Friday, 30th June 2023

Table of contents

1   Daily Current Affairs


ART Regulations 2023- Cost and Conception Opportunities


Seven products from Uttar Pradesh get Geographical Indication tag


Solar mean magnetic field - Edukemy Current Affairs


Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2023-24


Indian Ocean Dipole Counters El Nino


Combating Greenwashing - Edukemy Current Affairs


Aadhaar authentication for registration for births and deaths


Kharchi Puja - Edukemy Current Affairs


New CSR guidelines ‘Sagar Samajik Sahayog’


Road Networks in India - Edukemy Current Affairs


Organic intellectuals - Edukemy Current Affairs


Global Parliamentary Pact - Edukemy Current Affairs

2   Daily Editorial Analysis


Policy for e-commerce exports - Edukemy Current Affairs

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Daily Current Affairs

ART Regulations 2023- Cost and Conception Opportunities

In News: Health Ministry notified the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART Regulations) Amendment Rules 2023, under the ART Act 2021, to provide donors and patients with better medical care and security.

However the industry experts are concerned regarding the increased costs and limited conception opportunities for the commissioning couples due to restrictions.

About the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART):

  • ART is defined as all the techniques used to obtain a pregnancy by handling the sperm or egg cell outside the human body and transferring the embryo into the woman’s reproductive tract.
  • It involves the manipulation of sperm, eggs, or embryos in a laboratory setting to facilitate fertilisation and embryo development.
  • Various types of permitted ART procedures are In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Surrogacy.

Features of ART Regulations Act, 2021

Regulation of ART clinics and banks.

  • Every ART clinic and bank must be registered under the National Registry of Banks and Clinics of India, maintaining a central database.
  • Their Registration is valid for five years and can be renewed for another five years.

Conditions for gamete donation and supply

  • Registered ART banks can screen, collect, and store semen from men aged 21-55 years. Eggs can be stored from women aged 23-35 years.

Donor Limits:

  • An oocyte donor should be a married woman having at least one alive child of her own (minimum three years of age).

Parental Rights over children born through ART.

  • Children born through ART are deemed the couple's biological child, and the donor has no parental rights.


  • Written informed consent is required from both the couple and the donor for ART procedures

Insurance Coverage

  • The party seeking ART services will be required to provide insurance coverage in the favour of the oocyte donor (for any loss, damage, or death of the donor).

Restrictions on ART usage

  • Clinics are prohibited from offering to provide a child of pre-determined sex, ensuring non-discriminatory practices.

New Provisions of the ART Regulations, 2023

  • Age and Marital Restrictions: The provision states that an oocyte donor should be an ever-married (persons who have been married at least once in their lives) woman having at least one living child of her own (minimum three years of age)
  • Frequency restrictions: Donor can donate oocytes only once in her lifetime and not more than seven oocytes can be retrieved.
  • Limitations on Gamete Distribution: ART banks are prohibited from supplying reproductive cells from a single donor to more than one commissioning couple.
  • Insurance coverage: Parties seeking ART services will be required to provide insurance coverage in the favour of the oocyte donor (for any loss, damage, or death of the donor).
  • Prohibition on sex selective conception: Clinics are prohibited from offering to provide a child of pre-determined sex.
  • Checking for genetic diseases before the embryo implantation is needed.

Concern with the new regulations:

  • Increased cost of treatment: Couples seeking gamete donation will face higher expenses as additional investments such as insurance for donors and other associated charges pushing the costs to 1.5 times.
  • Reduced opportunities: Limitations on number of donors and cycles of donation along with number of oocytes to be extracted limit the chances of successful treatment for ART couples.
  • Increasing infertility rates in India is resulting in increased demands for ART. Such limitations can lead to demand supply mismatch resulting in illegal practices.
  • Legal procedures discouraging donors could be other problems for ART couples who would find it much more difficult to find suitable donors.


Keywords: GS-2 Health; Government Policies & Interventions; Issues Related to Women
Daily Current Affairs

Seven products from Uttar Pradesh get Geographical Indication tag

Why in News: Recently, seven products from Uttar Pradesh have got the Geographical Indication (GI) Tag.

About GI Tag:

  • A geographical indication (GI) tag is a name or sign used on certain products that correspond to a specific geographical location or origin.
  • It ensures that only the authorised users or those residing in the geographical territory are allowed to use the popular product name.
  • Its validity is for 10 years.

Legal Framework and Governing Laws:

  • Geographical Indicators are covered as an element of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) under the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
  • They are also covered under the WTO agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
  • It is also defined in the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement on Appellations of Origin and Geographical Indications.
  • In India, the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 seeks to provide for the registration and better protection of geographical indications.
  • This Act is administered by the Controller General of Patents, Design and Trademarks who is the Registrar of Geographical Indications.
  • The GI registry is located at Chennai.

Products that got GI tag:



Amroha Dholak

  • Musical instrument made of natural wood hollow blocks fitted with animal skin, mostly goatskin.

Barabanki Handloom

  • Barabanki is known for fabric knitting through handloom.
  • The main products are scarves, shawls, stoles and the basic raw materials are silk, zari, cotton, polyester, jacquard loom and dori.

Sambhal Horn Craft

  • Handicraft art products are made from horns procured from dead animals making it environment and animal friendly.

Kalpi Handmade Paper

  •  Manufactured in an eco-friendly manner using various types of paper scraps and not wood.

Mahoba Gaura Patthar Hastashilp

  • Durable stone craft made of radiant colored and off-white stone, Gaura (Pyro Flight Stone).

Mainpuri Tarkashi

  • Known for its fine inlay work with brass wire, strips and motifs on dark sheesham extensively for furniture and boxes and mainly used for khadaous (wooden sandals).

Baghpat Home Furnishings

  • Products includes cotton handloom bedsheets, curtains, cushions, etc known for traditional geometric patterns.


Keywords: GS – 3: Geographical Indicator Tag (GI Tag)
Daily Current Affairs

Solar mean magnetic field - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in News: Recently, Scientists from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) through their study have given a clearer picture of how the sun’s magnetic field influences the interplanetary magnetic space which is the primary driver of space weather.

Solar Mean Magnetic Field (SMMF):

  • The SMMF is the mean value of the line-of-sight (LOS) component of the solar vector magnetic field averaged over the visible hemisphere of the Sun.
  • It is also referred as the general magnetic field or the mean magnetic field of the Sun.
  • The Sun’s magnetic field is generated by electrical currents acting as a magnetic dynamo inside the Sun. These electrical currents are generated by the flow of hot, ionized gases in the Sun’s convection zone.
  • The Sun’s magnetic dynamo has a 22-year cycle. During the first half of the cycle, the Sun’s magnetic north pole is in the northern hemisphere while the magnetic south pole is in the southern hemisphere.
  • Right around the peak of the sunspot cycle (solar maximum), the magnetic poles flip or exchange places so that the magnetic north is now located in the southern hemisphere. This flip occurs about every 11 years at solar maximum.
  • Active regions are responsible for the production of intense and violent energy burst, called flares where very large amounts of hot gas, trapped by the magnetic field of the active region are released from the Sun’s atmosphere into the space. This phenomenon is called Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).

Key Findings:

  • The scientists found that a strong similarity exists between the SMMF in chromosphere (near transparent layer, just above the photosphere) and the SMMF in photosphere (the visible surface of Sun). This shows that the Sun’s primordial magnetic field could be the source of the SMMF.
  • Understanding the source and driving parameters of the SMMF could enhance the understanding of how it affects the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and space weather.

Keywords: GS – 1: Physical Geography
Daily Current Affairs

Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2023-24

Why in News: The Department of Expenditure under the Finance Ministry of India has approved capital investment proposals of Rs. 56,415 crores for 16 states in the current financial year 2023-24.

Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment 2023-24 Scheme:

  • The scheme was announced in the Union Budget 2023-24 to give special assistance to the State Governments in the form of a 50-year interest-free loan upto an overall sum of Rs. 1.3 lakh crore during the FY 2023-24.
  • The Scheme for financial assistance to States for capital investment/expenditure, first instituted by the Ministry of Finance in 2020-21 in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The flexibility and simplicity of the scheme design have earned praise from states.
  • Objective of the Scheme:
    • The objective of the scheme is to have a higher multiplier effect on the economy by stimulating demand and creating jobs.
    • It also aims to accelerate the projects under Jal Jeevan Mission and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana by providing funds for meeting the state share.
  • Components of the scheme: The scheme has eight parts.
    • Part – I: It is the largest with allocation of Rs. 1 lakh crore allocated amongst states in proportion to their share of central taxes and duties as per the award of 15th Finance Commission.
    • Part – II: It provides incentives to states for scrapping of old vehicles and setting up of automated vehicle testing facilities. Rs 3,000 crore has been allocated for this.
    • Part – III & IV aims at providing incentives to States for reforms in Urban Planning and Urban Finance.
    • Part – V: It provides funds for increasing the housing stock for police personnel and their families within the police stations in urban areas.
    • Part – VI: It promotes national integration, Make in India and One District One Product (ODOP) by promoting cultural diversity and local products through Unity Mall Projects.
    • Part – VII: It provides financial assistance to states for setting up libraries with digital infrastructure at Panchayats and Ward levels. Rs. 5,000 crores is provided for this part.

Capital Expenditure (Capex):

  • It includes money spent by the government on acquisition, construction, or improvement of physical assets such as infrastructure, buildings, health and education facilities, repayment of loans, etc.
  • It is long-term in nature which leads to the creation of assets and allows the economy to generate revenue for many years.
  • Effective capital expenditure is defined as the sum of capital expenditure and grants for creation of capital assets.
  • The capital expenditure presented in the budget does not include the spending by the government on creating capital assets through grants-in-aid to states and other agencies.

Keywords: GS – 3: Growth & Development, Government budgeting (Capital Expenditure)
Daily Current Affairs

Indian Ocean Dipole Counters El Nino

Why in News: El Nino phenomenon is expected to influence the Indian Monsoon. It is being anticipated that a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) is developing which could potentially offset the impact of El Nino.

El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO):

  • ‘El Nino’ is a Spanish word meaning ‘the child’, and refers to the baby Christ, as this current start flowing during Christmas.
  • It is the periodic development of a warm ocean current along the coast of Peru as a temporary replacement of the cold Peruvian current.
  • The presence of the El Nino leads to an increase in sea-surface temperatures and a weakening of the trade winds in the region. This causes less rainfall than normal in many regions of the world including India.
  • In a normal monsoon year (without El Nino), the pressure distribution along the coast of Peru in South America has a higher pressure than the region near northern Australia and South East Asia.

Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD):

  • It is similar to the El Nino but occurring in relatively smaller area of the Indian Ocean between Indonesian and Malaysian coastline in the east and the African coastline (near Somalia) in the west.
  • Normal Year:
    • Warmer waters in the western Pacific near Indonesia cross over into the Indian Ocean and make that part of the Indian Ocean slightly warmer. That causes the air to rise and helps the prevailing air circulation.

  • Positive IOD:
    • Air circulation becomes slightly weaker than normal. In some cases, the air circulation even reverses direction. This results in African coast becoming warmer while the Indonesian coastline getting cooler.
    • During El Nino, the Pacific side of Indonesia is cooler than normal because of which the Indian Ocean side also gets cooler. That helps the development of a positive IOD.

  • Negative IOD:
    • The air circulation in the Indian Ocean basin moves from west to east (i.e., from the African coast towards the Indonesian islands) near the surface and in opposite direction at the upper levels. This results in the surface waters being pushed from west to east.
    • When the air circulation becomes stronger, more warm surface waters from the African coast are pushed towards the Indonesian islands, making that region warmer than usual. This causes hotter air to rise and the cycle reinforces itself.

Keywords: GS – 1: Climate, monsoon, El Nino Effect
Daily Current Affairs

Combating Greenwashing - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: The International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB) publishes new global norms to combat greenwashing.

About Combating Greenwashing:

  • Greenwashing refers to the practice of misleading consumers or investors about the environmental benefits of a product, service, or company.
  • Key features:
    • It involves making false or exaggerated claims about a product's environmental impact or sustainability practices.
    • It can range from vague and misleading marketing slogans to the manipulation of data or certifications.
    • It undermines consumer trust, hampers progress towards sustainability goals, and allows companies to profit from deceptive practices.
    • It has become a growing concern as businesses seek to capitalize on the rising demand for sustainable and environmentally friendly options.
  • Impact of Greenwashing:
    • Greenwashing misleads consumers and creates confusion and skepticism about sustainability claims, leading to a loss of credibility for legitimate eco-friendly businesses.
    • Investors may be misled into supporting companies that do not truly prioritize sustainability, impacting the allocation of resources towards genuinely sustainable initiatives.
  • Steps needed:
    • Increased awareness, technology integration and active participation by stakeholders to encourage businesses in combating greenwashing.
    • Blockchain technology can provide immutable records of sustainability practices and supply chain information, ensuring credibility and traceability.
    • Artificial intelligence and data analytics can help identify inconsistencies or discrepancies in sustainability reporting, enabling better detection of greenwashing practices.
    • Engaging stakeholders, including consumers, investors, and employees, is vital in combating greenwashing.
    • Feedback and scrutiny from stakeholders can hold businesses accountable and promote ethical practices.
  • Overall, combating greenwashing is essential for fostering genuine sustainability and promoting a healthier planet besides creating a better future for both the environment and society as a whole.

Keywords: GS-3: Environment
Daily Current Affairs

Aadhaar authentication for registration for births and deaths

In News: Centre allows Aadhaar authentication for registration for births and deaths

About Aadhaar Authentication for Registration for Births and Deaths

  • Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEiTY) has recently granted permission for the Office of Registrar General of India (RGI) to use the Aadhaar database for identity
  • Central government is empowered to authorize Aadhaar authentication for requesting entities, promoting good governance, preventing misuse of public funds, and facilitating ease of living.
  • Key features:
    • The Registrar appointed under the Registration of Birth and Death Act, 1969, can perform voluntary Aadhaar authentication to establish identity of:
      • Child, parent, and informant in case of births
      • Parent, spouse, and informant in case of deaths.
    • States and UT administrations will be required to adhere to the guidelines set by MEiTY regarding the use of Aadhaar authentication during registration.
    • Ministry or State governments will have to prepare a proposal justifying use of Aadhar for authentication and submit it to the Centre for reference to UIDAI.
  • For now, Aadhaar authentication for births and deaths registration will not be mandatory but it may be used for additional layer of identity verification.
  • Overall, Aadhaar authentication aligns with the government's focus on promoting transparency, accountability, and efficient utilization of resources in governance.

Keywords: GS-2: Government Policies
Daily Current Affairs

Kharchi Puja - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, The Prime Minister of India greeted people on the occasion of Kharchi Puja.


  • Kharchi Puja is a fascinating festival celebrated in the Northeastern state of Tripura in India.
  • Also known as the ‘Festival of 14 Gods, it falls on the Shukla Ashtami day of lunar month Ashadha, as per hindu calendar, and carried out for seven days.
  • Hence it is observed on the eighth day of the new moon in July or August every year.
  • The word ‘Kharchi’ is derived from two Tripuri words–‘khar’ or kharta meaning sin and ‘chi’ meaning cleaning, signifying the cleansing of sins.
  • The festival revolves around the worship of Chaturdasa Devata, the ancestral deity of the Tripuri people, and showcases their rich history and traditions.
  • The significance of Kharchi Puja is linked to the belief that the presiding deity of the land, Tripura Sundari or Mother Goddess, menstruates during the Ambubachi period in June.
  • It is believed that the Earth becomes impure during this time, so puja is performed to ritually clean the Earth and wash away the sins of the people.

Keywords: General Studies –1 Art & Culture
Daily Current Affairs

New CSR guidelines ‘Sagar Samajik Sahayog’

Why in news? Recently, The Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways and Ayush has launched the new guidelines for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) called ‘Sagar Samajik Sahayyog’.


  • Objectives:
    • To empower ports to undertake CSR activities directly.
    • To allow ports to initiate, undertake and expedite projects for community welfare through a framework where local communities can also become partners of development & change.
  • Expenditure:
    • A port with an annual net profit of ₹100 crores or less can fix between 3% - 5% for CSR expenses. Similarly, ports with a net profit between ₹100 crores to ₹500 crores annually, can fix its CSR expenses between 2% and 3% of its net profit. For ports, whose annual net profit is above ₹500 crores per year, the CSR expenses can be between 5% and 2% of its net profit.
    • 20% of CSR expenses must be earmarked to Sainik Kalyan Board at district level, National Maritime Heritage Complex and National Youth Development Fund.
    • 78% of funds should be released for the social & environmental welfare of the community.
    • A sum of 2% total CSR expense has been earmarked for monitoring of the projects under the CSR programmes by the Ports.
  • Implementation:
    • The implementation and monitoring of CSR projects will be overseen by a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee constituted in each major port.
    • The Committee shall be headed by the Dy. Chairperson of the Major Port and shall have 2 other Members.
    • Each major port shall prepare a Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for every financial year and integrate its CSR in Business Plan with the social and environmental concerns related to the business of the entity.
    • CSR Budget will be mandatorily created through a Board Resolution as a percentage of net profit.
    • India has 13 major ports and 205 notified minor and intermediate ports.

Keywords: General Studies –3 Economy
Daily Current Affairs

Road Networks in India - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? Recently, Union Road Transport and Highways Minister said total length of the National Highways in the country increased by about 59% in the last nine years.


Key Highlights:

  • In 2013-14, the total length of National Highways was 91,287 km, which has increased to 1,45,240 km in 2022-23. India has a total length of 4,219 km of expressways.
    • The total length of National Highways in India has increased by about 59% in the last nine years.
    • As a result of this expansion, India now has the second largest road network, after the US.
  • FASTag has led to a significant jump in toll collection revenue.
    • Toll revenue rose from Rs 4,770 crore in 2013-14 to Rs 41,342 crore in 2022-23.
    • The Government aims to increase the toll revenue to Rs 1,30,000 crore by 2030.
  • The waiting time at toll plazas has reduced from 734 seconds in 2014 to 47 seconds in 2023, with a goal of further reducing it to 30 seconds.
  • NHAI transplanted more than 68,000 while it planted 3.86 crore trees during in the last nine years.
  • NHAI has developed more than 15,00 Amrit Sarovars along the National Highways across the country.
  • Ministry has utilised 30 lakh tons of garbage in road construction for the Delhi Ring Road project, demonstrating a proactive approach towards waste management and sustainable infrastructure development.,59%25%20during%20this%20period.%E2%80%9D

Keywords: General Studies – 2, General Studies – 3 Government Policies & Interventions, Growth & Development, Infrastructure
Daily Current Affairs

Organic intellectuals - Edukemy Current Affairs

Why in news? In a recent development that has caught the attention of social and economic observers, a growing wave of organic intellectuals is emerging as a formidable force in challenging capitalist hegemony.


  • The concept of the ‘organic intellectual’ was introduced by Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci in Prison Notebooks, a series of essays written during his imprisonment by the Italian fascist regime in 1926.
  • Organic intellectuals are individuals who come from a particular social class and have a deep understanding of the economic structure and issues faced by that class.
    • They remain connected to their class and work to raise awareness about the social and political roles of their class members.
  • These organic intellectuals play a crucial role in challenging the existing power structures and working towards positive changes for their class.

According to Gramsci:

  • Intellectuals are not a separate category of people who possess a special quality of mind or a superior level of education. Rather, intellectuals are defined by their function and role in society.
  • Gramsci distinguishes between two types of intellectuals: traditional and organic.
  • Traditional intellectuals
    • Traditional intellectuals are those who claim to be independent and autonomous from any class or social group.
    • They present themselves as the bearers of universal values and knowledge, such as priests, teachers, artists, scientists, etc.

Keywords: General Studies – 4 Ethics
Daily Current Affairs

Global Parliamentary Pact - Edukemy Current Affairs

In News: Around 200 Parliamentarians along with heads and representatives from 64 countries, at the 2nd Global Parliamentary Summit against Hunger and Malnutrition in Chile, signed a commitment called Global Parliamentary Pact on transforming the agrifood system to make food sustainable and accessible to all.

About the Global Parliamentary Pact:

  • Agrifood system refers to the entire process of producing, processing, distributing, and consuming food, including all the activities and actors involved in the food supply chain. It encompasses agricultural production, food processing, transportation, storage, retail, and consumption.
  • Leaders from across the world are coming together to form a new multilateral body to push for reforms and transformations in the agrifood system.
  • The pact lends political support to policies concerning agrifood system reform, including drafting legislation for equitable food distribution and providing budgetary support.
  • This has led to processing and approval of 35 laws, which cover family farming, responsible investment in agriculture, gender equality and women’s empowerment, school feeding programmes, food labelling, food loss and waste, among other aspects.
  • The world is facing an unprecedented crisis of poverty, hunger and malnutrition. There is an urgent need to provide political legitimacy to the initiative.
  • In 2021, there were 46 million more people who endured hunger than in 2020. Some 3 billion people in the world did not have access to adequate food in 2021.
  • The parliamentarians’ latest pact provides the much needed political interface that these goals deserve, to ensure that they are achieved by 2030.
  • Besides, political interest in these goals will result in accelerating reforms and transformations in the agrifood system that usually fall under the legislative domain.



Keywords: GS-2 Important international groupings; Issues related to poverty and hunger
Daily Editorial Analysis

Policy for e-commerce exports - Edukemy Current Affairs

Exam View: Policy for e-commerce exports; The new Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023; FISME (Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Federation); What should a new e-commerce policy focus upon?

Context: A policy for e-commerce exports is essential, especially for small and medium enterprises.


  • Global e-commerce exports are estimated to touch $2 trillion by 2025.
  • India’s e-commerce exports are only $2 billion, which is less than half percent of $447.46 billion exports in 2022-23.
  • Ninety percent of e-commerce exporters are small and medium-sized businesses.
  • In addition to the Direct Foreign Trade Law and the Consumer Protection Law, e-commerce in India is also regulated by the Information Technology Act and the Competition Act.
  • To explore the potential of e-commerce in the range of $200 billion to $ 250 billion by 2030, India needs to solve the SME exporter’s problems by formulating an e-Commerce Export policy.

Decoding the editorial: Policy for e-commerce exports

The new Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2023

  • It took several initiatives to increase the value limit of exports through couriers by increasing e-commerce exports from ₹5 lakh to ₹10 lakh per shipment.
  • Yet, the current export regulations place a heavy burden on exporters and tend to hamper the SMEs’ exports.

FISME (Indian Small and Medium Enterprises Federation)

  • It has conducted detailed studies on the e-commerce export policies of some major countries.
  • The e-commerce export policies of China, South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and other countries have helped many small and medium-sized businesses to sell worldwide.

What should a new e-commerce policy focus upon?

  • Policy alignment
    • The e-commerce policy has to align with the amendments proposed in the Consumer Protection (e-commerce) Law of 2020 by the Department of Consumer Affairs.
    • The e-commerce export policy should be jointly formulated by the customs and the directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT) and the RBI after necessary changes in their regulations, including redefining the responsibilities of sellers and simplifying payment facilitation, accounts and procedures.
  • A National Trade Ecosystem
    • It should bring together the RBI, Customs, DGFT, GSTN, India Post, couriers, e-commerce companies and the user to form a centralised technology platform as a single green channel for e-commerce exports, simple documentation and customs clearance for shipments to ensure delivery on time.
  • Technology adaptation
    • Anyone entering the e-commerce business should be familiar with e-payment, e-signature, e-shipping and other digital solutions.
    • It also needs to protect small businesses from cyber scams.
    • SMEs rely on online platforms for value-added services such as international expansion and on-time payment guarantees.
      • However, it is said this is against FEMA (Exchange Administration Act) regulations as the platform is responsible for collecting payments while ownership of the product remains with the seller.
    • Refund management
      • Refunds are a major issue for third-party e-commerce exporters, and RBI guidelines for business-to-business (B2B) exporters need to be revised accordingly.
      • The 25 percent discount cap is limited to e-commerce sales, discounts and returns.
      • These exporters can be facilitated with separate customs clearance regimes for their goods, waiver of import duties on rejected goods, and treatment of returned goods as non-commercial goods, reducing costs and expediting the delivery of goods worldwide.
      • It is the norm and permits these exporters to refund.
    • Global best practices
      • Educating SMEs about the global value chain and applying best practices will help them grow their business by strengthening their e-commerce platform.
    • Export Facilitation Cells (EFCs)
      • States can work with Districts Industries Centres (DICs) to establish Export Facilitation Cells (EFCs) to identify products and markets and meet export compliances.

No stone should be left unturned as Indian SMEs are poised to become the global market leaders.


Keywords: GS Paper-2: Government Policies & Interventions; GS Paper-3: Industrial Growth; Industrial Policy.
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30th Jun '23 Quiz
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