 million people & incurred $4.3 trillion in economic damages over the past fifty years.

India’s performance in controlling Climate Change:

  • According to the Climate Change Performance Index 2023, India ranked eighth with a high-performance after Denmark, Sweden, Chile, and Morocco.
  • Measures like the Green Hydrogen Mission and introduction of green bonds is helping India to reduce its GHG footprints.
  • Internationally, through International Solar Alliance and Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, India is coming out as a responsible climate player.



Keywords: GS-3 Environmental Pollution and Climate Change
Daily Current Affairs

Second Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

In News: Members of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), have struck a deal on supply chain resilience and diversification through information-sharing and coordinated crisis response.

About the IPEF:

  • IPEF is a US led framework for participating countries to solidify their relationships and engage in crucial economic and trade matters that concern the region.
  • 14 IPEF Member countries: The United States, India, Australia, Brunei, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

About the Second Ministerial Meeting of IPEF:

  • Outlining the objectives of the agreement, a framework to build collective understanding of significant supply chain risks, supported by each partner’s identification and monitoring of its own critical sectors and key goods was to be developed.
  • The pact also looked at improving crisis coordination and response to supply chain disruptions through collaborations in supporting the timely delivery of affected goods.
  • In order to meet these objectives, the grouping agreed to set up three institutions

    • IPEF supply chain council, which will provide a mechanism for members to work together to develop sector-specific action plans for critical sectors and key goods to enhance resilience.
    • IPEF supply chain crisis response network will serve as an emergency communication channel for members to seek support during disruptions and facilitate information-sharing.
    • IPEF labour rights advisory board which is an advisory body, will be a multi-stakeholder body supporting promotion of labour rights in supply chains, sustainable trade and investment in labour-friendly businesses.
  • In terms of the fair economy pillar, IPEF welcomed progress on “effectively implementing and accelerating progress on anti-corruption measures and tax initiatives.
  • Under the clean economy pillar, members agreed to set up a regional hydrogen initiative to encourage deployment of low-carbon and renewable hydrogen.
  • IPEF members other than India under trade pillar, affirmed their commitment to “craft high-standard, inclusive, free, fair, and open trade commitments that build upon the rules-based multilateral trading system.



Keywords: GS-2 Bilateral, Regional and Global Groupings and agreements involving India
Daily Current Affairs

Somalia Implements Universal Suffrage

Why in news? Somalia to introduce direct universal suffrage in 2024.


  • Somalia is an easternmost country of Africa located in the Horn of Africa.
  • Political Boundaries:
    • Somalia is bounded by the Gulf of Aden to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east, Kenya and Ethiopia to the west, and by Djibouti to the northwest.
  • Geographical Features:
    • The Somali peninsula consists mainly of a tableland of young limestone and sandstone formations.
    • Major Rivers: The Juba and Shabelle rivers
    • Highest Point: Surud Cad.
  • Capital: Mogadishu

More Information

  • The reform aims to "encourage the multiparty political system" that is independent and "corruption free".



Keywords: General Studies –1 Geography
Daily Current Affairs

Allama muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)

Why in news? Recently, Delhi University's Academic Council has passed a motion to remove a chapter on Pakistan's national poet Muhammad Iqbal from the political science syllabus.


  • Mohammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot, Punjab (now in Pakistan).
  • He was commonly referred to as Allama (title given to Islamic scholars).
  • He took education in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu.
  • He taught philosophy, practised law, got involved in politics, and also attended the second Round Table Conference.
  • He was knighted by King George V who gave him the title of “Sir” in 1922.
  • He is considered the brain behind the idea of Pakistan.
  • His tomb is located in Hazuri Bagh in Lahore.
  • Prominent works:
    • He wrote the Urdu ghazal ‘Sare Jahan se Achccha Hindostan Hamara’.
    • His first book, Asrár-I Khudí (The Secrets of the Self), was published in 1915.
    • It was followed by Ramuz-e-Bekhudi (The Mysteries of Selflessness) in 1918.



Keywords: General Studies –1 Modern History, Personalities
Daily Current Affairs

Gongadi shawls - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Telangana's woollen gongadi shawls are refashioned into all-weather shoes for farmers by alumni of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.


  • Gongadi is the traditional woolen blanket woven by the indigenous Kuruma and Kuruba pastoralist communities.
  • Wool of the indigenous Deccani sheep (known locally as Nalla gorrae) is used.
  • The coarse woolen blanket is famous for its durability and versatility, and it does not fade but grows darker in time.
  • The word "Gongadi" is derived from the Telugu language, where "Gondu" means "tribal" and "adi" means "cloth."
  • It is produced organically, without using any dyes either natural or synthetic.



Keywords: General Studies –1 Art & Culture
Daily Current Affairs

International Organization for Standardization - ISO

Why in news? Recently, India hosted the 44th edition of the annual ISO COPOLCO (ISO's committee on consumer policy) Plenary in New Delhi.


This event is organised by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).


  • The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was founded in 1947 and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies.
  • India was one of the founding members of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
    • Bureau of Indian Standards is a member of the ISO.
  • It develops standards for the world impacting a diverse range of business and social sectors.
  • Through COPOLCO, ISO involves the wider public in the process of standardization.
    • ISO COPOLCO responsible for advocating consumer interests in the standardization process and ensuring that standards are developed with consumers‘ needs in mind.



Keywords: General Studies – 2 Government Policies & Interventions
Daily Current Affairs

REWARD Program - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, The Secretary of the Department of Land Resources (DoLR) reviewed the Implementation of the World Bank Assisted Rejuvenating Watersheds for Agricultural Resilience through Innovative Development (REWARD) program.


  • The REWARD program is a joint initiative of the Department of Land Resources (DoLR) under the Ministry of Rural Development and the World Bank to enhance the resilience and productivity of rainfed agriculture in selected watersheds of India.
  • REWARD is being implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) from 2021 to 2026.
  • The program aims to adopt an integrated watershed management approach that combines biophysical interventions, institutional strengthening, and livelihood support for rural communities.
  • The program is being implemented in Karnataka and Odisha.
  • The program is expected to help farmers become more resilient to climate change, improve incomes, and promote higher productivity.
  • External support: Financial assistance from World Bank
  • It is contiguous in scope to the Watershed Development Component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) 2.0



Keywords: General Studies –2 Polity & Governance
Daily Current Affairs

The Foucault pendulum - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? One of the features of the new Parliament building is a Foucault pendulum suspended from its ‘Constitutional Gallery’ area.


  • The Foucault Pendulum is named for the French physicist Jean Foucault who first used it in 1851 to demonstrate the rotation of the earth.
  • It was the first satisfactory demonstration of the earth's rotation using laboratory apparatus rather than astronomical observations.
  • It has been designed and installed by the National Council of Science Museums (NCSM), Kolkata.
  • The pendulum consists of a heavy iron ball suspended by a steel wire and swings in a plane, mimicking the Earth’s rotation on its axis.
  • At the latitude of Parliament, it takes 49 hours, 59 minutes and 18 seconds for the pendulum to complete one rotation.



Keywords: General Studies –3 Science and technology
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30th May '23 Quiz
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